The Retirees' Newsletter

The Retirees's Association ( Faculty, Librarian, Administrator), University of Windsor, Windsor, Ont. Canada

Vol X , No. 5, December 2000

Association News

7. President's Report - Stan Cunningham

A copy of the President's report was circulated with the agenda material. Stan alluded to the focus of WURA to pension plan and health benefits. He referred to active role of the D7 Committee and the prioritized demands for inclusion in the 2000 Contract proposals. These proposals are listed in the October 2000 Newsletter, Issue 39. He answered several questions from the membership related to the above topics.

Bill Phillips stated that the four-year average issue was addressed in the middle 90's but Mercer's advised against it. With reference to the issue of some redress, for a few seriously disadvantaged pensioners on MG, Bill Phillips wondered how one could determine that and therefore suggested that some criteria be developed, before we address this matter.

In conclusion Stan expressed his delight at the healthy membership of 200 retirees in the association and thanked them for their continued support.

8. Progress Reports of Committees:

a) Pension & Benefits - Contract proposals and work of D7 Committee was covered under President's report by Stan Cunningham.

b) There was some discussion on the revised rates from Green Shield, for health benefits. The membership was still interested in having a category for couple who no longer have any dependents. Green Shield has taken this matter under advisement and we may hear from them soon.

c) Report of the Bursary Fund was covered by Ms Aase Cuthbert and hence no further consideration was necessary on this subject.

d) It has been reported on many occasions that we have Five different committees on campus dealing with pension and benefits. WURA is trying consolidate these committees into a single committee with the support of WUFA and the University administration. While there is some sympathy for this route, it was observed by some in the administration that the Board of Governors Pension Investment Committee has to be a separate committee. This still leaves hope to have a single committee to do the work of the other four committees.

9. Report of the Nominating Committee:

Kumar Chatterjee as Chair of the Nominating Committee presented the slate of officers, for the various positions on the Executive, for the year 2000 -2001 and invited further nominations from the floor. Since there were no further nominations, it was moved by Chatterjee and seconded by Anna Gupta that the slate of officers, as presented be approved. Carried.

10. Other Business: John LaGaipa made an announcement about Uni-Com. Conrad Reitz made an announcement about a fund raising dinner on campus.

11. Adjournment - The meeting adjourned at 3.50 p.m.

Windsor University Retirees' Association New Office Bearers 2000-2001

President Dr. Stan Cunningham

Secretary Dr. Datta Pillay

Treasurer Prof. Phyllis Nolan

Past President Dr. Kumar Chatterjee

Director Dr. Donald Briggs

Director Prof. Gino Fracas

Director Mr. Jerry Malone

Director Dr. Alan Metcalfe


Founding President Prof Norman Shklov

Bursary Fund Dr. Wilfred Innerd (Chair)

Pension & Benefits Dr. John Meyer (Chair)

Editor - Newsletter Dr. Datta Pillay

Social Committee TBA

Meet Your New Members of the WURA Executive Committee

Donald Briggs - Professor Emeritus, joined the Economics & Political Science Department in 1963. After serving in various administrative capacities as Vice Dean of Social Sciences, Head, Department of Political Science, and a member of the Senate for many years, he retired in 1998. He had a long association with the World University Service Canada (WUSC) and received the prestigious WUSC award in 1999.

Gino Fracas - Professor of Athletics & Recreation joined the university in 1967 and launched the football program and served as its coach for 19 years (1967-86). He has been an active as a member of various university committees. He is the author of a book entitled "Basic Football Guidelines - Simple Biomechanical Approach".

Wilfred Innerd -He obtained his BA and MA degrees in Education from Durham, England and a Ph.D from University of Pittsburgh. After working a few years in the US, he came to University of Windsor in 1976 and served as Dean of Education from 1983-88. He has been extremely active at the University level in the Senate, Senate Executive, Academic Planning Committee, UCAPT and recently as Equity Officer. He is a member of the Board of Canterbury College.

Jerry Malone - a former University of Windsor graduate, obtained his degree in Library Science from Wayne State University and joined as a professional librarian in 1969. He remained in the Collections Department until his retirement this year. For nine years he served as Associate University Librarian -Public Service. On two occasions he served as Chief University Librarian for six months periods, which entitled him to be a member of the Council of Deans, the Senate and the Senate Executive. He is also an Academic Associate of Assumption University.

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