King Billy mural, Kilcooley, Bangor, County Down, Northern Ireland, 1997.
Photo - Bill Rolston, posted at CAIN Web Service.

"Walls and Places: Political Murals in Belfast"

Dr. Michael Dartnell - mdartne@uwindsor.ca,
Department of Political Science, University of Windsor

Photo 1 - "Brian Boru" harp.
Photo - Pieterse-Davison International.


Photo 2 - "Portrait of an Irish Chief drawn from Life at Wexford" by James Gillray.
Image - Trinity College Dublin.


Photo 3 - Republican mural "Gaelic Games", Belfast, June 2000.
Photo - Michael Dartnell.


Photo 4 - Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) Station, Belfast, June 2000.
Photo - Michael Dartnell.


Photo 5 - RUC armoured Land Rover ("meat wagon"), Belfast, June 2000.
Photo - Michael Dartnell.


Photo 6 - Loyalist mural on Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant, Belfast, June 2000.
Photo - Michael Dartnell.


Photo 7 - Painting a loyalist mural, Belfast, June 2000.
Photo - Michael Dartnell.


Photo 8 - Loyalist mural supporting Orange Lodge in Drumcree, Belfast, June 2000.
Photo - Michael Dartnell.


Photo 9 - Loyalist mural - "William Prince of Orange, July 1690", Belfast, June 2000.
Photo - Michael Dartnell.


Photo 10 - Loyalist mural - "Protestant Action Force", Belfast, June 2000.
Photo - Michael Dartnell.


Photo 11 - Mural memorial for Loyalist Volunteer Force (LVF) leader Billy Wright, Belfast, June 2000.
Photo - Michael Dartnell.


Photo 12 - Ulster Freedom Fighters (UFF) mural - "Shankill", Belfast, June 2000.
Photo - Michael Dartnell.


Photo 13 - Red Hand Commando (RHC) mural, Belfast, June 2000.
Photo - Michael Dartnell.


Photo 14 - Detail from UFF mural, Belfast, June 2000.
Photo - Michael Dartnell.


Photo 15 - UFF mural - "2nd Batt. C-Coy", Belfast, June 2000.
Photo - Michael Dartnell.


Photo 16 - UFF mural - "U.F.F. rocket team on tour, West Belfast '94"", Belfast, June 2000.
Photo - Michael Dartnell.


Photo 17 - Detail from Ulster Defence Association (UDA) mural - "Quis Separabit", Belfast, June 2000.
Photo - Michael Dartnell.


Photo 18 - Loyalist mural - "Scotland Ulster", Belfast, June 2000.
Photo - Michael Dartnell.


Photo 19 - UDA mural, Belfast, June 2000.
Photo - Michael Dartnell.


Photo 20 - UFF mural - "Ulster Freedom Fighters will resist any Eire involvement in our country", Belfast, June 2000.
Photo - Michael Dartnell.


Photo 21 - Republican mural "History is written by the winner", Belfast, June 2000.
Photo - Michael Dartnell.


Photo 22 - Republican mural depicting Bobby Sands
"Everyone, republican or otherwise, has their own particular role to play", Belfast, June 2000.
Photo - Michael Dartnell.


Photo 23 - Republican mural
"1916 - Who fears to speak of Easter Week", Belfast, June 2000.
Photo - Michael Dartnell.


Photo 24 - Catholic mural of Virgin Mary and Christ child, Belfast, June 2000.
Photo - Michael Dartnell.


Photo 25 - Republican memorial mural for hunger strikers, Belfast, June 2000.
Photo - Michael Dartnell.


Photo 26 - Republican mural "Time for peace, time to go", Belfast, June 2000.
Photo - Michael Dartnell.


Photo 27 - Republican mural dedicated to republican women of 1916, Belfast, June 2000.
Photo - Michael Dartnell.


Photo 28 - Loyalist emblems and children's toys, Belfast, June 2000.
Photo - Michael Dartnell.


Photo 29 - Republican mural "Have a safe journey home", Belfast, June 2000.
Photo - Michael Dartnell.


| Insurgency Online project | Online Resource Guide to Political Inquiry |

mdartne@uwindsor.ca - Photos taken in June 2000.
