South Channel Association

]Annual General Meeting

Glenn Burney Marina  

August 4, 2002


10:10 Opening Remarks - Tracy Biggar

Executive members introduced and special guests were acknowledged. All members were asked to encourage any non-members in the South Channel area to join. Our strength is in our numbers. On behalf of the Association, Hydro One was requested to check with individual cottagers before spraying right-of-ways with herbicide. A response has gone from the Association to the Heritage Coast staff encouraging greater consideration of environmental issues in their economic development plans. Items arising from the Deerhorn Conference include a coordinated “Grassroots Initiative” with which we can consolidate efforts of the World Biosphere, environmental concerns, crown land development, and municipal plans.


2000 AGM Minutes – Don Wheeler

The South Channel Association Annual General Meeting had been duly announced and that the 2001 minutes had been circulated.


Motion: That the 2001 AGM minutes be accepted as presented

            Moved by Dierke Lange                          Seconded by Bob Prout


Presentation: Dawn Cooper and Toni Fell provided a comprehensive program on the hospital campaign. Serving permanent and seasonal residents in the area the $62,000,000 facility needs local support of $3,000,000, of which $2,700,000 has been raised. Cottagers were urged to contribute generously and to volunteer to assist in the campaign. We were also encourages to put an entry in next year’s Dragon Boat Races.


Treasurer’s Report - Eleanor Reed

$500.00 has been put aside for fire pump repairs as needed, and there is $500 extra in the contingency fund.


Motion: that the report by accepted as printed and distributed

            Moved by Eleanor Reed            Seconded by Liane Black


Membership Report – Pat Blundy on behalf of Steve Blundy

93 members last year –80 members at present (including honorary members)


            Committee Reports:


Newsletter:            Tracy Biggar on behalf of Robin Argenta

Always looking for articles. Please e-mail to Robin at


Discounts            Carol Topping

Members should identify self as SCA members when requesting discounts. Staff in some establishments were unaware of discounts until reminded. Merchants were very generous in supporting the draw at the AGM.


Massasauga Park     Don Wheeler

A windfall grant from the Heritage Coast has been used to clear 15 KM of hiking trails in the Northern area of the Park. Members were encouraged to use them. The Devil’s Elbow site has had new docks and privies installed.

The park is in the process of  establishing a ban on bottles and cans in the interior and prohibiting the collection of wood for fires.


Nominations:            Rick Zanussi presented list of nominees for 2002-2003

Shirley Wigmore’s resignation was acknowledges with regret.


            President – Tracy Biggar               Vice President – Don Wheeler

            Treasurer – Eleanor Reed                

            Members at Large – Stan Topping, Steve Blundy, Steve Sprague, Ed Pintwala.

            Newsletter –Robin Argenta

                                                There were no nominations from the floor.


Motion: That the 2002-20031 SCA Executive be accepted as presented.

            Moved with enthusiasm and appreciation by Gervis Black

Seconded by Leo Argenta



Environmental / Water            Stan Topping

Stan presented a detailed report summarizing 4 years of testing. The South Channel turns out to have far less flushing that previously thought – with several larger bays acting as sumps. E-coli content is slightly better, while overall coliform remains high – likely due to natural causes. Septic inspection is continuing.


Environment /  Forests            Don Wheeler

The Township has contracted with Bioforest Technologies to monitor forest health. They are setting up sample plots to follow pest populations. Follow their findings at  .


Council Update: Rick Zanussi

Amalgamation is no longer an issue. Governance of the Great Lakes Heritage Coast is. Some sharing of services is occurring among municipalities.  Downloading contimues to be the most expensive part of our taxes. The Town of Parry Sound is now contributin a more reasonable share of the hospital costs. Rick encourages us all to take part in the upcoming public meetings on review of the planning by-laws.




GBA Update – Claudette Pintwala

Claudette reviewed some of the initiatives of the GBA including final success in legislation re floating cottage issue and vessel noise issue, current issues re opposition to the dredging of the Seaway and permanent lowering of the water levels in the Bay. The four avenues of GBA were noted – Air Quality, Water Quality, Aquaculture and Fish and Wildlife. Claudette has taken on responsibility in the Aquaculture area and recently attended a high level local meeting on this issue.


Thanks            Unanimous vote to thank Doug Mathews and Glenn Burney for providing meeting space and lunch


Thanks to Carol Topping and her assistants for organizing the lunch after the meeting


Raffle                                       Conducted by Denys Reed (proceeds over $200)