
* SWITZERLAND - West European Politics - Online Resource Guide to Political Inquiry *

| Dr. Michael Dartnell | Department of Political Science | University of Windsor | Windsor | Ontario | Canada |

General resources | Political Resources on the Net - Switzerland | Swiss Society for Parliamentary Questions | Swiss Politics |

Government | Confoederatio Helvetica (Federal authorities of the Swiss Confederation) | Defence Department and Central Defence Agency | Department of Foreign Affairs | Department of Justice and Police | Federal Statistics Department | Parliament (Federal Assembly) | Supreme Court | Swiss Diplomatic Documents (Swiss Federal Archives - public access to documents on Swiss foreign policy and international relations) |

Political parties and elections | Elections in Switzerland | Greens of Switzerland |

Media | Radio Basilisk | Swiss Broadcasting Corp. | Tages Anzeiger (Zürich) | Télévision Suisse Romande |


| West European Politics | Online Resource Guide to Political Inquiry |

If any links remain inactive after several attempts, if you would like to add links or documents, or if you have questions, please contact Michael Dartnell at: mdartne@uwindsor.ca.
Last update: February 19, 2000.
