From your GBA Rep.
– Claudette Pintwala
“We’re really at this important juncture in Great Lakes history. We’re entering a period of increased water tensions. Almost everyone agrees that the current system to protect the Great Lakes is dysfunctional.”
Annin, author, The Great Lakes Water Wars
I have been Director with the
GBA Board for 8 years now, and increasingly, there is more and more
tension surrounding the environmental issues and projects that GBA monitors
and lobbies government for on the behalf of its members (YOU). Folks,
the GBA and the GBA Foundation is finding itself at a crossroads and
having to redefine itself. And we are working diligently to do that.
We are now more than your umbrella cottage association watchdog group.
The problems we face are now bigger than the sum total of our memberships’
property lines. It is a very exciting day for GBA and for those like
the SCA members, who support it. We look forward to communicating to
you, as we step towards proactive change spearheaded by our talented
and passionate Executive Director, Bob Duncanson, and proceed through
the visioning and strategy building exercises that the GBA Foundation,
GBA Executive, GBA’s 24 Directors and your SCA (and other Association)
executive will be engaging in.
Some seem not to care about
important issues about the Bay. The way I see it, those who live and
play on Georgian Bay either get up to speed with the environmental issues
surrounding the aquatic environment that is so much loved and depended
upon, or they appear to be part of the problem. Ignorance may be bliss,
but it can also be very dangerous.
Rest assured. If you believe
in the role of GBA as Steward of the Georgian Bay environment, and so
are pleased that a portion of your SCA membership is going to support
it, and if you believe that the GBA Foundation needs your dollars to
support the scientific studies and educational projects, and so donate
extra of your hard earned money to those campaigns, then you are
part of the solution! If you like to learn and get involved
in ways you can, (even those casual, friendly, conversations at the
dock or around the kitchen table) with passing on news and/or awareness
of the pristine and fragile place we are in the “business” of protecting,
then you are part of the solution! But if you only want to play
here and turn a blind eye to the “troubled “ waters by which you
play, then, know that there are others who are shouldering the burden
of your play because they want their grandchildren to have the same
privileges that have so very much DELIGHTED us in both our youth and
old age. By its natural wonders and opportunities for reveling
in its enchantment, Georgian Bay just IS a gift from Mother Nature.
Let’s keep the gift shinny and new and treasure it like the heirloom
it is meant to be. Many of our members have wonderful stories to tell
about their Georgian Bay experience – stories about communing placidly
with nature, about historic events of courage and camaraderie, stories
big in bounty to the anglers and varied species of its fish, timeless
folklore, and stories of the mighty challenge to uphold shelter through
storms of the seasons.
Please share those stories,
especially with the children. While on that drive to hockey or to dance
class, help them dream dreams for their Georgian Bay vacation. Take
them to some environmental events – and remind them of the precious
Georgian Bay environment that we all miss visiting over the long winter
months. Our children are vital to what moves us to be good stewards.
Help our children remember what Georgian Bay means to family, to tradition,
to well-being, and to shared experience in common wonder of nature.
Here’s a Heads –up on how
to get started and motivated for summer cottaging. Make this the year
of those who care!
worth the Drive to Toronto, or Cleveland!
(See more information on these
exciting events on the site)
Other Significant Dates:
Important Reminder! Choose GBA Foundation as your #1 Charity of
choice for 2008.