Christopher W. Tindale

Department of Philosophy
University of Windsor
Windsor, Ontario
N9B 3P4

519-253-3000, ext.2397



Ph.D.        University of Waterloo.     1986.

M.A.        University of Waterloo.     1979.

B.A.        Wilfrid Laurier University.     1977.


Research Areas:

  • Argumentation Theory, Ethics, Ancient Philosophy



    July 2006 -                         University of Windsor; Department of Philosophy: Professor.

    July 2004 - June 2006       Chair: Department of Ancient History and Classics.

    July 2003 - June 2004:       Acting Chairperson, Department of Philosophy.

    1999 - June 2006:             Trent University, Department of Philosophy: Professor.

    1991- 1999:                     Trent University, Department of Philosophy: Associate Professor. (Tenure July, 1991)

    1989-91:                         Trent University, Department of Philosophy: Assistant Professor.

    1988-89:         Wilfrid Laurier University, Department of Philosophy: Assistant Professor, Full Time.

    1986-88:         University of Waterloo, Dept. of Philosophy: Assistant Professor -Part time; & Wilfrid Laurier University, Dept. of Philosophy: Part Time.

    1984-86:         Trent University, Dept. of Philosophy: Full-time Sessional.

    1981-84:         Wilfrid Laurier University, Dept. of Philosophy: Part-time instructor.




    October 2001 - August 2002: Research Fellow, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research, University of Bielefeld, Germany. Project: Conflict Resolution.

    2000 - present: Co-Editor: Informal Logic: Reasoning and Argumentation in Theory and Practice.

    2001- present: Editorial Board: Controversia.

    Paper Referee (1989-2006): Argumentation; Informal Logic; Controversia; Teaching and Learning; Dialogue; De Philosophia; Ancient Philosophy; Eidos; American Journal of Philosophy; Social Theory and Practice.

    Ontario Philosophical Society Meetings 1999, 1993, 1991, 1990

    Canadian Philosophical Association Meetings 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996, 1995, 1993, 1992, 1991, 1990, 1989.

    International Society for the Study of Argumentation (ISSA): 2006 conference (Fallacy Theme papers).

    Referee, Grant Applications: SSHRC, 2001,2000; 1999; 1998; 1997; 1996; 1994; 1993. York University Research Development Fellowship, 1998; Dutch Council of the Humanities (2004).

    Reviewer Book Manuscripts: Cambridge University Press; Kluwer Academic Publishers; State University of New York Press; Broadview Press; University of Alabama Press; Gordon & Breach (U.K.); Lawrence Erlbaum Associates; Wilfrid Laurier University Press; MIT Press; Aid to Scholarly Publications Programme of the HSSFC; Prentice-Hall; and McClelland & Stewart Publishers.

    Reviewed Book Chapter for Argumentation and Computation (August, 2000).

    Conference Organization:

    2003: Co-organizer (with Hansen, Blair, and Johnson, University of Windsor): Informal Logic @ 25. Windsor, May 14-17. Co-prepared successful SSHRC grant application.

    2001: Co-organizer (with Hansen, Blair, and Johnson, University of Windsor): Argumentation and its Applications. Windsor, May 15-17. Prepared successful SSHRC grant application.

    1999: Co-organizer (with Hans Hansen, Brock): 'Argumentation at the Century's Turn'. International conference, Brock University, May. Prepared successful SSHRC funding application for this.

    1997: Co-organizer (with Hansen, Brock) 'Argumentation and Rhetoric' International conference Brock university, May. Prepared successful SSHRC funding application for this.

    1995 'Argumentation and Education'. International conference sponsored by the Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation (OSSA): co-organizer with Hans V. Hansen (Brock).



    Books & Monographs

    Fallacies and Argument Appraisal. Cambridge University Press. December 2006.

    Rhetorical Argumentation: Principles of Theory and Practice. Sage Publications. June, 2004.

    Good Reasoning Matters! Third Expanded Edition (with Leo Groarke ). Toronto: Oxford University Press Canada. February, 2004.

    2a. First edition of GRM (with Leo Groarke & J. Frederick Little). Toronto: McClelland & Stewart Co., Ltd., 1989. Second Expanded Edition (with Leo Groarke and Linda Fisher). Toronto: Oxford University Press Canada. December, 1996.

    Acts of Arguing: A Rhetorical Model of Argument. State University of New York Press, 1999.

    Informal Logic: A Prolegomenon to Good Argument, (with Leo Groarke). Indiana: Wyndham Hall Press, 1985. Monograph.


    Editor: Books/CDs/Journal Issues

    Informal Logic @ 25 (Conference Proceedings). Edited (with J. Anthony Blair, Windsor, Ontario: OSSA. December, 2003.

    Argumentation and Its Applications. (Conference Proceedings). Edited (with J. Anthony Blair, . Windsor, Ontario: OSSA. December, 2003.

    Argumentation at the Century=s Turn. CD-Rom. Edited and produced with Hans V. Hansen & Elmer Sveda. St. Catharines, Ontario: OSSA, 2000.

    Argumentation & Rhetoric. CD-Rom. Edited and produced with Hans V. Hansen & Athena Colman (Brock). St. Catharines, Ontario: OSSA, August, 1998.

    Rhetorical Considerations in the Study of Argumentation. Guest -editor with Hans V. Hansen. Special Issue of Argumentation, 12 (May 1998).

    Argumentation and Education: Proceedings of the 1995 Conference of the Ontario Society of the Study of Argumentation (OSSA)' Co-editor (with Hans V. Hansen) Special Issue of Informal Logic. Vol 17. No.2, (1995).

    Applied Philosophy: A Critical Appraisal. (Guest Editor) Eidos 7 (1988). [Appeared August, 1989.]



    "Tragic Choices: Reaffirming Absolutes in the Torture Debate," International Journal of Applied Philosophy. 19 (2), 2005: 209-222.

    "Power and Force in Argumentation," Controversia. vol. 3, No.2, 2005:63-90.

    "Hearing is Believing: A Perspective-dependent View of the Fallacies," in Argumentative Practice. Frans van Eemeren & Peter Houtlosser (Eds.). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2005.pp.29-42

    "The Truth about Orangutans: Defending Acceptability" in Informal Logic @ 25. J. Anthony Blair, (Eds.). Windsor, Ontario: OSSA. December, 2003:pp.10.

    "Rhetorical Argumentation and the New Journalism: A Case Study,"(with S. Ward, Journalism, UBC). Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation. Frans van Eemeren, et. al. (Eds.) University of Amsterdam: Sic Sat.:2003.

    "Hearing is Believing: A Perspective-Dependent Account of the Fallacies" in Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation. Frans van Eemeren et. al. (Eds.) University of Amsterdam: Sic Sat.:2003.

    "A Concept Divided: Johnson’s Definition of Argument" Argumentation,vol. 16, No.3, 2002: 299-309.

    ABakhtin=s Concept of Argument@ in Remembering M.M. Bakhtin. B.V. Emeljanov, O.B. Jonajtis and D.A. Olshansky (eds). Yekaterinburg: Urals State University, 2000:45-52.

    "Bakhtin and the Rhetorics of Argument," In Emerging Rhetorics, Edited by Willian E. Tanner, Stephen Souris, & Alfred G. Littori. Texas: North Texas Women=s University.(2000). CD Rom.

    "The Authority of Testimony," ProtoSociology: An International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, (vol 13, 1999):96-116.

    "Arguing for Bakhtin," Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Argumentation, Amsterdam: SicSat, (1999):786-790.

    "The Importance of Rhetoric for Argumentation". This essay serves as the Introduction for Argumentation & Rhetoric (above). Hans V. Hansen, C.W. Tindale & Athena Colman (Eds.) St. Catharines, Ontario: OSSA, (1998).

    "Fallacies in Transition: An Assessment of the Pragma-Dialectical Perspective" Informal Logic: Reasoning and Argumentation in Theory and Practice. Vol 18, No.1 (1996):17-33.

    "The Logic of Torture: A Critical Examination" Social Theory and Practice. Vol. 22, No.3 (1996):349-374.

    "Fallacies, Blunders, and Dialogue Shifts: Walton's Contributions to the Fallacy Debate," Argumentation. Vol. 11, No.3 (August 1997):341-354.

    "From Syllogisms to Audiences: The Prospects for Logic in a Rhetorical Model of Argumentation," in Practical Reasoning, Dov. M. Gabbay & Hans Jurgen Ohlbach, eds. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1996:596-605.

    "Walton and the Standard Treatment," in Analysis and Evaluation: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Argumentation, Frans H. van Eemeren, Rob Grootendorst, J.A. Blair and Charles Willard eds. Amsterdam:SicSat,1995:274-285.

    "Contextual Relevance in Argumentation," in New Essays of Informal Logic. R.H. Johnson and J.A. Blair eds. Windsor: Informal Logic Publications, 1994:67-81.

    "Totipotency and the Value of Embryonic Cells" Journal of Value Inquiry 28 (1994):519-528.

    "Reasonableness and the Limits to Persuasion," The Canadian Journal of Rhetorical Studies 3 (1993):133-148.

    "Public Attitudes and the Treatment of Neomorts," in Philosophy and Health Care, Eric Matthews & Michael Menlowe eds, Aldershot, Hants.: Avebury/Ashgate Publishing Ltd., 1992:135-154.

    "Audiences, Relevance and Cognitive Environments," Argumentation 6 (1992):177-188.

    "Audiences and Acceptable Premises: Epistemic and Logical Conditions," Proceedings of the Second ISSA International Conference on Argumentation. Frans van Eemeren et al. eds, Amsterdam: Sic Sat, 1991:288-295.

    "Philosophy, Alcohol and Liberty," Health Futures: Alcohol and Drugs, Douglas J. McCready ed., WLU: Interdisciplinary Research 1991:21-27.

    "The Nature and Value of Applied Philosophy," Eidos 7 (1988):123-135.

    "The Role of Language in the Acquisition of New Concepts," Proceedings of The Husserl Circle. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier, (1988):299-311.

    "Logic and Rhetoric: Groundwork for a Synthesis," (with Leo Groarke), Argumentation: Perspectives and Approaches, Frans H. van Eemeren, Rob Grootendorst, J. Anthony Blair, and Charles A. Willard eds., Dordrecht, Holland: Foris Publications, 1987:274-82.

    "The Use of Irony in Argumentation," (with James Gough), Philosophy and Rhetoric 20 (1987):1-17.

    "Critical Thinking: How to Teach Good Reasoning," (with Leo Groarke), Teaching Philosophy 9 (1986):301-318.

    "'Hidden' or 'Missing' Premises," (with James Gough), Informal Logic, VII (1985):99-106.

    "Plato's Lysis: A Reconsideration," Apeiron: A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science 18 (1984):102-107.



    "Review of Michael Mendelson’s Many Sides: A Protagorean Approach to the Theory, Practice, and Pedagogy of Argument," in Informal Logic, vol 23, No. 2, (appeared Spring 2005):201-05.

    "Review of Makau & Marty’s Cooperative Argumentation: A Model for Deliberative Community," Argumentation, 17: 257-261, 2003.

    "Review of James Warren’s Epicurus and Democritean Ethics" Philosophy in Review, vol. XXIII No.3:227-29, 2003.

    "Review of Levi’s In Defence of Informal Logic" Informal Logic, vol. 21, No.2, 2001: 183-85.

    "Review of Brisson’s Plato the Myth Maker," Philosophy in Review, vol. XXII, No.3, June, 2002: 164-65.

    "Review of Arguments from Ignorance". Philosophy & Rhetoric, 30, No.1 (1997):97-101.

    "Review of If I Were a Rich Man Could I Buy a Pancreas? And Other Essays on the Ethics of Health Care." in Health and Canadian Society, Vol.3, Nos.1&2 (1995):243-245..

    "Logical Architecture: A Review of Building Arguments" Informal Logic 15 (1993): 69-71.

    "Review of John Fowles's Fiction and the Poetics of Postmodernism" Modern Fiction Studies 39 (1993): 403-406.

    "Review of Chaim Perelman's The Realm of Rhetoric," Eidos III (1984):216-224.


    RESEARCH IN PROGRESS and Forthcoming:

    CIHR grant for project on cloning arguments in the Canadian context.

    "From Argumentation to Bargaining: The Role of Ethotic Moves," with Andreas Welzel, Forthcoming in Procedural Approaches to Conflict Resolution. Springer Verlag.



    "Textual Allusions as Rhetorical Argumentation: Gorgias, Plato and Isocrates," International Society for the Study of Argumentation Conference, Amsterdam: June 2006.

    "Fallacies as Violations of Rationality Norms: An Interdisciplinary Approach," (with Andreas Welzel) International Society for the Study of Argumentation Conference, Amsterdam: June 2006.

    "The Dark Rites of Plato’s Socrates," Classical Association of Canada, Toronto: May 2006.

    "Judging Coherence," National Communication Association, Boston: November 2005

    "Sophisms and Fallacies," International Pragmatics Association, Riva del Garda, Italy, July 2005.

    "Comments on ‘Pre-Aristotelian Theories of Argument: Isocratean Vocabulary and Practice," ‘Use of Argument’ Conference, McMaster University, May 2005.

    "Comments on ‘Arguing for the Ethics of an Ad: An Application of Multi-Modal Argumentation Theory’," ‘Use of Argument’ Conference, McMaster University, May 2005.

    "A Question of Appearance: Weak and Strong Arguments at Rhet. 1402a23" Classical Association of Canada Annual Meeting, Banff, May 2005.

    "The Argumentative Situation," National Communication Association, Chicago: November 2004.

    "Socrates’ Ad Misericordiam" Ontario Philosophical Society, Waterloo, Ontario: October 2002.

    "From Argumentation to Bargaining: The Role of Ethotic Moves," (with Andreas Welzel). Conflict Resolution Project, Closing Conference: University of Bielefeld, August 14, 2002.

    "Argumentation Theory and Conflict Resolution," (with J. Anthony Blair). Conflict Resolution Project, Closing Conference: University of Bielefeld, August 14, 2002.

    "Hearing is Believing: A Perspective-Dependent Account of the Fallacies" Fifth International Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation. University of Amsterdam, June 29, 2002.

    "Rhetorical Argumentation and the New Journalism: A Case Study," (with S. Ward, Journalism, UBC). Fifth International Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation. University of Amsterdam, June 28, 2002.

    "A Basic Approach to Argumentation". Workshop, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research, University of Bielefeld, June 21, 2002.

    "Power and Force in Argumentation: A Dialogic Response," Colloquium. Centre for Interdisciplinary Research, University of Bielefeld, May 23, 2002.

    The Argumentation Debate in Fifth and Fourth Century Athens,@ OPS, Ryerson University, February 2, 2002.

    Reasoning With the White Queen: Argument and the Intractable Audience,@ University of Bielefeld, Germany, October 2001. Invited address.

    Response.@ Paper in response to panel papers at a session on my book Acts of Arguing, National Communication Association Convention, Seattle, November 10, 2001.

    The Reasonable Audience.@ Texas Rhetoric Conference, North Texas Women=s University, February, 2001.

    Interior Design.@ At Argumentation and its Applications, Conference. University of Windsor, May 17, 2001.

    Informal Logic and the Dialogic Turn,@ Paper presented at the meetings of the Central States Communication Association, Detroit, April, 2000.

    Bakhtin and the Rhetorics of Argument,@ Paper presented at Cyber conference, North Texas Women's University, May, 1999.

    Comments on James Crosswhite's 'Nature and Reason: Inertia and Argumentation',@ at Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation conference, Brock University, May, 1999.

    "Arguing for Bakhtin," Fourth ISSA International Conference on Argumentation, Amsterdam, June 16-19, 1998.

    "A Kiss is Just a Kiss (Except When...): Unpacking Michael Gilbert's Coalescent Argumentation", Canadian Philosophical Association Meetings, University of Ottawa, May 27, 1998.

    "Judging Socrates: Three Audiences," Ontario Classical Association, Trent University, April 24, 1998.

    Comments on Tony Blair's "The Limits of the Dialogue Model of Argument," Ontario Philosophical Society meeting, Nov. 1st, 1997, University of Toronto

    "The Negative Approach to Teaching Argument: The Case Against Applied Fallacy Theory" 2nd International Conference on Teaching and Learning Argument, Middlesex University, London, September 4-6, 1997.

    "Argument and Burlesque: Notes on Protagoras and Aristotle," read at the Ontario Philosophical Society Meeting: Brock, October 1996.

    "Habermas and Perelman and the Concept of Argument," read at the Ontario Philosophical Society meeting: Windsor, October 1995.

    "The Standard Treatment of Fallacies," read at the meeting of the Ontario Society for the Study of Argument (OSSA), October 1994.

    "Walton and the Standard Treatment of Fallacies," read at the 3rd International Conference on Argumentation, Amsterdam, June 1994 .

    "Reasonableness and the Rhetorician's Obligations," Rhetoric Conference, Carleton University, October 16-18, 1992.

    "Relevance and Cognitive Environments," Conference on Relevance, McMaster University, June 10-11, 1991.

    Commentator: Canadian Philosophical Meetings, Kingston, May 1991.

    "Audiences and Acceptable Premises: Epistemic and Logical Conditions," read at the 1990 International Conference on Argumentation -- Amsterdam, June.

    "The Speech of Aristodemus: Mediation in the Symposium," read at the Canadian Philosophical Association's Annual Meeting, Victoria, B.C. June, 1990.

    "Public Attitudes and the Treatment of Neomorts" read at the Conference on Health, Economics, Law and Philosophy, in Aberdeen, Scotland, July 1989.

    "Contextual Relevance in Argumentation" read at the Third International Symposium on Informal Logic, in Windsor, Ontario, June 1989.

    "The Use and Abuse of Brain-Dead Cadavers," read at the Canadian Philosophical Association's Annual Meeting, Windsor, 1988.

    "Logic and Rhetoric: Groundwork for a Synthesis," read at the First International Conference on Argumentation. Amsterdam: June, 1986.

    "The Other as 'Enemy': A Direction for Nuclear Criticism," read at the Canadian Philosophical Association's Annual Meeting, Montreal, 1985.

    "Irony and Argument," (with James Gough) read at the Canadian Philosophical Association's Annual Meeting, Montreal, 1983.

    "Comments on 'Derrida's Analysis of Rousseau: The Supplement of Metaphysics,'" read at the Canadian Philosophical Association's Annual Meeting, Montreal, 1983.

    "'Hidden' or 'Missing' Premises," (with James Gough) read at the Second International Symposium on Informal Logic, Windsor, June, 1983.


    September, 2006