
* THE EUROPEAN UNION - West European Politics - Online Resource Guide to Political Inquiry *

| Dr. Michael Dartnell | Department of Political Science | University of Windsor | Windsor | Ontario | Canada |

General resources | ECSA-Net (interactive communication network in field of European Integration Studies) | European Integration Online Papers (European Community Studies Association of Austria) | European Union (EUROPA - the European Commission) | European Union in Canada | The European Union in the US | European Union Internet Resources (University of California at Berkeley Library) | European Union Politics Group (APSA section) | Delegation of the European Commission to the United States - EUROPE Magazine, Press Releases and Speeches | Jean Monnet Working Papers (Harvard Law School) | Midday Express (News from the Spokesman's midday press briefings) | On the Record (A selection of important documents, including White Papers, Green Papers, and Annual Reports) | European Parliament Press Service | EU Governments Online | Eurobarometer: Public Opinion Surveys | European Union Frequently Asked Questions | Political Resources for the European Union | TransAtlantic Business Dialogue | U.S. Dept. of Commerce Showcase Europe (site on business in EU, including country-specific commercial guides, links on EU and EBRD, TABD) | United States Mission to the European Union with list of Key U.S.-EU Documents |


European Union Law | EUR-Lex - European Union Law | Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community (Treaty of Paris, April 18, 1951) | Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community (Treaty of Rome, March 25, 1957) | Treaty establishing the European Community (Treaty of Rome, March 25, 1957) | Single European Act (SEA, 1987) | Treaty on European Union (TEU - Maastricht Treaty, February 7, 1992) | Treaty of Amsterdam (Irish Ministry of Foreign Affairs) |

Institutions and Agencies | Committee of the Regions | Council of the European Union | Council of Ministers | ECOSOC (Economic and Social Committee) | Euro-Ombudsman | European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products (EMEA) | European Central Bank (ECB) | European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP) | European Court of Auditors | European Court of Justice | European Environment Agency | European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions | European Investment Bank - Publications | Joint Research Centre | European Parliament - Press Service, EP News, News from the President and News Report | Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (Trade marks, models and designs) | Office for Official Publications (EUR-OP) | Statistical Office of the European Communities (EUROSTAT) - News Releases | European Training Foundation |


European Commission and Directorates General | European Commission | DG I (External Relations: North America, the Far East, Australia and New Zealand) | DG IA (External Relations: Eureop and the NIS, Common Foreign and Security Policy, External Missions) | DG IB (External relations: Southern Mediterranean, Middle East, Latin America, South and South-East Asia, North-South Cooperation) | DG II (Economic and Financial Affairs) | DG III (Industry) | DG IV (Competition) | DG V (Employment, Industrial Relations, and Social Affairs) | DG VI (Agriculture) | DG VII (Transport) | DG VIII (Development) | DG IX (Personnel and Administration) | DG X (Information, Communication, Culture) | DG XI (Environment, Nuclear Safety, and Civil Protection) | DG XII (Science, Research and Development) | DG XIII (Telecommunications, Information Market and Exploitation of Research) - CORDIS and I*M Europe | DG XIV (Fisheries) | DG XV (Internal Market and Financial Services) | DG XVI (Regional Policies and Cohesion) | DG XVII (Energy) | DG XIX (Budgets) | DG XX (Financial Control) | DG XXI (Customs and Indirect Taxation) | DG XXII (Education, Training and Youth) | DG XXIII (Enterprise Policy, Distributive Trades, Tourism and Cooperatives) | DG XXIV (Consumer Policy) |


European Parliament Elections and Parliamentary Groups | BBC News - Euro Elections: Vote 99 | European Parliament | Elections in the European Union | Europe of the National States (anti-integration party) | European Federation of Green Parties (ecologist) | European Liberal, Democrat and Reform Party (liberal and centrist) | European Parliament (626 members elected for 5 years - 542 members elected proportionally and 84 UK members elected in single-seat constituencies) and Elections '99 | European People's Party (Christian-democratic and conservative) | European Radical Alliance (social-liberal and progressive) | The Green Group in the European Parliament | Party of European Socialists (social-democratic and socialist) | Union for Europe (conservative) |

European Commission Resigns, March 1999

| EU in crisis: Special report (BBC News) | First Report of the Committee of Independent Experts (European Parliament, March 15, 1999) | Les institutions européennes à l'épreuve (Le Monde diplomatique, March 16, 1999) | Profiles and Portfolios of the 20 Commissioners (European Commission) | Three Codes of Conduct (European Commission) | "Crisis in Brussels: Europe Has to Scratch Its Head" (The Economist) | "In Europe, a More Perfect Union? Corruption Probe May Benefit Quest For Integration" (The Washington Post) | "Now Let's Have a Democratic Overhaul of Europe" (The International Herald Tribune) |


| West European Politics | Online Resource Guide to Political Inquiry |

If any links remain inactive after several attempts, if you would like to add links or documents, or if you have questions, please contact Michael Dartnell at: mdartne@uwindsor.ca.
Last update: April 16, 2000.
