The Retirees' Newsletter

The Retirees's Association ( Faculty, Librarian, Administrator), University of Windsor, Windsor, Ont. Canada

Vol X , No. 2, April 2000

Association News

Comparison of Queens, Carleton Pension Plans and Windsor Faculty Plan 

(From Faculty Association Pension & Benefits Committee)

Queens Carleton Windsor
Employee Contributions (MPP) 4.5% up to YMPE
6% above YMPE
Slightly less Same
Employer Contributions (MPP) 6% up to YMPE
(Maximum combined contribution $13,500)
Matches contributions Matches employee contributions
combined contribution $ 13,500)
Actuarial Surplus Discretion of Univ- currently being used to reduce University contributions Not specified
Currently being used to partially reduce employee contributions
Joint Discretion
Minimum Guarantee Formula 1.35% up to 4 yr avg YMPE for service prior to 8/31/97 and 1/4% for service after 8/31/97 and 1.8% x 4 yr avg best earnings above YMPE x yrs of service Formula slighty different resulting in slightly more than Queens 1.45% for earnings up to 4 yr avg YMPE and 2% x 4 yr avg best earnings above YMPE x yrs of service
Early Retirement MGP reduced by 2% for first 5 yrs before normal retirement date and 6% for each additional yr. No VER shown MGP reduced by 3%yr. Has bridge benefit. VER or 4% reduction for those not eligible for VER
Normal Annuity Form Guarantees pension for 10 yers Guarantees pension for 5 years Guarantees pension for 5 years
Inflation Protection for MGP Excess earnings. If fund earns more that 6% the excess is used to increase MG pensions. Not sure if there is a CPI cap. Uses 4 yr avg and has no reduction. Excess earnings. If fund earns more than 6%, the excess is used to increase MGP. There is a CPI cap under the Income Tax Act. Uses 4 yr avg and has no reduction Matches CPI increase up to 2%. No additional increase for CPI change between 2% and 4%. 50% of CPI change up to 8% increase in CPI index (max. Increase would be 4% in any year)
Inflation Protection for MPP Investment return above 6% increases pension provided there is no loss carryover from previous yrs. Uses 4 yr avg return period Same as Queens Investment return above 6% increses pension. Below 6% reduces pension.
Reserve for Non-reduction Ensures that pension will not decrease after retirment No shown Actuary stated that this was illegal
Retirement Committee Includes 4 active members of the plan (2 are appointed by the Board). Also has 2 retirees on the committee. Also on the committee are VP Finance and Director of Pensions. (Neither of thesse 2 members have a vote). Oversees fund managers. 2 members appointed by Faclulty Association. 2 from specific unions and one form non-academic staff. Director of Pension Fund and Director of Personnel are ex-officio members. Oversees investment managers. No mention of retirees. 5 voting members on the Committee. Three appointed by the University and 2 by Faculty association. The Chair is VP Finance.

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