Message from the President


Happy anniversary everyone!!!


This edition of the newsletter kicks off our celebration of the 30th anniversary of the South Channel Association. In the past 30 years we have gone from the little association that could, to a vibrant influence on the Georgian Bay. Included in this newsletter is an article from Yvonne Zanussi, sharing her recollections of how it all began. I would like to encourage others who were involved in the beginning to contact me, particularly if they think they would like to share some memories in our newsletter.


Also included in this issue is our 2003 Directory. I remind you that only those who filled out the form included with the membership application, would be listed. In some cases they simply wrote on the form “same as last year” – which would be fine. However, if your information isn’t there, and you didn’t fill out the form… that would be why.


I have to admit that the information submitted by some was a bit of a challenge to decipher. Please remember that the children’s column is for people under the age of 18. I don’t need to know that your son is 45 and his wife is 47. If they are over 18 they are listed as adult cottagers and their ages remain their secret.


Also included in this newsletter is information regarding the West Parry Sound Health Centre fund raising drive. I would encourage all to consider making a donation. It truly is an investment in our future. And, should you find yourself able to make a donation, please note that you are a member of the South Channel Cottagers Association.


See you all on the Bay.


Tracy Biggar

President, South Channel Association