The Retirees' Newsletter

The Retirees's Association ( Faculty, Librarian, Administrator), University of Windsor, Windsor, Canada

Vol X, No. 3, June 2000

Membership News

Howard Pawley to Be Invested

Order of Manitoba

The University of Windsor's Paul Martin Professor in Political Science and Law, former Manitoba Premier Howard Pawley, will be among the first to be invested in the Order of Manitoba, the executive council of the Manitoba legislature has announced.

The Order of Manitoba is the highest honor the province bestows on one of its citizens. The order was established last year to recognize individuals who have demonstrated excellence and achievement leading to outstanding benefits to the social, cultural or economic well being of Manitoba and its residents.

The investiture ceremony is scheduled for July 13.

Bruce Mc Garvey Named

Fellow Of International Society

Of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance

Professor Emeritus in Chemistry Bruce McGarvey has received notice that he has been made a Fellow of the International Society of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR). The award certificate will be presented to him at the meeting of the Symposium on Electron Spin Resonance, to be held in Boulder, Colorado July 31 to August 3.

EPR is used to study magnetic materials and molecules. EPR is a spectroscopy that uses techniques similar to those used in MRI imaging, but detects electron magnetic moments rather than nuclear magnetic moments. Dr. McGarvey uses EPR for basic research primarily in studying the bonding and other properties of transition metal compounds.

Ed Rosenbaum's

Financial Study Seminar

Marks 34th Year

Dr. Edward Rosenbaum Professor Emeritus of Business Administration organized and hosted the Study Seminar for Financial Analysts again this year for 34th time in a row. A financial analyst from Viet Nam was among the more than 650 from Canada, the United States and 24 other countries attending this year's Study Seminar..

The six-day seminar, which begins on a Sunday and ends Saturday, prepares participants to write the exam for Chartered Financial Analysts that will be held in various locations around the world on June 3.

The Windsor seminar has an impressive track record for participants passing the exam. Last year, for instance, 64 percent passed the level one worldwide, while 90 percent of seminar participants passed. At the top level, it was 59 percent worldwide and 80 percent of seminar participants.

The seminar draws the widest range of attendees of any summer activity on campus. This year there are participants from nine provinces and two territories, 29 US states and Washington DC., Australia, Brazil, Chile, Turkey, Germany, United Arab Emirates, the Ivory Coast, South Africa, and most other corners of the planet.

Dr. Mahesh Mehta - Professor Emeritus

Classical & Modern Languages

Literature & Civilizations

Dr. Mehta presented a paper on integral Vedanta at the International Conference on Vedanta in Hyderabad in the Fall of 1999 and gave several lectures on Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita, at various educational institutions in India.

He has submitted two articles on Buddhist Philosophy and Yoga to Indian Journals to be published shortly. Dr. Mehta is the Associate Editor of a Multi volume project of the Encyclopedia of Hinduism, in the section on Spiritual Disciplines. He has received contracts to write Monographs on Upanishads and Yoga and he is actively engaged in completing this project.


The Help Desk would like to remind the faculty and staff that the email program Pegasus Mail has been discontinued on the Novell servers. These servers include Delta, Epsilon, Gamma, Phi, Theta and Zeta.

Faculty and staff are urged to review their email addresses in their online address book, on their business cards and any other places to make sure that they do not include their Novell server name (eg. Email addresses containing the Novell server name will soon have problems sending and receiving their email.

The correct format for the university email is: Whether users are sending mail by the SGI (Pine) or the Lotus Notes email system, all incoming email addressed in this way will reach its destination.

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