Dr. Wladyslaw Kedzierski
Department of Physics
University of Windsor
Windsor, Ontario, N9B-3P4
tel. (519) 253-4232 ext 2684 or 2654
E-mail: wladek@uwindsor.ca
My research interests:
Photon and electron interaction with atoms and molecules:
Many everyday phenomena are related to interactions of photons, electrons and electromagnetic waves with matter. Some have been fascinating people for centuries: northen lights, sunrise and sunset, night sky full of stars etc. There are also many new devices and phenomena, some of which we take for granted: the screen of our computer or television set, or the bar code reader in grocery store. Many of these devices would not exist, where it not for the work of many scientists who were solving problems that many people would consider unimportant at the time.
Our research, which will produce many electron impact cross sections, will help to better understand processes in low temperature plasmas which are important for the semiconductor industry or for various processes taking place in the stratosphere. The research on the Surface Acoustic Tag might well provide useful replacement for the bar code reader.
Photon and electron interactions with atoms and molecules.
The investigation carried out using two separate sets of apparatus:
a) A Magneto-Optical Trap,
b) A time of flight apparatus with a matrix isolation detector.
a) Cooling and trapping of atoms and molecules is a very active field of research with applications in areas such as Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC), quantum computing and nanotechnology. I am currently collaborating with Dr. J.W. McConkey in our department in a project of optical manipulation of cesium atoms for electron collision experiments using a magneto-optical trap (MOT). The Cs atoms in the vacuum chamber are trapped using three doubled laser beams and a quadrupole magnetic field, and are impacted by the electron beam produced by an electron gun. Absolute electron collision cross sections are measured in a MOT by employing the atom recoil technique. The cross sections can be obtained without knowing the absolute target densities (see Schape et al 1996). Only the incident electron flux and ejection rate of trapped atoms, from both electron collisions and background collisions, are required (see McAskil et al 2002). This research concentrates on obtaining absolute total cross sections for the ground state and excited states of cesium atoms and dimers. In order to attain these objectives I intend to modify the apparatus to measure absolute electron-impact excitation and ionization cross sections for the 6S ground state and 6P excited state of cesium. This will require the ability to detect very week photon signals in near-infrared region (1469.5nm 7S - 6P transition in Cs) which can be achieved only with the help of a very special photomultiplier (Hamamatsu R5509-72 with cooler - a remarkable new device that has single photon sensitivity over a spectral region up to 1700nm).
b) Absolute values of many electron
impact cross sections are needed by
physicists and astrophysicists, who are
numerically simulating complicated
collision processes in low temperature
plasmas or in atmospheres of planets,
stars and comets. Many of these cross
sections are very difficult to measure and
are not yet known. Some very interesting
and important electron impact processes
are those leading to the dissociation of
molecules with production of atoms in
metastale states. We are measuring
absolute cross sections for many of these
processes in our laboratory
(collaboration with Dr. McConkey), in time of flight experiment with a fragment-specific
detector based on the cold matrix isolation technique (see Kedzierski 2002, Kedzierski et al
2001, 2000 and 1998 ) , but we are restricted by the temperature of the martix and sensitivity of
the photomultiplier. Up to now, we were able to measure the absolute cross section for the
production of oxygen in the 1S state and sulfur in the 1S state from various molecules. I would
now like to modify the existing detector, to make it sensitive to oxygen and sulfur in the 1D
state. The essential parts of the new detection system consist of the Hamamatsu R5509-72
photomultiplier with cooler and Helitran cryogenic system DE 202.
RF Sensor (Surface Acoustic Tag) development:
The operation of SAW-tag reader systems at high level of parasitic reflection in an industrial environment. Industrial partner: Baumer Ident AG, Frauenfeld, Switzerland (in negotiation).
I am also collaborating with Dr.R Maev ( NSERC-Chrysler Industrial Chair) on applications of surface acoustic waves (SAW) in the automotive industry. We shall to investigate the possibility of applying SAW in low cost passive RF-Identification tags. The proposed research calls for a detailed investigation of piezoelectric media in which SAW can be generated and of their simple detection. The following is the general principle of operation of an RF-ID tag. As soon as a tagged unit enters the monitoring range of the transmitting antenna, the tag receives the interrogating microwave signal and emits a specific response signal. The heart of a passive RF-Identification tag is a piezoelectric device with a transducer which converts the electrical signal into a surface acoustic wave. The generated SAW is a periodic mechanical deformation propagating with a relatively low velocity compared to the speed of light. Several reflectors, acting like mirrors, are placed near the transducer on the tag surface, leading to a partial reflection of the interrogating pulse emitted by the transmitting antenna outside. The delay of the signal is proportional to the distance between the reflectors and the transducer. After a few microseconds, depending on the position of the reflector, the SAW arrives with a certain delay at the transducer and the reflected acoustic wave is again converted into an electrical signal. Subsequently, the electrical signal will be reemitted by the tag's antenna as a microwave signal received by the monitor. The use of this echo principle makes possible the implementation of a completely passive code carrier (tag) needing no additional power source. Consequently, passive RF-identification tags can withstand temperatures up to 250°C. When SAW devices are used as sensors, the measured responses arise from perturbations in wave propagation characteristics, specifically wave velocity and attenuation, resulting from interactions between the SAW and the surface layer. Because SAW propagating in a piezoelectric medium generate both mechanical deformation and an electrical potential, both mechanical and electrical couplings between the SAW and the surface layer are possible. The research will include testing the effect of the above perturbations (that are affected by temperature, humidity, vibration, presence of strong magnetic and electric fields) on the accuracy and lifetime of the SAW tag. The possibility of increasing the number of acoustic channels to increase the amount of information stored in the SAW tag will also be investigated. To determine the surface acoustic wave velocity and attenuation, the time evolution of the wavefront of the emitted SAW will be mapped out using a micro-acoustic probe or a laser beam (see Azan et al 1979, Hess et al 1999) which will scan the surface of the tag with the help of computer-controlled stepper motors. The generated signal will be received by a fast digital oscilloscope and will be stored in a computer . Information about propagation of the surface acoustic wave is important to understand the reasons for malfunction of the tag in extreme conditions, as well as the factors that limit the maximal code range (number of bits).
The propagation of a surface acoustic wave on a tag can also be investigated using holographic interferometry (see Thiba et al 1976). This experimental approach will be considered in the future.
Chapters in Books
In Press:
McConkey, J W and Kedzierski, W, Detection of Metastable Atoms and Molecules using Rare-Gas Matrices In Lin, C.C, Advances in Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 1-54, 63, ELSEVIER, 2014.
Articles in Refereed/Peer Reviewed Journals
Kedzierski W.,. Hein J.D., Tiessen C.J., Lukic D. , Trocchi J.A., Mlinaric T.Z., and McConkey J.W., 2013., Production of O(1D) following electron impact on CO2, Can J Phys,, 91(12), 1044-1048, 2013, December.
W Kedzierski, E Blejdea, A DiCarlo and J W McConkey, Electron Impact Dissociation of N2O and CO2 with SingleParticle Detection of O(1D2), Chemical Physics Letters, 498, 38, 2010, September.
W Kedzierski, E Blejdea, A DiCarlo and J W McConkey, Metastable oxygen atom detection using rare gas matrices, Journal of Physics B, 43, 085204, 2010, April.
S. J. Brotton, E. Vyskocil, W. Kedzierski, and J. W. McConkey, Dissociative excitation of H2S by electron impact,
PHYSICAL REVIEW, A, 1, 2009, In Press.
M.A.Czajkowski, W.Kedzierski and J.Koperski, Interatomic potential parameters of CdHe van der Waals complex derived
from excitation spectrum of the C 11 (5 1P1 ) <— X10+ (5 1S0) vibrational transition., Spectrochimica Acta Part A, 67,
730-736, 2007, Published.
M. Lukomski, S. Sutton, W. Kedzierski, T.J. Reddish, K. Bartschat, P.L. Bartlett, I. Bray, A.T. Stelbovics and J.W.
McConkey, Electron-Impact Ionization Cross Sections out of the Ground and 6 2P Excited States of Cesium., Physical
Review A, 74, 032708-1, 2006, Published.
M.Lukomski, J.A.MacAskill, D.P.Seccombe, C.McGrath, S.Sutton, J.Teeuwen, W.Kedzierski, T.J.Reddish, J.W.McConkey
and W.A. van Wijngaarden, New Measurements of Total Cross Sections for Electron Impact on Cesium Using a Magneto
Optical Trap, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 38, 3535-3545, 2005, Published.
W. Kedzierski, J. Borbely, J. Mutus, S. Amlin, and J. W. McConkey, S(1S) production following electron impact on
thiophosgene (Cl2CS), JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 120, 9087, 2004, Published.
C.Malone, W.Kedzierski and J.W.McConkey, Electron impact excitation of xenon clusters., J.Phys.B, 36, 3607-, 2003,
C.Malone, W.Kedzierski and J.W.McConkey, Electron impact excitation of Krypton clusters., European Physical Journal
D, 18, 77-, 2002, Published.
J.A. MacAskill, W. Kedzierski, J.W. McConkey, J. Domyslawska, I. Bray, Measuring cesium electron impact cross-sections
using a magneto-optical trap, Journal of electron spectroscopy and related phenomena, 123, 173-, 2002, Published.
W. Kedzierski, S(1S) production following electron impact on CS2., J.Phys.B, 35, 4401-, 2002, Published.
W.Kedzierski, J.Borbely and J.W.McConkey, Electron impact dissociation of OCS., J.Phys.B, 34, 4027-, 2001, Published.
W.Kedzierski, A.Abdellatif, J.W.McConkey, K.Bartschat, D.V.Fursa and I.Bray, Polarization of Balmer-alpha radiation
following electron impact on atomic hydrogen., J.Phys.B, 34, 3367-, 2001, Published.
T.Harb, W.Kedzierski and J.W.McConkey, Production of ground state OH following electron impact on H2O., J.Chem.
Phys., 115, 5507-, 2001, Published.
W.Kedzierski, C.Malone and J.W.McConkey, Dissociative excitation of SO2 by electron impact., Can.J.Phys., 78, 617-,
2000, Published.
W.Kedzierski, C.Malone and J.W.McConkey, Electron impact excitation of N2O clusters., J.Phys. B, 33, 4863-, 2000,
W.Kedzierski, M.Brennan, and J.W.McConkey, Fragmentation of CO2 clusters following electron impact., Can. J. Phys,
76, 985-, 1998, Published.
W.Kedzierski, J.Derbyshire, C.Malone and J.W.McConkey, Isotope effects in the electron impact break-up of water., J.
Phys. B, 31, 5361-, 1998, Published.
W.Kedzierski and J.W.McConkey, Fluorescence following electron impact on argon clusters., J. Chem. Phys., 107, 6521-,
1997, Published.
L.Krause, W.Kedzierski and J.B.Atkinson, Laser Spectroscopy of Hg2 Excimers., Physica Scripta, T72, 48-52, 1997,
J.Derbyshire, W.Kedzierski and J.W.McConkey, New dissociation channels in D2O., Phys. Rev. Lett., 79, 2229-, 1997,
A.Czajkowski, W.Kedzierski, J.B.Atkinson and L.Krause, Rotational Analysis of the H1u <— A0+-g (1, 0) Bands of
(202Hg)2 ., J. Mol. Spectrosc., 181, 1-, 1997, Published.
W.Kedzierski, J.Supronowicz, A.Czajkowski, J.B.Atkinson and L.Krause, High resolution spectroscopy of the G0+u <—
A0+g in the (202Hg)2 excimer., J. Mol. Spectrosc., 173, 510-, 1995, Published.
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A.Czajkowski, W.Kedzierski, J.B.Atkinson and L.Krause, The rotationally resolved H1u <— A0+-g electronic spectrum of
the (202Hg)2 excimer., Chem. Phys. Lett., 238, 327-, 1995, Published.
W.Kedzierski, Ju Gao, W.E.Baylis and L.Krause, Magnetic-field dependence of the cross section for mJ mixing in 2P1/2
Cs and Rb atoms., Phys. Rev. A, 49, 4540-, 1994, Published.
W.Kedzierski, J.B.Atkinson, and L.Krause, The 3SIGMA+g (4 3P, 4 3P) <—> 3SIGMA+u (43P, 41S) spectrum of Zn2.,
Chem. Phys. Lett., 222, 146-, 1994, Published.
W.Kedzierski, J.Supronowicz, A.Czajkowski, M.J.Hinek, J.B.Atkinson and L.Krause, The rotationally resolved G0+u <—
A0+g electronic spectrum of the (202Hg)2 excimer., Chem. Phys. Lett., 218, 314-, 1994, Published.
W.Kedzierski, J.B.Atkinson, and L.Krause, Laser-induced fluorescence from the 3PIu (4 3P, 4 3P) state of Zn2., Chem.
Phys. Lett., 215, 185-, 1993, Published.
W.Kedzierski, J.B.Atkinson, and L.Krause, Laser spectroscopy of the 3SIGMA+u (4 3P, 4 3P) state of Zn2., Chem. Phys.
Lett., 200, 103-, 1992, Published.
J.Supronowicz, W.Kedzierski, J.B.Atkinson, and L.Krause, Laser spectroscopy of the B0+ state in HgZn., Phys. Rev. A,
45, 538-, 1992, Published.
W.Kedzierski, J.B.Atkinson, and L.Krause, Laser-induced fluorescence from the 3PIu (4 3D) state of Zn2., Chem. Phys.
Lett., 181, 427-, 1991, Published.
W.Kedzierski, R.B.Middleton, and L.Krause, mJ mixing and multipole relaxation in 6 2P rubidium atoms by He, Ne, and
Ar collisions., Phys. Rev. A, 43, 143-, 1991, Published.
W.Kedzierski, J.Supronowicz, J.B.Atkinson, W.E.Baylis, M.Couty, G.Chambaud, and L.Krause, Laser spectroscopy of the
1SIGMA+u (4 1P) and 3PIu (4 3P) states in Zn2., Chem. Phys. Lett., 175, 221-, 1990, Published.
W.Kedzierski, J.Supronowicz, J.B.Atkinson, and L.Krause, Laser-induced 1SIGMA+u <-> 3PIu excitation spectrum of
Zn2., Chem. Phys. Lett., 68, 526, 1990, Published.
W.Kedzierski, J.Supronowicz, J.B.Atkinson, and L.Krause, Laser-induced fluorescence and excitation spectra of the ZnH
molecule., Can. J. Phys., 68, 526-, 1990, Published.
R.W.Berends, W.Kedzierski W.E.Baylis, and L.Krause, Determination of cross sections for collisionally induced multipole
relaxation in alkali-metal atoms from Zeeman fluorescence intensities., Phys. Rev. A, 39, 1526-, 1989, Published.
W.Kedzierski, J.B.Atkinson, and L.Krause, Laser-induced fluorescence of the Zn2 excimer., Optics Letters, 14, 607-,
1989, Published.
R.W.Berends, W.Kedzierski, A.G.McConkey, J.B.Atkinson, and L.Krause, Quenching of 5 2P potassium atoms by
collisions with H2, N2 and CH4., J. Phys. B, 22, L165-, 1989, Published.
T.R.Mallory, W.Kedzierski, J.B.Atkinson, and L.Krause, 9 2D fine-structure mixing in rubidium by collisions with groundstate
Rb and noble-gas atoms., Phys. Rev. A, 38, 5917-, 1988, Published.
W.Kedzierski, R.W.Berends, J.B.Atkinson, and L.Krause, A Fizeau wavemeter with single-mode optical fibre coupling., J.
Phys. E, 21, 796-, 1988, Published.
R.W.Berends, W.Kedzierski, and L.Krause, Multipole relaxation in 5 2P potassium atoms by collisions with He, Ne, and
Ar., Phys. Rev. A, 37, 68-, 1988, Published.
R.W.Berends, W.Kedzierski, J.B.Atkinson, and L.Krause, Radiative lifetimes of the potassium 5P, 6P, and 7P finestructure
states., Spectrochimica Acta, 43A, 1069-, 1988, Published.
R.W.Berends, W.Kedzierski, and L.Krause, 5 2P1/2 - 5 2P3/2 fine structure mixing in potassium atoms induced by
collisions with noble gases., J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 37, 157-, 1987, Published.
A.Budziak, and W.Kedzierski, Examination of gas-liquid diffusion by using interference fringes, Optica Applicata, 16,
183-, 1986, Published.
A. Slezak, B. Turczynski, and W. Kedzierski, Modeling of some hydromechanical properties of two-membrane system.,
Post. Fiz. Med., 20, 265-, 1985, Published.
S.Bahcevandziev, M.Jonovska, M.Karowska, Z.Mitreska, A.Budziak, and W.Kedzierski, Examination of gas-liquid
diffusion by a holographic interferometry method of enhanced sensitivity., Optica Applicata, 11, 473-, 1981, Published.
A.Budziak, W.Kedzierski, S.Bahcevandziev, M.Jonovska, M.Karowska, and Z.Mitreska, Investigation of gas-liquid
diffusion using a holographic interferometry method with higher magnification sensitivity., Bulletin des Societes des
Physiciens de la Republique Socialiste de Macedonia, 29, 60-, 1979, Published.
A.Budziak, L.Frasinski, W.Kedzierski, and A.Marchewka, Holographic determination of rock sample deformation caused
by external forces., Optica Applicata, 85-, 1978, Published.
Articles and/or Papers Presented (Posters Presented)
William McConkey , Collin Tiessen , Jeffrey Hein , Joshuah Trocchi , Wladek Kedzierski, Dissociative Excitation of Thymine by Electron Impact, 45th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, APS, 2014, Volume 59, Number 8, June.
William McConkey , Wladek Kedzierski , Dragan Lukic, Metastable Atom Detection Using Solid N2, 45th Annual
Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, APS, 2014, Volume 59, Number 8, June.
W Kedzierski, J D Hein, C J Tiessen, D Lukic, J A Trocchi, T Z Mlinaric and J W McConkey, O(1D) Production in Electron-Carbon Dioxide Collisions, 2013 Joint Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics and the CAP Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Canada, The American Physics Society and Canadian Association of Physicists, 173, 2013, Volume 58, Number 6, June.
J.W.McConkey, W.Kedzierski, J.Hein,, Progress report on O(1D) production from oxygen containing molecules, 43nd Annual Meeting of APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, The American Physics Society, 105, 2012, Volume 57, Number 5, June.
W.Kedzierski, E.Blejdea, A.Dicarlo, J.Hein, J.W.McConkey,, O (1D) production following electron impact on oxygen containing molecules, XXVII International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions, The American Physics Society, Publish electronically on conference's CD, 2011, July.
W.Kedzierski, E.Blejdea, A.Dicarlo, J.Hein,, J.W.McConkey, O (1D) production following electron impact on oxygen containing molecules, XXVII I CPEAC, Belfast, (2011)., Queen's University, 2011, July.
W.Kedzierski, E.Blejdea, A.Dicarlo, J.Hein,, J.W.McConkey, O (1D) production following electron impact on oxygen containing molecules, 42nd Annual Meeting of APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, The American Physics Society, 164, 2011, Volume 56, Number 5, June.
W Kedzierski, E Blejdea, A DiCarlo and J W McConkey, Electron-impact excitation of O(1S) and O(1D) following dissociation of oxygen-containing molecules., CAP Congress 2010, Canadian Association of Physicists, 2010, June.
S. J. Brotton, W. Kedzierski and J. W. McConkey, Dissociative excitation of H2S by electron impact studied in the VUV, 26th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic, and Atomic Collisions, APS, 2009, August, publish electronically on conference's CD.
W. Kedzierski, A. Dicarlo and J. W. McConkey, Rare Gas Matrix Detector for Molecular Fragmentation Studies, 26th
International Conference on Photonic, Electronic, and Atomic Collisions, APS, 2009, August, Publish electronically
on conference's CD.
S.Brotton, W.Kedzierski A.DiCarlo & W.McConkey, Electron-impact excitation of planetary-important oxygen and
sulphur species, 16th Int Symp Electron-Mol Colisions, York University, 18, 2009, July.
S J Brotton, W Kedzierski and J W McConkey, VUV Study of Electron Impact Dissociative Excitation of H2S.,
DAMOP, APS, 2009.
S J Brotton, W Kedzierski and J W McConkey, Dissociative Excitation of H2S by Electron Impact, CAP Congress, CAP,
140, 2008, Published, Vol.64, No. 2, June.
S.Brotton, W.Kedzierski & J.W.McConkey, Use of a MOT to Measure Electron Scattering Cross Sections, Ultracold
NanoMatter, IUPAP, NRCC, BIMS and Yourk University, 17, 2008, Published, Ultracold NanoMatter 2008 bulletin.
excitation of dihydrogen sulfide in the VUV spectral region, Joint Meeting of the American Physical societyDivision of
Atomic & Molecular Physics and Canadian Assocoation of Physicists Division of Atomic &Molecular Physics and
Photonic Interactions, APS and CAP, pg. 95, 2007, Published, Vol 52, No, 7, June.
M.Lukomski, J.A.MacAskill, D.P.Seccombe, C.McGrath, S.Sutton, J.Teeuwen, W.Kedzierski, T.J.Reddish, J.W.McConkey
and W.A.van Wijngaarden, Studying Electron collisions Using a Magneto-Optical Trap, CAP Congress, CAP, 95, 2007,
Published, Vol.63, No. 2, June.
W.Kedzierski, Using Laser Light to Trap Atoms, Science Education Workshop, Faculty of Science, University of Windsor,
S.Sutton, M.Lukomski, W.Kedzierski, T.J.Reddish, K.Bartschat, P.L.Bartlett, I.Bray, A.T.Stelbovics and J.W.McConkey,
Electron-Impact Ionisation Cross Sections of Cesium, CAP Congress, CAP, Physics in Canada, Vol. 62, No. 3, page 104,
2006, Published.
M. ?ukomski, S. Sutton, W. Kedzierski, T.J. Reddish, Electron-Impact Ionisation Cross Sections out of the 62P Excited
State of Cesium, DAMOP, APS, Bulletin of APS 51, #3, 91, 2006, Published.
M.A. Czajkowski, W. Kedzierski, J. Koperski, Interatomic potential parameters of CdHe van der Waals complex derived
from excitation spectrum of the C1 <— X1 vibrational transition., CAP Congress, CAP, Physics in Canada, Vol. 62, No. 3,
page 104, 2006, Published.
M.Lukomski, J.A.MacAskill, D.P.Seccombe, C.McGrath, S.Sutton, J.Teeuwen, W.Kedzierski, T.J.Reddish, J.W.McConkey,
W.A. van Wijngaarden, and I.Bray, Cesium electron impact cross sections measured in a magneto-optical trap, 24
ICPEAC, Tu040, 2005, Published.
M.Lukomski, J.A.MacAskill, D.P.Seccombe, C.McGrath, S.Sutton, J.Teeuwen, W.Kedzierski, T.J.Reddish, J.W.McConkey,
W.A. van Wijngaarden, and I.Bray, MOT measurements of electron impact cross sections in Cesium, CAP 2005, CAP,
Phys. in Canada 6, #3, pg121 (2005), 2005, Published.
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X.Liao, M.Williams, W.Kedzierski, W.McConkey, Metastable production from D2O, H2O and H2O2 following electron
impact, International Symposium on Electron-Molecule Collisions and Swarms, Sociedade Brasileira de Pisica, 69, 2005,
W.Kedzierski, S.Amlin, X.Liao, R.J.Murray, J.Mutus, and J.W.McConkey, Atomic metastable production following
fragmentation of S-containing molecules, CAP Congress, CAP, Physics in Canada, Vol. 60, No. 3 page 135, 2004,
T.J. Reddish, J.A. MacAskill, C. McGrath, D.P. Seccombe, M. Lukomski, J. Teeuwen, S. Sutton, W. Kedzierski, J.W.
McConkey, W.A. van Wijngaarden, I. Bray, Progress Report on the Measurement of Cesium Electron-Impact Cross
Sections Using a Magneto-Optical Trap, CAP Congress, CAP, Physics in Canada, Vol. 60, No. 3, page 134, 2004,
J.A.MacAskil, C.MacGrath, W.Kedzierski, W.McConkey, and I.Bray, Electron Collisions with Ground and Excited State
Cesium, CAP Congress Abstracts, CAP, Abstracts Vol.59, No3, p.102, 2003, Published.
J.A.MacAskil, C.MacGrath, W.Kedzierski, J.Teeuven,W.McConkey, and I.Bray, Electron-Cesium collisions using a
Magneto-Optical Trap, Gaseous Electronics Conference, APS, Bulletin of APS 48, #6, 62, 2003, Published.
C.Malone, W.Kedzierski, W.McConkey, Electron-impact dissociation of Xenon clusters, 23rd ICPEAC, 2003, Published.
C.Malone, W.Kedzierski, W.McConkey, Fragmentation of Xe clusters following controlled electron impact, DAMOP, APS,
Bulletin of APS 48, #3, 107, 2003, Published.
C.Malone, W.Kedzierski and W.McConkey, Fragmentation of rare gas clusters by electron impact, ISAAC, 2003,
J.A.MacAskil, C.MacGrath, W.Kedzierski,W.McConkey, W.A.van Wijngaarden and I.Bray, Ground and excited state cross
sections for electron impact on Cesium, 23rd ICPEAC, 2003, Published.
W.Kedzierski, J.Borbely, A.Mills, W.McConkey, Metastable S production following electron impact on Tiophosgene,
DAMOP, APS, Bulletin of APS 48, #3, 92, 2003, Published.
W.Kedzierski and J.W.McConkey, S(1S) production following electron impact on CS2, CAP Congress, CAP, Abstracts
Vol.58, No3, p97, 2003, Published.
C.P.Malone, W.Kedzierski and J.W.McConkey, Electron impact excitation of Krypton and Xenon clusters, CAP Congress,
CAP, Abstracts Vol.58, No3, p97, 2002, Published.
A.Abdelatif, W.Kedzierski and J.W.McConkey, Electron impact excitation of unstable atomic species, CAP Congress,
CAP, Abstracts Vol.58, No3, p97, 2002, Published.
T.Harb, W.Kedzierski and J.W.McConkey, LIF detection of unexcited OH fragments from various molecules following
electron impact, CAP Congress, CAP, Abstracts Vol.58, No3, p97, 2002, Published.
T.Harb, W.Kedzierski and J.W.McConkey, LIF detection of unexcited OH fragments from various molecules following
electron impact, CAP Congress, CAP, Abstracts Vol.58, No3, p97, 2002, Published.
W.Kedzierski, J.A.MacAskill, J.Domyslawska and J.W.McConkey, Magneto Optical Trap (MOT) as a new tool for
measuring electron impact cross sections, CAP Congress, CAP, Abstracts Vol.58, No3, p75, 2002, Published.
W.Kedzierski, J.A.MacAskill and J.W.McConkey, Magneto Optical Trap (MOT) as a new tool for measuring electron
impact cross sections, CAP Congress, CAP, Abstracts Vol.58, No3, p97, 2002, Published.
W.Kedzierski and J.W.McConkey, S(1S) production following electron impact on CS2, CAP Congress, CAP, Abstracts
Vol.58, No3, p97, 2002, Published.
W.Kedzierski and J.W.McConkey, Dissociation of COS into metastable fragments following electron impact, 22nd
ICPEAC, p295, 2001, Published.
T.Harb, W.Kedzierski and J.W.McConkey, Dissociation of water by electron impact, DAMOP, APS, Bulletin of APS 46, #3,
66, 2001, Published.
C.Malone, W.Kedzierski and J.W.McConkey, Electron impact excitation of krypton clusters, DAMOP, APS, Bulletin of APS
46, #3, 66, 2001, Published.
MacAskill, J.Domyslawska, M.Sak, W.Kedzierski and J.W.McConkey, Electron scattering cross sections in Cs using an
MOT, DAMOP, APS, Bulletin of APS 46, #3, 65, 2001, Published.
T.Harb, W.Kedzierski and J.W.McConkey, Electron-impact dissociation of H2O and D2O, 22nd ICPEAC, p294, 2001,
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C.Malone,W.Kedzierski and J.W.McConkey, Electron-impact dissociation of Krypton clusters, 22nd ICPEAC, p264, 2001,
W.Kedzierski, R.Nistor and J.W.McConkey, O(1S) production following electron impact on COS, DAMOP, APS, Bulletin of
APS 46, #3, 66, 2001, Published.
MacAskill, J.Domyslawska, W.Kedzierski and J.W.McConkey, Optical manipulation of Cesium atoms for electron collision
experiments, CIPI, 2001, Published.
T.Harb, W.Kedzierski, and J.W.McConkey, Electron - water collision probed by direct and laser induced fluorescence,
GEC, APS, Bulletin of APS 45, 38, 2000, Published.
W.Kedzierski, A.Abdellatif, J.W.McConkey, Electron impact excitation of H - Polarization of Balmer alpha, DAMOP, APS,
Bulletin of APS 45, #3, 73, 2000, Published.
C.Malone, W.Kedzierski, and J.W.McConkey, Electron impact excitation of N2O clusters, DAMOP, APS, Bulletin of APS
45, #3, 93, 2000, Published.
T.Harb, W.Kedzierski, and J.W.McConkey, OH(A,X) production in electron-water collisions probed by direct and laser
induced fluorescence, DAMOP, APS, Bulletin of APS 45, #3, 70, 2000, Published.
W.Kedzierski, and J.W.McConkey, Balmer-a excitation and polarization in e-H collisions, GEC, APS, Bulletin of APS 44,
#4, 45, 1999, Published.
W.Kedzierski, C.Malone and J.W.McConkey, Dissociation of SO2 into metastable fragments following electron impact,
ICPEAC, Abstracts 2121 ICPEAC, 1, 334, 1999, Published.
W.Kedzierski, M.Brennan and J.W.McConkey, Fragmentation of molecular clusters following electron impact, DAMOP,
APS, Bulletin of APS 44, 381, 1999, Published.
C.Malone, W.Kedzierski and J.W.McConkey, O(1S) production following electron impact dissociative excitation of SO2,
DAMOP, APS, Bulletin of APS 44, 1279, 1999, Published.
W.Kedzierski and J.W.McConkey, Polarization of Balmer-alpha radiation following electron impact on atomic hydrogen,
ICPEAC, Abstracts 2121 ICPEAC, 1, 256, 1999, Published.
W.Kedzierski and J.W.McConkey, Dissociation of water by electron impact, DAMOP, APS, Bulletin of APS 43, 1348,
1998, Published.
J.Derbyshire, W.Kedzierski and J.W.McConkey, Dissociative Excitation of Normal and Heavy Water by Electron Impact,
DAMOP, APS, Bulletin of APS 42, 963, 1997, Published.
W.Kedzierski and J.W.McConkey, Excitation fo unstable atomic species by electron impact, ICPEAC, Abstract ICPEAC
XX 155, 1997, Published.
W.Kedzierski, S.Annanthamoorthy and J.W.McConkey, Excitation of Argon clusters by electron impact, ICPEAC, Abstract
ICPEAC XX 154, 1997, Published.
J.Derbyshire, W.Kedzierski and J.W.McConkey, Isotope effect in O(1S) production following electron impact on H2O and
D2O, GEC, APS, Bulletin of APS 42, 1705, 1997, Published.
J.Derbyshire, W.Kedzierski and J.W.McConkey, O(1S) production following electron impact on H2O and D2O, ICPEAC,
Abstract ICPEAC XX 153, 1997, Published.
T.Harb, W.Kedzierski and J.W.McConkey, OH(X) production following electron impact on H2O, APS, GEC, Bulletin of
APS 42, 1708, 1997, Published.
W.Kedzierski and J.W.McConkey, VUV Photon Emmision Following Electron Impact on Ar Clusters, DAMOP, APS,
Bulletin of APS 42, 963, 1997, Published.
W.Kedzierski and J.W.McConkey, Electron impact excitation of atomic nitrogen, PECAM-II, 1996, Published.
W.Kedzierski and J.W.McConkey, Excitation of unstable atomic species by controlled electron impact, 49th Annual
Gaseous Electronics Conference, APS, Bulletin of APS 41, 1297, 1996, Published.
T.Harb, W.Kedzierski and J.W.McConkey, LIF detection of unexcited fragments following electron impact dissociation of
molecules, 49th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, APS, Bulletin of APS 41, 1314, 1996, Published.
T.Harb, W.Kedzierski and J.W.McConkey, LIF detection of unexcited fragments following electron impact dissociation of
molecules, 49th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, APS, Bulletin of APS 41, 1314, 1996, Published.
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T.Harb, W.Kedzierski and J.W.McConkey, LIF detection of unexcited fragments following electron impact dissociation of
molecules, 49th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, APS, Bulletin of APS 41, 1314, 1996, Published.
L. Krause, W. Kedzierski, A. Czajkowski, and J.B. Atkinson, Laser Spectroscopy of Hg2 Excimers, 28th European Group
for Atomic Spectroscopy Conference, Graz, Austria, 1996, Published.
J.Derbyshire, W.Kedzierski and J.W.McConkey, Production of metastable atoms following dissociative excitation of
oxygen containing molecules, 49th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, APS, Bulletin of APS 41, 1314, 1996,
W.Kedzierski and J.W.McConkey, Spectroscopy of microwave discharge through H2, N2, and O2, 23rd IEEE
International Conference on Plasma Science, 1996, Published.
W.Kedzierski, C.Noren, M.W.Hichson, J.Pamula and J.W.McConkey, Ultraviolet and visible emission from microwave
discharge atom beam source, DAMOP, APS, 1996, Published.
L. Krause, W. Kedzierski, A. Czajkowski, J. Supronowicz, and J.B. Atkinson, High resolution spectroscopy of the Hg2
excimer, 12th International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy, Capri, Italy, 1995, Published.
W. Kedzierski, J. Supronowicz, A. Czajkowski, J.B. Atkinson, M.J. Hinek, and L. Krause, The G0+u <— A0+g excitation
spectrum of the Hg2 excimer., Division of Atomic and Molecular (and Optical) Physics of the CAP and APS joint meeting,
1995, Published.
A. Czajkowski, W. Kedzierski, J.B. Atkinson, and L. Krause, The Ro-vibronic H1u(v'=1) <— A0+-g(v'=0) Excitation Bands
of (202Hg)2 excimer, Waterloo Symposium on Chemical Physics, Waterloo, 1995, Published.
W. Kedzierski, A. Czajkowski, J. Supronowicz, M.J. Hinek, J.B. Atkinson, and L. Krause, Analysis of the G0+u <— A0+g
spectrum of the (202Hg)2 excimer., Canadian Association of Physicists Congress, Regina, 1994, Published.
A. Czajkowski, W. Kedzierski, J.B. Atkinson and L. Krause, Rotationally resolved H1u <— A0+g vibronic excitation bands
of the (202Hg)2 excimer., Waterloo Symposium on Chemical Physics, 1994, Published.
W. Kedzierski, A. Czajkowski, J. Supronowicz, J.B. Atkinson, and L. Krause, Rotationally resolved excitation spectrum of
Hg2., 10th Interdisciplinary Laser Science Conference, Dallas, TX, 1994, Published.
W. Kedzierski, J. Supronowicz, A. Czajkowski, J.B. Atkinson, and L. Krause, The ro-vibronic G0+u <— A0+g excitation
spectrum of Hg2., 26th EGAS Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 1994, Published.
W. Kedzierski, J.B. Atkinson, and L. Krause, Laser Spectroscopy of highly excited states of Zn2, CLEO/QELS, Baltimore,
Maryland, 1993, Published.
W. Kedzierski, J.B. Atkinson, and L. Krause, Laser Spectroscopy of the 3SIGMA+g (4 3P,4 3P) <-> 3SIGMA+u (4 3P,4
1S) vibronic transitions in Zn2, IX Interdisciplinary Laser Science Conference, Toronto, 1993, Published.
L. Krause, W. Kedzierski, A. Czajkowski, J. Supronowicz, M.J. Hinek, and J.B. Atkinson, The rotationally resolved G0+u <
— A0+g electronic spectrum of the (202Hg)2 excimer., Waterloo Symposium on Chemical Physics, 1993, Published.
W. Kedzierski, J. Supronowicz, A. Czajkowski, M.J. Hinek, J.B. Atkinson, and L. Krause, The rotationally resolved G0+u <
— A0+g electronic spectrum of the (Hg202)2 excimer., IX Interdisciplinary Laser Science Conference, Toronto, 1993,
W. Kedzierski, J.B. Atkinson, and L. Krause, Laser Spectroscopy of the 3SIGMA+u (4 3P,4 3P) state of Zn2., DAMOP
Meeting of the American Physical Society, Chicago, IL, 1992, Published.
W. Kedzierski, J.B. Atkinson, and L. Krause, Laser Spectroscopy of the Zn2 excimer, Canadian Association of Physicists
Congress, Windsor, Ontario, 1992, Published.
W. Kedzierski, J.B. Atkinson, and L. Krause, Pump-and-Probe Spectroscopy of Zn2 in the 270-290 nm Region, VIII
Interdisciplinary Laser Science Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1992, Published.
J.B. Atkinson, J. Supronowicz, W. Kedzierski, and L. Krause, Laser Induced Fluorescence Spectroscopy of HgZn Excimer
states, Canadian Association of Physicists Congress, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1991, Published.
W. Kedzierski, J.B. Atkinson, and L. Krause, Laser Spectroscopy of the 3PIu (4 3D) state of Zn2., DAMOP Meeting of the
American Physical Society, Washington, D.C, 1991, Published.
J.B. Atkinson, E. Hegazi, W. Kedzierski, L. Krause, and J. Supronowicz, Laser spectroscopy of Zn2 and HgZn excimers.,
10th International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy, Font-Romeu, France, 1991, Published.
L. Krause, W. Kedzierski, J. Supronowicz and J.B. Atkinson, 3PIu <-> 3PIg Excitation Spectrum of the Zn2 Excimer,
DAMOP meeting of the American Physical Society, Monterey, California, 1990, Published.
W. Kedzierski, J. Supronowicz, J.B. Atkinson and L. Krause, Excitation and Decay of the LIF Spectrum of ZnH, DAMOP
meeting of the American Physical Society, Monterey, California, 1990, Published.
J. Supronowicz, W. Kedzierski, J.B. Atkinson and L. Krause, LIF Spectroscopy of low-lying HgZn Excimer States, VI
Interdisciplinary Laser Science Conference, Minneapolis, Minn, 1990, Published.
L. Krause, W. Kedzierski, J. Supronowicz, and J.B. Atkinson, Laser Spectroscopy of the 1SIGMA+u (4 1P) state of Zn2,
VI Interdisciplinary Laser Science Conference, Minneapolis, Minn., 1990, Published.
J.B. Atkinson, E. Hegazi, W. Kedzierski, L. Krause and J. Supronowicz, Excited-state LIF Spectroscopy of Hg and Zn
Molecules - The Path to New Excimer Lasers?, 9th International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy, Bretton Woods,
NH., USA, 1989, Published.
J.B. Atkinson, E. Hegazi, W. Kedzierski, L. Krause and J. Supronowicz, Laser Spectrometry of Mercury and Zinc
Excimers, International Conference on Lasers'89, New Orleans, 1989, Published.
J. Supronowicz, W. Kedzierski, J.B. Atkinson and L. Krause, Laser spectroscopy of the G0+u <— A0+g transition in the
(Hg202)2 excimer, Canadian Association of Physicists Congress, Guelph, 1989, Published.
R.W. Berends, W. Kedzierski, A.G. McConkey, J.B. Atkinson and L. Krause, Quenching of 52P Potassium atoms by
collisions with H2, N2, and CH4, ICPEAC, New York, 1989, Published.
W. Kedzierski, J.B. Atkinson and L. Krause, Laser induced fluorescence of Zn2 molecules, IV Intl. Laser Science Conf.,
Atlanta, Ga., 1988, Published.