The Retirees' Newsletter

The Retirees's Association ( Faculty, Librarian, Administrator), University of Windsor, Windsor, Ont. Canada

Vol X , No. 5, December 2000

Association News
PENSIONS (concluded, from p.7)


Our pension is sometimes referred to as affording the best of both worlds. Unlike most pensions, which are either defined-contributions types, or defined-benefit types, ours is both, and for that reason is sometimes called a hybrid. Our pension plan incorporates the defined-contribution tradition in its Money Purchase provisions, where pension payments are geared to contributions. And it incorporates the defined-benefit tradition in our Minimum Guarantee provisions, where a benefits floor is defined in accordance with a formula. Combining these two separate traditions within a single pension plan seems to put the best of both pension worlds at least within our reach!

Despite such up-beat statements, we are very well aware that improvements should constantly be sought in the Pension Plan where ever practicable and attainable. Among improvements which we agree deserve to be carefully (and critically) looked at, are the practicality in our case, of the so-called "parity principle" for MGB and MPP increases; any "serious disadvantage" cases which can be identified within the MGB ranks; the continuing question of cost-of-living increases; health coverage; and, of course, the more equitable distribution of any existing and future surplus funds.

Dr. Krishan Duggal, Professor Emeritus Economics, Mathematics & Statistics

Presented a lecture at the Annual Meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society, Windsor Branch, on November 20, 2000, to explain what humans have to do to achieve and understand the hyperspace.

Since delivering his lecture some interested people have asked for more information on the MAXIM X-RAY TELESCOPE [ capable to count the hairs on an astronaut's head while he or she was standing on the moon].More information is available on the following Web Site:

< >


October 2000 - September 2001

Please send your cheques - $ 20

to the attention of the Treasurer, Retirees' Association

c/o University of Windsor Post Office

Cheques should be drawn in favour of WURAFor Additional Information

Please Call the Secretary, Datta Pillay

at 519-972-1247

or send an email -

The Newsletter

The Retirees' Newsletter is put out by the Windsor University Retirees' Association of the University of Windsor. Effective 2001 it will be published four times per year -- in March, June, September and December.

Its main purpose is to inform our retirees on matters of direct interest to them - such as their pensions, benefits, association activities, etc. and, equally, to provide a channel for retirees to keep in touch with each other and with outside groups, including the Faculty Association and the University.

The Newsletter welcomes from readers their comments, arguments, contributions and creative work.

Editor Datta Pillay

Send items for inclusion, to

Datta Pillay,

4015 Villa Borghese,

Windsor, ON. N9G 2K3.

Tel: (519) 972-1247

Fax:(519) 972-9304 or Use his email address:


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