Brain PET scan1 Brain CT scan1 Brain MRI scan1

Can you see into the human body? Can you determine tumors from organs or muscles from bones? Have you ever seen blood flow from the lungs to the heart and then to the body? How about the brain - ever seen it function in real time? We're guessing that you would answer, “No”, to all of these questions, but what if we told you that it was possible to do all of these things and more? Given the modern day technologies available to physicians, it is now possible to diagnose and study an assortment of internal processes within the human body. Furthermore, physicians can do all of these things without ever touching a scalpel, or even the patient!

Come join us as we proceed through a sequence of medical imaging tests. Although MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), CT (computed tomography), and PET (positron emission tomography) may sound like complex technologies, we can promise that all are understandable to individuals with an inclination to learn.

OR learn about medical physics from our expert medical physicist, Dr. Siobhan Ozard, Windsor Regional Cancer Centre.

Made 21 March 2006
© Copyright 2006, Brandon Disher, Logan Lenarduzzi, Ben Lewis, and Justin Teeuwen.