Retirees' Association
Retirees' Association


Retirees' Bursary Fund
(Students please note)

The Retirees' Newsletter


"Listserv" E-mail List

Executive Committee

Web Links for Retirees

Revised: 1999-10-1999


of the



NAME: The short name shall be Windsor University Retirees' Association or WURA.

PURPOSES: The purposes of the Association shall be:

1. To safeguard and represent the interests of the members with the Faculty Association and the University of Windsor.

2. To monitor pension and benefits entitlements of members.

3. To facilitate the continuing association of the members with the University of Windsor and each other.

4. To serve as a resource pool of the expertise of its members for service to the University of Windsor.


FULL MEMBERSHIP: Full membership in the Association shall be open to any person who has retired from the University under the provisions of the University of Windsor Retirement Plan for Faculty and Certain Employees (or the Pension Plan applicable to members of the Faculty of Education), following at least one year's service; AND who, while in the employ of the University, was eligible to become a member of the University Faculty Association; OR who, while holding an administrative position at the University, was a member of the above-mentioned pension plan, or was a tenured member of a department or school or faculty at the University.

ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP: Apart from the categories stated above, non-voting associate membership will be available to anyone who draws a pension under the stated Plan arising out of a faculty, library or administrator position.

PRE-1996 MEMBERSHIP: The membership status of any person who was a full or associate member prior to January, 1996, will not be affected by the foregoing clauses.


EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: 1) The Association will have an Executive Committee, consisting of three elected officers: a President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer/Membership Co-ordinator; and four other elected members. Additionally, the following shall be ex officio members of the Committee:(a) the Founding President of the Association (Norman Shklov); (b) the immediate past president; (c) the editor of the Association's Newsletter (non-voting); and (d) the chairpersons of committees (appointed by the Executive) set up within the Association. 2) Elections of the Executive will take place at the Annual General Meeting (the Fall Meeting) each year. All matters pertaining to the election will be as agreed by the majority of the members present at that Meeting. 3) Additional committees may be created as the need arises.

NOMINATING COMMITTEE: Chaired by the Past President. To present a slate of officers and members of the Executive Committee to its September meeting for recommendation to the Annual Meeting (Fall General Meeting) of the Association.

BURSARY COMMITTEE: To make recommendations regarding the promotion and administration of the Retirees' Bursary Fund .

SOCIAL COMMITTEE: To organize periodic social events for the members.

MEETINGS: 1) At least two meetings of the membership will be held each year, at the call of the President. 2) One of these meetings will be held during the Winter Semester of the University; and one during the Fall Semester. The latter shall be known as the Annual General Meeting. 3) Additional meetings may be called by the Executive of the Association. 4) Every effort shall be made to send notice of meetings to members by mail at least two weeks in advance. 5) The Executive shall meet monthly or as the need arises at the call of the President or any five members.

QUORUM: A quorum for Executive meetings shall be 50% of the actual Executive members at the time. A quorum for General Meetings shall be 25 members of the Association.

DUES: 1) Annual dues shall be payable by members of the Association. Funds so paid will be used solely to defray expenses associated directly with the Association's operations. 2) The amount of such dues, for each year in advance, shall be set at each Annual General Meeting (that is, at each Fall Meeting). 3) The annual dues shall be payable to the Treasurer at the Fall Meeting or as soon as possible thereafter. 4) Accounts shall be kept of the Association funds and complete report of receipts and expenditures made to the Membership at least once a year at the Annual General Meeting.

AMENDMENT: This constitution shall be amended at any General Meeting of the Association provided that notice of such amendment has been given at the previous General Meeting. A simple majority of those attending shall carry an amendment.


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