Study Questions for Test 2
Theory of Knowledge (34-254)
Dr. M. Guarini


  1. What reasons does Goldman give for saying that the most basic of j-rules must refer to cognitive states (and not social relations)?  Why does Brandom emphasize the social articulation of the space of reasons?  Can the views of these two philosophers be reconciled?  If so, how?  If not, why not?  Who do you think has the more plausible view?  Defend your position.  (If you think both views are equally implausible or equally plausible, then defend that position.)
  2. Compare and Contrast Goldman, BonJour and Brandom on internalism and externalism.  Be sure to discuss the essential elements of Brandom's view on the social articulation of the space of reasons.  Who do you think has the most defensible position?  Explain.  If you think they all have seriously flawed views, defend that position.
  3. Brandom suggests that reliabilists (like Goldman) are trying to recentre epistemology.  What are reliabilists moving away from, and what are they moving towards?  To what extent, if any, is Brandom sympathetic to reliabilism?  How does he argue for his position? Present and evaluate his position.  Be sure to discuss what he refers to as insights and blindspots of reliabilism.