Message from the President:
It is with sadness that I inform the membership that
the South Channel Association’s first President, Albert Zanussi, passed away
March 4. His loss will be deeply felt by family and friends and, on behalf of
the South Channel Association, I would like to send the family our deepest
condolences. Many of you will recall that in our last Newsletter, Al’s wife,
Yvonne, shared some of her early memories of the creation of the South Channel
Association. I would like to once again thank Yvonne for reminding us of the
great work the Al did on all of our behalves. He will be sorely missed.
In this current edition another of our earliest
members will be sharing her memories with us – Betty Wheeler. I encourage you
all to take a read and remember when…..
We still need submissions for the summer and fall newsletter, so any of
you out there who have memories of “how it all began”, or even just “the way we
were”, please send them in to Robin: or myself: Or they can be sent by “snail mail’ to my
address at 30 Dawn Ridge Dr. Kitchener, N2N 3J7.
You will see below that the Annual General Meeting
will once again be held at Glen Burney Marina. Please come and join us and stay
for lunch afterwards, compliments of Glen Burney Marina. The meeting will also
be followed by a raffle. It is a great opportunity to come and meet your
neighbours, socialize and, I promise you, the meeting is never boring.
In this newsletter you will see some information from Claudette Pintwala
regarding aquaculture and our increasing concerns regarding this practice. The
GBA's "Position on Freshwater Aquaculture Using Open Net Pens in the
Georgian Bay Watershed" urges government to safeguard our public waters;
to be sure the term "sustainability" retains the principle of keeping
clean areas clean; issue a moratorium to halt any expansion of existing sites
or proposals of new sites; to act in accord with the standards set by the
Precautionary Principle; and to support the movement of this industry from open
water, to closed, land-based systems.
I would encourage members to take a moment to find the endorsement
form included in the GBA update, fill it out and send it in.
In the meantime, I hope everyone has a great summer season at the cottage. See you at the AGM, as we begin work on the next 30 years!
Tracy Biggar
30th Annual General Meeting
Glen Burney Marina
Sunday August 1,2004
Coffee and displays available at 9:30am
Meeting starts at 10am
Buffet Lunch, compliments of Glen Burney
Marina, to follow