SOUTH CHANNEL ASSOCIATION                                              

Membership / Renewal Application Form                                          

Jan. 1, 2007 to Dec. 31, 2007



Name                                                                                                   New Member_____   Renewal _____


Home Address ___________________________________              City                                                                  Prov/State                                       


Postal Code / Zip Code ____________________________               Cottage Phone:                                     Home Phone                                      


Civic Address (Green Sign)   ___________________________       E Mail Address      ________________________________________________


      List the information you would like included in the South Channel Directory

      NOTE: Last year’s directory information will be repeated unless otherwise indicated below


Cottage Location / phone


Adult Cottagers

(SCA member and others who use cottage)


Home Address/Phone





Fire Pump


Other Information


































Membership Fee ($63.00) Enclosed                                         $_________________      

Additional Voluntary Contribution                                             $_________________


                                                                        Total                $ _________________


(Please make cheque payable to South Channel Association)

Please Mail Form to :                       Steve Blundy, Membership Chair

                                                                        South Channel Association

                                                                        1261 White Oaks Blvd.,

                                                                        Oakville, ON

                                                                         L6H 2N6