Presidents Message
Well I hope you all have had
as great a winter as I have. We’ve had such great weather that
small or big sled trips have allowed me to get out sleddin’ on 7 different
weekends, put 1500+ miles on, and go to our. JT’s & Pinty’s
cottage…that’s so far!!
Everybody seems to be long
awaiting spring! The weather is still cold (-25C last night) but
it has been sunny & beautiful during the day. The Spring Cottage
Life Show is just around the corner and we’re getting calls from new
customers who want to have their boats ready on time. It will
come, so don’t worry about it!
If you have the time, break
out the sleds, cross country skiis, maybe even ice skates and go to
the cottage! If you don’t make it up during the winter, take
advantage of something “wintery” in your area; snowshoeing maybe,
get those dusty winter toys one more time on a beautiful March day and
take advantage of it. Never let winter slow you down! Depression
is just lazy anger!
Don’t worry, I don’t want
winter to stay forever & look forward to seeing you all soon!