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| Dr. Michael Dartnell | Department of Political Science | University of Windsor | Windsor | Ontario | Canada | |
General resources and political guides |
U.S. government |
Executive Branch | The White House | The Briefing Room (Press Releases, Radio Addresses) | Cabinet Links | Economic Statistics Briefing Room (ESBR) | Offices and Agencies | Office of Management and Budget | Office of Science and Technology Policy | Social Statistics Briefing Room (SSBR) | United States Trade Representative | Welfare Reform | |
Legislative Branch - I. House of Representatives | House of Representatives | Calendar | Committee and Member Directory | Legislative Process | Member, Committee, and House Organizations Published Information | Law Library - (Treaties and International Law and Laws of Other Nations) | |
Legislative Branch - II. Senate | Senate | Bibliographies List (hearings, prints, and publications from 1983 to present, North Carolina State University) | Committee Assignments | Committee Information | Glossary of Senate Terms | Leadership | Legislative Action | Select, Special, Other, and Joint Committees | Senate Historical Office | Standing Committees | |
Legislative Research and Services | Congressional Budget Office | Congressional Information Service (Lexis-Nexis) | House Information System | Internet Law Library, House of Representatives | Library of Congress - Online Catalog | THOMAS (Legislative information), Bills for current Congress - Topic, Popular or Short Title and Search Page for Full Text | |
Judicial Branch | Bill of Rights (first ten amendments to U. S. Constitution) | Constitution of the United States - Annotated Constitution and Supplement (Government Printing Office) | Court of Appeals, Federal Circuit | Federal Judicial Center | Supreme Court - Decisions (Cornell University) - Court Cases by Subject (Northwestern University), Decisions From 1937-1975 (FedWorld), Decisions From 1937- (FindLaw), Oyez, Oyez, Oyez (multimedia database about US Supreme Court), Recent Decisions (1990 onward), Selected Historical Decisions and U.S. Code (Cornell University) | |
Government documents | Federal Laws and Regulations | Federal Legislation | U.S. Reports and Documents | U.S. Budget and Economy | U.S. Congress | U.S. Government Documents | |
Political parties and elections |
Elections | Federal Election Commission | The National Election Study (database on federal elections, University of Michigan) | Record Of American Democracy (ROAD - election returns, socio-economic summaries, and demographic measures) | |
Interest groups |
Issues and events |
| Clinton Visits Africa (BBC Special Report, March 1998) | Clinton Under Fire (BBC Special Report on Lewinsky Scandal) | Starr Report | "Support for Clinton Holds Steady In Wake of Videotape Release" |
Native Americans |
| Charles Eastman, Santee born in 1858, wrote about his life and Sioux culture - Old Indian Days - The Soul of the Indian, Indian Boyhood | Chief Joseph White Bull (University of Oklahoma Libraries) | Crazy Horse Archives | Dakota Language Home Page | Essays on Lakota history of by Karen Strom - An extended journal | Harry V. Johnston Lakota Cultural Center (Cheyenne River Reservation, South Dakota) | Lakota Information Page | Lakota Language (course at South Dakota State University) | Lakota Noon at Greasy Grass (essay on Little Big Horn battle with map) | Lakota Student Alliance (commemorates Wounded Knee 25 year anniversary) | Little Big Horn Associates Home Page (group interested in Indian wars) | Memories of the Wounded Knee Airlift (April 17, 1973©, Larry Levin - February 17, 1998) | Oglala Sioux Sioux Tribe and Oglala Lakota College | Oglala Sioux Tribal Council Wounded Knee Ordinance (designates February 27, 1973 day of indigenous peoples' liberation, acknowledges protest drew attention to North American Native issues and sovereignty) | Sinte Gleska University | Sisseton Wahpeton Sioux Tribe and Sisseton Wahpeton Community College | Sun Dance of the Sioux (Frederick Schwatka - a.k.a. Fredrick Remington - observed dance near Fort Robinson in 1875. Originally published in Century Magazine in 1890) | U.S. Census Bureau 1990 statistics - 25 most populous Tribes in U.S., American Indian Languages spoken at home and Facts relevant to Native American Month | Wounded Knee Massacre (history and controversy over memorial and reparations for survivors) | Zitkala-Sa (a.k.a. Gertrude Simmons), born on Yankton Reservation in 1876, was educator who wrote extensively about Sioux - Why Am I A Pagan? and The School Days of an Indian Girl, An Indian Teacher Among Indians, Impressions of an Indian Childhood and The Soft Hearted Sioux | |
News media |
Television | ABC News and ABC 7 Chicago | Association of America's Public TV Stations | Cable News Network (CNN) and CNNfn - Newsroom and Newsroom Library | CBS News | CLTV | Corporation for Public Broadcasting | C-SPAN | FOX News - WFLD-TV FOX 32 - Chicago | Intellicast Weather | NBC News and NBC 5 - Chicago | Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) - Frontline, News, PBS Program-Related Web Sites and PBS Stations on the WWW | Television News Archive (Vanderbilt University) | WGN-TV | WTTW - Chicago | The Weather Channel | |
Radio | ABC | Bailey Broadcasting Services | Broadcasting Link (index of radio and TV stations and networks) | CBS Radio Networks | Chicago Radio Online Watch (information about local radio and Metropolitan Area) | MIT List of Radio Stations on the Internet (over 3000 US and world radio stations) | Monitor Radio | National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) | National Public Radio | rnational | Radio Advertising Bureau (RAB) | Texas State Network | Voice of America | World Radio Network | |
American history |
| Online Resource Guide to Political Inquiry | |