![]() Demonstration against Serb repression in Kosovo, |
Albania |
| Albanian Home Page | Albanian Politics | Albanian Times | Democratic Party of Albania | Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Short Overview of the Albanian Economy | |
Azerbaijan |
| Azerbaijan Internet Links | Azerbaijan Resource Page (Soros Foundation) | CIA World Fact Book | Elections in Azerbaijan | Political Resources on the Net - Azerbaijan | |
The Baltic States |
General resources | Politics in the Baltics (politics, government, economics, news, and statistics from Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia) | Baltic News Service | LETA/ELTA (Latvian & Lithuanian News Agencies) | |
Estonia | Chancellory | Elections in Estonia | Estonia-Wide Web | Estonian Blue Party | Estonian Coalition Party | Estonian Daily News | Estonian Law Centre | Estonian News Agency | Estonian Progressive Party | Estonian Union People's Party | Isamaaliit (political party) | Ministry Of Culture | Ministry Of Economics | Ministry Of Finance | Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Ministry of Social Affairs | Moodukad (political party) | Parliament (Riigikogu) | |
Latvia | CIA World Fact Book - Latvia | Elections in Latvia | Government Home Page | Latvian News Agency | Ministry of Interior Affairs | Parliament (Saeima) | Political Resources on the Net - Parties, Governments and Media | |
Lithuania | CIA World Factbook - Lithuania | Elections in Lithuania | Lietuvos Liberalu Sajunga (Lithuanian Liberal Union, liberal) | Lithuanian News Agency | Lithuanian State Privatisation Agency | President of the Republic of Lithuania | Seimas (Parliament) | |
Belarus |
| Administration of the President of Belarus | Belarus Law (U.S. House of Representatives Internet Law Library) | Belarusian Helsinki Commitee and Memorandum to the European Union Mission from the Belarusian Helsinki Commitee (24 January 1997) | CIA World Fact Book - Belarus | Elections in Belarus | Law and Politics in Belarus | Political Resources on the Net - Parties and Organizations, Government and Media | Supreme Soviet Parliament | Virtual Guide to Belarus | |
Bosnia - Herzegovina |
| BosniaLINK (US Department of Defense) | Bosnia Homepage (many links broken but some excellent information and photos) | Embassy of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Washington D.C. | International War Crimes Tribunal | Office of the High Representative (OHR - responsibility for civil implementation of Dayton Peace Agreement) | Sarajevo Over the Centuries | |
Bulgaria |
| Bulgaria - Government and Politics | European Forum on Bulgaria | National Parliament | Political Parties and Coalitions | |
Chechnya |
| Chechnya - Government of the Chechen Republic (information on elections, candidates, political parties, history, independence, key officials, ministries and agencies, maps) | |
Croatia |
| Government Information | Obzor (weekly political newspaper) | Parliament | President's Office | "The War Against Croatia" (information, propaganda and links) | |
Czech Republic |
| CEO Czech Republic (information about government, politics, culture, environment, etc.) | Central Electoral Commission | Czech Info Center | Czech Republic "Project" | Government Information | Ministry of the Environment | Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Ministry of Health | Parliament of Czech Republic | Senate of the Czech Republic (Upper House of Parliament) | |
Hungary |
| Alliance of Free Democrats | Elections in Hungary | Budapest, Hungary (USIS site includes current news and politics) | Central Europe Online Hungary (facts on government, politics, environment, people, culture, etc.) | Hungarian Civic Party (Fidesz) | Hungarian Home Page | Hungarian Governmental Homepages | Hungarian Socialist Party | Kurir (liberal newspaper) | Ministry of Culture and Education | Ministry for Environment and Regional Policy (GRID-Budapest) | Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Parliament | Prime Minister's Office | |
Kazakhstan |
| CIA World Fact Book: Kazakhstan | Kazakhstan Legal Information Institute | Elections in Kazakstan | |
Macedonia |
| CIA World Factbook | Ecologists' Movement of Macedonia | Elections in Macedonia | Government of the Republic of Macedonia | Mavrovo Campaign (ongoing environmental campaigns in Macedonia) | Political Resources on the Net - Macedonia | |
Poland |
| Central Europe Online Poland (information about government, constitution, politics, transportation, environment and people) | Conservative Monarchist Club | Constitutional Tribunal of the Republic of Poland | Government | Libertarian Party | Parliament - Sejm and Senate | Poland (information on Poland, political institutions, culture, economy and links to interesting sites) | Poland Now! (Polish business resources) | Polish Peasants Party | Polish Senate Homepage | Polishworld | Redakcja Sejmik Samorzadowy (local government of Upper Silesia) | |
Romania |
| Defence Ministry | Parliament | Presidency | Romania: The Long Way to Integration | Romania Business-Economics (Romanian economic and business reports) | Romanian Government | Romanian Development Agency | |
Media | 22 | AR Press | Academia Catavencu | Adevarul | Dilema | Media Fax | Rador Press Agency | Romania libera | Ziua | |
Russia |
General resources | Center for Policy Studies in Russia (non-profit non-governmental research foundation) | The Best of Russian Area Sites | Business Collaboration Center (Russian economic development reports) | "How Russia Is Ruled - 1998" (Donald N. Jensen, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty) | Integrum World Wide (largest on-line database service in the CIS) | Internet Resources on Russia and the CIS | Russia on the Net | Russian Embassy - Washington, D.C. | Russian History (Bucknell University) | Russian History on the Web (Marshall Poe of the School for Historical Studies, Institute for Advanced Study - gateway provides academic researchers, educators, and students with a collection of critically evaluated Internet resources relevant to the study of Russian history. This selective, well-organized gateway offers an annotated index of high-quality information resources including metasites, guides, indices, bibliographies, dissertations, scholarly articles, journals, maps, surveys, archives, professional organizations, research centers, discussion lists, primary texts, image databases, and much more) | Russian Internet Network (translation service and comprehensive listing of resources) | Russian Politics | Russian Search Engine | Russian Studies and Eastern Europe (Virtual Library) | Russian Business and Trade Connections (Russian trade reports) | |
Courts and law | Supreme Court of the Russian Federation | Penal Code of the Russian Federation 1997 | |
Elections and political parties | Candidates in the 1996 Presidential Election (Itar-Tass) | Liberal Democratic Party of Russia | Russian Communist Party (KPRF - Leningrad region) | 1996 Russian Presidential Election | |
Media | A and G News Service | Moscow Times | News from Russia (top daily news stories) | Open Media Research Institute Daily Digest | Russia On-Line | Russian Story (updated collection of Russian newspapers and other materials of general interest) | Russia Today | Voice of Russia News | |
The economy | Russia in Crisis (BBC News Special Report) | Russia Special Report (Washington Post) | Russia in Chaos (MSNBC) | |
Slovakia |
| CIA World Fact Book - Slovakia | Central Europe Online Slovakia | Constitution of the Slovak Republic 1992 | Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic | Country Update Slovakia (European Forum) | Elections in Slovakia | Ministry of Education | Movement for Democratic Slovakia | Parliament | Political Resources on the Net - Slovakia - Parties, Governments and Media | Slovak Government Homepage | |
Slovenia |
| Central Europe Online Slovenia | Information Service | National Assembly | National Statistical Office | |
Turkey |
| Scientific and Technical Research Council | Liberal Demokrat Parti | |
Ukraine |
| BRAMA - Ukrainian Gateway | Government of Ukraine | Government Statistics | Resources Page | Supreme Rada (Parliament) | Ukraine: FAQ Plus (frequently asked questions - and answers - about the Ukraine) | Ukrainian Business Law | Ukrainian Law and Legal Matters | Ukrainian Political Organizations | |
Uzbekistan |
| PRAVO (database of Uzbek legal information) | |
| Federal Republic of Yugoslavia | Ministry of Information | |
Kosova | Council for the Defence of Human Rights and Freedoms (Prishtina, Kosova) | "Ethnic Albanians - Trial by truncheon" (Amnesty International) | Government of the Republic of Kosova | Kosova | Kosovo - Why do the Serbs care? (Out There News) | Kosovo dies for independence (Out There News) | Police violence against ethnic Albanians in Kosovo province (Amnesty International) | Police violence in Kosovo province - the victims (Amnesty International) | Public Interest Report, Volume 46, No. 3, May/June 1993 (Journal of the Federation of American Scientists) | |
Montenegro | Montenet - Montenegran News and Politics | |
Serbia | Democratic Party of Serbia | Demokratska Stranka (Democratic Party) | SerbiaNow! (non-partisan, non-profit news digest) | |
Security issues and documents |
| The CIS Nonproliferation Project (CISNP) | The Journal of Slavic Military Studies | NATO - Partnership for Peace | Soviet Archives | |
| Online Resource Guide to Political Inquiry | |