The Retirees' Newsletter

The Retirees's Association ( Faculty, Librarian, Administrator), University of Windsor, Windsor, Ont. Canada

Vol X , No. 2, April 2000

Campus News



A Review of Academic Restructuring at the University was tabled in the Senate by President Ross Paul for the university community's consideration and comment. The report and recommendations debated at the March meeting of Senate, call for the university to discontinue its four-college structure in favor of eight faculties whose deans would report directly to the Vice-President, Academic.

On July 1, the university will abandon the four-colleges structure created in 1997 and return to a faculty structure that is the same as the faculties that existed before May 1997 with one exception. Arts and social science programs units will be under a Faculty of Arts and Social Science. Dr. Paul's review says that the structure with Executive Deans of Colleges has added to rather than reduced layers of administration.

The other faculties, all with a dean reporting to the Vice-President, Academic, will be Science, Human Kinetics, Business Administration, Education, Law, Engineering, and Graduate Studies and Research. The review calls for no immediate changes in Academic Administrative Units at this time. It says, "Ensuring larger academic units helps to save on administrative resources, makes for more even representation of areas, and often protects small academic areas that are otherwise more vulnerable." Faculties may be given the authority to create or adjust their own structures after the academic program review is completed. The proposal approved allows for faculties to review and consider changes to academic units after July 1.

The review also outlines proposed representation of faculties on Senate and the President's Executive Committee, Academic Management Group and the Council of Deans.


Senate approved a concurrent Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Education, Early Childhood Education program to be offered jointly with St. Clair College. The program to begin this fall with a few students and expanded in the fall of 2001, will allow a student to earn two bachelor degrees and an Early Childhood Education certificate within five years, taking courses from time to time at each institution. During the last few years, with the increase in the number of junior kindergartens, some schools have employed Early Childhood Education graduates as teacher assistants. However, because these people do not have Ontario Teaching Certificates, they cannot be classified as teachers and cannot teach in the primary division in schools. The concurrent program will open opportunities in this field.


The second of three Saturday morning workshops on "Issues Relevant to Global Survival" was held On March 4 from 10 a.m. until noon at Canterbury College, 172 Patricia,.

Dr. Crowell is a retired professor of Religious Studies at Windsor organized this event again this year. Brief opening statements on the topic "International Institutions and Human Survival" were given by Francis Abiew (Political Science), Jim Porter (Psychology), and Jake Soderlund (Political Science) which was followed by Freewheeling discussion.


The university has advised that Campus Police Services Director Jim Foreman has left the employ of the university. Until a new Manager is appointed, Orville Houser will be Acting Manager of Campus Police Services.


Eric Harbottle, Vice-President Administration and Finance, and Roger Lauzon, Director of Information Technology Services, have announced that Linda Menard-Watt will be a Special Project Coordinator and Assistant to the Vice-President from April 17 to May 2001.

"Linda will take on a number of cross-functional projects to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of services and procedures within the university," Mr. Harbottle said. "I would like to extend my thanks to Zora for her contributions over the past year and to welcome Linda to the office."

This is the fourth secondment to the vice-president's office which began with Brooke White, and continued with Orville Houser and Zora Sanson. Mr. Harbottle said he is pleased to be able to continue this positive initiative that provides renewal and professional development for managerial staff, and benefits the university through contributions from staff with combined experience in both the academic support and administrative areas.

Menard-Watt is the Assistant Director of Information Technology Services responsible for Information Systems Services (SIS, Library, HR, Finance, Alumni, Co-op etc.) and client support services (HelpDesk, student labs, consulting, on-site support, LAN, Lotus notes, training, UNIX support).

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