Now that we have the opportunity each year to spend about six months or so at the cottage, we have more opportunity to observe problems, potential problems and plain old hassles.  We have found a couple of solutions that work well for us and I decided to share them


1.      We improved our water intake system with the installation of an Aqua                                   


Filter Stand.  The stand comes with a washable fabric cover and a spare for quick replacement.  A lot of algae and such gook stopped right at the foot valve rather than at the system filter, adding longer usage of the filter cartridge.  We found that the stand doesn't have to be in such deep water, so the checking and cleaning process is easy and regular.


2.      We have gone to almost 100% use of biodegradable products and we have found them to be very much improved now as well as more available.  In fact I find some of these products to be superior.  We have had great success with products purchased at Sobey's, Georgian Bay Whole Foods and EcoEthics.


3.      We found an easy to use product, EcoEthic septic system treatment that has not only solved our septic problems, but has kept all of our drains, traps and gray water pits clean and free flowing.  We use it regularly, not frequently.  Our lives are easier and I am confident that we are helping the bay.


We discovered Eco Ethic this spring by way of a Cottage Show promotion and have since ordered by mail at:


                                    Owl Innovations

                                    RR #2 Sunderland ON

                                    L0C 1H0


                                     Tel.     1-888-436-3996

                                    Fax.       705-357-9971



Do you have a new cottage help?  We'd like to hear of some successful ideas, old or new


A city dweller 'til spring,


Carol Topping