

| Dr. Michael Dartnell | Department of Political Science | University of Windsor | Windsor | Ontario | Canada |

American groups

| American Patriot Network | David Duke's Official Web Site | Klu Klux Klan | Militia Research Page | Stormfront White Nationalist / White Pride Resource | White Aryan Resistance Hate Page | World Church of the Creator |

Analysis and resources | ADL Online (Anti-Defamation League) | Antifa Forum (information and analysis on fascist activity and anti-fascist resistance. This page also features the online publication Antifa Info-Bulletin - AFIB) | BBC News - Hate link to gun suspect (Aug. 12, 1999) | Christian Reconstructionism - Theocratic Dominionism Gains Influence (Frederick Clarkson, The Public Eye Magazine) | Coalition for Human Dignity Information Center (founded in 1988, the Coalition for Human Dignity is dedicated to strengthening democracy and defending civil rights. Through strategic research, public education, technical training and organizing, the Coalition seeks to increase the ability of communities to effectively respond to the threat of organized racism, anti-Semitism, homophobia and sexism) | Crosspoint Anti-racism (Net's biggest collection of links in the field of of Human Rights, Anti-Racism, Refugees, Women's rights, Antifascism, Shoah, etc.) | "The governance of cyberspace: Racism on the Internet" (David Capitanchik and Michael Whine, JPR Policy Paper no. 2, July 1996, Institute for Jewish Policy Research - authors consider current debates about free speech on the Internet and issues raised by its exploitation by antisemitic and racist groups. Much attention has focused on the presence of pornography on the 'net', especially in the so-called 'First Amendment' controversies in the United States. However, in most European countries and around the world, incitement to racial hatred is also a criminal offence) | Hall of Shame (list of websites made and maintained by con-men, hypocrites, fascists, fanatics, fundamentalists, con-men, hypocrites, profiteers, and kooks that just won't go away) | Hate in America: What do we know? (documents from a press conference sponsored by the American Sociological Association, Aug. 6, 1999, Chicago, IL) | Hatewatch (web based organization that monitors the growing and evolving threat of hate group activity on the internet) | The Militia Watchdog | Murrah Bldg. Bombing - Oklahoma City | Nazism Exposed Project | Poisoning the Web: Hatred Online (Anti-Defamation League Report on Internet Bigotry, Extremism and Violence documents historical background of hate groups online, examines current trends in online hatemongering, explores the social and legal implications of "cyber hate," and suggests ways to combat online hatred) | Newsunlimited - "Shooting Suspect Had Neo-Nazi ties" (Aug. 12, 1999) | Right Wing Watch Online (People For the American Way's every-few-weeks electronic newsletter on the Religious Right political movement) | Simon Wiesenthal Center's Cyberwatch Index Page (highlights Center's perspective on use of Internet by hate groups) | Southern Poverty Law Center | Stop-The-Hate.Org | Studying the US Political Right and Links to Websites of selected right-wing groups (Political Research Associates) | Wired News - "Net Group Stalks LA Gunman" (Aug. 11, 1999) and "Ku Klux Klan Korrected" (James Glave, Sept. 10, 1999) |

British groups

| BBC News Special Report - Nail Bomb Terror | Black Britain Online - News and "Mystery of Brixton Bomber's Identity" (April 18, 1999) | British National Party | Brixton On-line and Who would bomb Brixton? | EA News (impartial news relaying service for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender news stories - Equality Alliance) | London Metropolitan Police | News Unlimited - Race in Britain and The London nail bombs | Searchlight (international anti-fascist organisation) and Searchlight on-line Exhibition |


| Insurgency Online | Online Resource Guide to Political Inquiry |

If any links remain inactive after several attempts, if you would like to add links or documents, or if you have questions, please contact Michael Dartnell at: mdartne@uwindsor.ca.
Last update: March 9, 2000.
