By and large the environment
in the South Channel area has had a very good year. Regardless of the sparse rain over the past few months the forest
seems to be less stressed than it has been the past several years and has made
significant recovery from the insect damage incurred aver the past two
years. The moth traps show no activity
of the hemlock looper and only slight activity of the forest tent caterpillar
and the gypsy moth.
Nearly 100 water quality tests
were conducted in the South Channel between late May and mid October. The bacterial counts in the South Channel
this year were much lower than those of any other year that we have tested. However, water clarity was the poorest we
have seen and the water temperature has been the highest. The E. coli
Counts were very good and
the extreme spikes in total coliform did not occur as they have over the
previous two or three years.
Now that is the good
news. The not so good news is that at
this time the six month water levels prediction places our water this spring to
be at about the 2004 level or a bit lower.
Well, all we can say about that is it is only a prediction.
The water sampling results
for the entire year as well as the results for the previous five years can be
viewed on line at
your information location on the South Channel. Beginning in July these results have all been posted a day or two
following their collection.
We welcome suggestions for
additional content on this web site. Or
any other comments about it.