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| Dr. Michael Dartnell | Department of Political Science | University of Windsor | Windsor | Ontario | Canada | |
General resources | BGSU Canadian Studies WWW Workshop | Canadian Government Information on the Internet (Depository Services Program, Governent of Canada) | Canadian Government Web Pages | Canadian Links at LSU's Political Science Server | Canadian Political Science Association | Canadian Politics and Government WWW Sites (UBC) | Canadiana Politics on the Web (ITP Nelson) | Canadiana Resource Page | Le carnet d'adresses de François-Pierre Gingras (University of Ottawa) | Embassy Directory in Canada | Federal Government | Federal Government Internet Sites | Guide to Canadian Political Science Resources (National Library of Canada) | Yahoo! Canada - News and Media: Canadian Current Events | Political Science Department (Carlton University) | UBC Library Canadian Government Publications Page | |
The constitution |
General information | Bibliography on Federalism and the Constitutional Debate | Canadian Constitutional Documents and Proposals | Constitutional Legislation (from 1867 to Charlottetown) | |
The Clarity Act | The Clarity Act (Bill C-20) | An Act respecting the exercise of the fundamental rights and prerogatives of the Québec people and the Québec State (Bill 99, Quebec) | Support for sovereignty in Quebec - December 1999 (Ekos Research Associates) | |
Supreme Court of Canada Quebec Reference | Reference re Secession of Quebec (August 20, 1998) - Headnote and Reasons | |
Perspectives on constitutional change | A Yes for Change (manifesto by Québec group "Intellectuals for Sovereignty") | Aboriginal Constitutional Perspectives and Grand Chief Matthew Coon Come's 1996 Harvard Speech on Aboriginal Rights and Québec Sovereignty | Canada West Foundation Constitutional Position | Constitutional proposals (from Meech to Charlottetown inclusive) | Partenaires pour la souveraineté (Québec based coalition of groups that favour sovereignty) | Post-Referendum Reflections by Leading Political Scientists | |
The "Calgary Declaration" public consultation process | BC's Unity Talks | My Canada Is. . . (Government of Alberta) | Canadian Unity - Government of Saskatchewan | Manitoba Legislative Task Force on Canadian Unity | Ontario Speaks: A Dialogue on Canadian Unity | Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick: National Unity Consultation Committee | The Nova Scotia Legislature: Select Committee on National Unity | Canadian Unity: The Newfoundland and Labrador Consultation Process | |
International framework | The Commonwealth | La Francophonie | North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) | United Nations | |
The Federal Government |
| Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada | Her Majesty the Queen / Sa Majesté la Reine | The Governor General / Le Gouverneur Général | The Prime Minister / Le Premier ministre | Canada Site (Government of Canada) | |
The Supreme Court |
Supreme Court judgments | Judgments published in the Supreme Court Reports (S.C.R.) | |
The Supreme Court of Canada and civil rights | Supreme Court of Canada - The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and Charter of Rights decisions (1983-) | An Act respecting employment equity | Bill of Rights | Canadian Human Rights Act (R.S., 1985, c. H-6 July, 1996) | Canadian Human Rights Commission | Canadian Human Rights Tribunal | |
Provincial human rights codes and commissions | Alberta Human Rights and Citizenship Commission | B.C. - Human Rights Code | Manitoba Human Rights Commission | New Brunswick Human Rights Commission | Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission | Ontario Human Rights Commission and Human Rights Code | Prince Edward Island Human Rights Commission | Québec - La Charte des droits et libertés de la personne | Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission | |
Canadian legal resources | Access to Justice Network | The Canadian Legal Information Centre | Federal Statutes and Regulations (Department of Justice) | Virtual Canadian Law Library | |
Civil liberties associations | Alberta Civil Liberties Research Centre | B.C. Civil Liberties Association | Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) | Electronic Frontier Canada | Manitoba Association for Rights and Liberties | PEN Canada | |
Political parties, public opinion, and elections |
Federal elections | 1997 Canadian Federal Election Polls | Canadian Elections on the Internet | Canadian Federal and Provincial Election Data | Canadian National Election Studies (University of Alberta) | Centre for Election Studies (Dept of Political Science, University of Waterloo) | Digital Democrat Election Monitor | Distribution of House of Commons Seats at General Elections by political affiliation (Canada, provinces and territories (1980-1993) | Elections Canada | Federal General Elections, by Electors, Ballots Cast, and Voter Participation (Canada, the Provinces and Territories) | Federal Election Page, 1997 | Interactive Map of 1997 Federal Election Results (Statistics Canada and Natural Resources Canada) | Seat Distribution in the House of Commons | Thirty-sixth General Election 1997 Official Voting Results (Elections Canada) | |
Public opinion and polls | Angus Reid Poll | CROP Inc. - Political Surveys and Socio-Cultural Surveys | Canadian National Election Studies; University of Alberta | Carleton University Data Library: Gallup and Insight Polls | Centre for Election Studies (Dept of Political Science, University of Waterloo) | Centre for the Study of Democracy (Queen's University) | Decima Quarterly Report | Ekos Election Poll | Environics Polls | Groupe de recherche sur l'opinion publique (GROP) | Léger et Léger | Pollara (Insight) Poll | Québec Survey Data | Polls@Canada: Southam Polls | Tracking the Polls | |
Provincial Legislatures and Governments |
| Intergovernmental On-Line Information Kiosk | The Legislatures of Canada | Provincial Governments | Provincial, Territorial and Municipal Governments (Yahoo!) | |
Territorial governments | Government of the Northwest Territories | Government of Nunavut | Government of the Yukon | |
Québec |
| CyberSciencesPo (Francois-Pierre Gingras - Université d'Otttawa) | Equality Party | Groupe de Recherche sur les Interventions Gouvernementales (Université Laval) | Guide en administration publique (Pierre Dubeau) | Liberal Party of Québec | List of Québec Social Movement Sites | Parti Québécois | Québec Government (Yahoo!) | Québec Studies | Québec Trade Union Links | La Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Montréal | Rebellion of 1837-38 | |
Francophones outside Québec | Acadie-Net | L'Acadie au bout des doigts | La Société nationale de l'Acadie | |
First Nations |
Supreme Court of Canada rulings on aboriginal rights | Delgamuukw v. British Columbia [1997] | R. v. Coté [1996] | R. v. Pamajewon [1996] | R. v. Adams [1995] | R. v. Badger [1995] | Blueberry River Indian Band v. Canada (Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development) [1995] | R. v. N.T.C. Smokehouse Ltd. [1995] | R. v. Van der Peet [1995] | R. v. Nikal [1995] | Native Women's Assn. of Canada v. Canada [1994] | R. v. Howard [1994] | Ontario (Attorney General) v. Bear Island Foundation [1991] | Mitchell v. Peguis Indian Band [1989] | R. v. Sioui [1989] | R. v. Sparrow [1988] | Guerin v. The Queen [1984] 2 S.C.R. 335 | |
Interest Groups |
| Action Canada Network | Canadian AIDS Society | Canadian Chamber of Commerce | Canadian Federation of Students | Canadian Labour Congress | Canadian Monarchist Online | The Canadian Republic Page | Canadian Trade Union Links | Citizens Concerned About Free Trade | Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights in Ontario (CLGRO) | Common Frontiers (coalition against free trade in the Americas) | La Confédération des syndicats nationaux (CSN) | Council of Canadians | Council of Canadians with Disabilities | DisAbled Women's Network (DAWN) | Greenpeace Canada | EGALE (Equality for Gays and Lesbians Everywhere) | Friends of the Earth | List of Feminist Organizations in Canada | The Monarchist League of Canada | National Citizens' Coalition | National Farmers Union | National Firearms Association | REAL Women of Canada (B.C. Chapter) | World Wildlife Federation | |
Women's Issues and Feminism |
| Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies | Canadian Women's Studies On-Line (University of Toronto) | Fact Sheet on Women in Canada (Government of Canada) | Feminism and Women's Resources Page | Herstory (University of Saskatchewan) | Status of Women Canada | Then & Now: Women in Canadian Legislatures (National Library of Canada) | Women - Federal Political Representation (1997) | Women At Work (Angus Reid and Homemaker's Magazine, September 1997) | Women in Canadian History | Women in Politics (1997 Angus Reid survey) | Women presently sitting in the Senate | Women's Web Guide | |
Canadian Studies |
| Association for Canadian Studies | Centre d'études acadiennes (Université de Moncton) - Resumé de l'histoire de l'Acadie (Musée Acadien Université de Moncton) | Hudson's Bay Company Archives | Important Moments in Canadian History | International Council for Canadian Studies (ICCS) | Diefenbaker Web | |
Public Policy |
Media |
Journals |
| Canadian Parliamentary Review | Government Information in Canada (quarterly journal) | Various electronic journals (eg. Canadian Foreign Policy Journal, NAFTA Thoughts, Action Canada) | |
Issues |
| A Chronicle of Freedom of Expression in Canada | Hate Groups in Canada (Hatewatch) | Little Sister's Book & Art Emporium | |
Search Engines |
| Canadian Information By Subject | Canadian Government (Yahoo) | Champlain: Canadian Information Explorer | |
| Online Resource Guide to Political Inquiry | |
Last update: December 11, 2000.___________________________________________________________________________