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General reference | Acronym Dictionary (searchable data base of over 1400 acronyms) | Associations on the Net (Internet Public Library - annotated links to over 300 associations on the Internet, arranged by broad subjects such as arts, business, law, politics, health, labour and social sciences) | Bartlett's Familiar Quotations, 1901 Edition (Columbia University) | Biography People Finder (search 15,000 historical names for on-line biographies) | Dictionary.com | Dictionary of Units (approach by title - e.g. angstrom - or type of unit - length, mass, density - includes U.S. and metric) | Encyclopedia Britannica Online | Encyclopedia.com (from The Concise Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, Third Edition) | The English Server (Carnegie Mellon University) | Glossary of Statistical Terms (Rice University) | Humanities Text Initiative (searchable versions of English language literature and poetry) | InfoMine (UC-Riverside - annotated list of scholarly reference tools, acronyms, calendars, grants, travel, library directories) | LibrarySpot (selected links to the best reference tools) | Merriam Webster Dictionary | Michigan Electronic Library | My Virtual Reference Desk | Nobel Prizes (Britannica Online) | Old Farmer's Almanac | OneLook Dictionaries | On-Line Dictionaries (Bucknell University - links to numerous foreign and English language dictionaries) | Online Resources for Writers | Oxford English Dictionary Online | Research Centers and Services Directory (over 26,000 public, university, and non-profit research centers) | Searches.Com (search the web with Alta Vista, Excite, Galaxy, HotBot, Lycos, Web Crawler, and Yahoo all at once. Searches may include all words, any words, or phrase) | The UVic Writer's Guide | Web of On-Line Dictionaries and Web of On-Line Grammars (Bucknell University) | Wordsmyth: The Educational Dictionary-Thesaurus | Write Your Way to a Higher GPA - Indispensable Writing Resources Page | |
Writing political science | Elements of Style (Strunk) | Glossary of Political Economy Terms (Auburn University) | Glossary of Political Science Terms (ITP Nelson Political Science) | Indispensible Writing Resources (annotated guide to the best reference materials, style guides, and writing guides. Includes writing in several subject fields and types of writing) | Political Science Resources / Reference Tools (University of Michigan Documents Center) | |
Some common writing problems | A+ Research and Writing (Internet Public Library - step-by-step guide to writing a term paper includes tips such as setting deadlines, number of words per page, role of brainstorming and instructions on both library and on Internet research) | Gender-Neutral Pronoun Frequently Asked Questions (GNP FAQ - comprehensive discussion of gender-neutral/gender-free pronouns in English over the centuries, such as 'sie', 'hir', 'ey', 'zie', singular their, and many others) | Grammar and Style Notes | "It's" vs. "Its" | Library Research Guide (University of Michigan guide to analyzing class assignment, research, evaluating materials, writing papers, and citing sources) | Non-Sexist Language | Punctuation | |
Using the internet |
Critical online research | Bibliography on evaluating Internet resources | Evaluating Web Resources | Evaluation of information sources | Information Quality WWW Virtual Library | Internet Detective: an interactive tutorial on evaluating the quality of Internet resources | Thinking Critically about World Wide Web Resources and Thinking Critically about Discipline-Based World Wide Web Resources (Esther Grassian, UCLA College Library) | Evaluating Information on the World Wide Web (Collins Memorial Library, University of Puget Sound) | |
Internet and WWW citation | Bibliographic Formats for Citing Electronic Information | INFO Guide: Citing Electronic Sources | Longman English Online Citation Guides | Online! Citation Styles (one of the most recent and comprehensive guides to online documentation available on WWW. The Website shows how to document ten different categories of online sources in APA, MLA, CBE, and Chicago styles, including Websites; email, discussion, electronic mailing list, and news group postings; Telnet sites; and linkage data) | Scholarly Citations of Internet Sources (UCal Berkeley) | |
| Online Resource Guide to Political Inquiry | |