South Channel Association
Annual General Meeting
July 31, 2005
Meeting called to order
at 10:05 by Tracy Biggar. Welcome to
guests from the Township of the Archipelago, Rick Zanussi, John Seagram and Ted
Christie (Ward 4). John Seagram is also now the new director of the Georgian
Bay Foundation. Previous AGM minutes
are tabled and Don Wheeler makes a motion to accept the minutes as read. Second Ralph Smith.
Treasurer’s Report
presented by Tracy. Even though our
revenue numbers are negative we are not in bad shape. Negative revenue in past
fiscal year due to timing of FOCA membership dues (double payment and
additional costs of last year’s anniversary AGM). Andy Myers makes a motion to accept the treasurer’s report,
second Conrad Pemberton.
Membership Report was
presented by Steve Blundy. We now have
Stan Topping presented
the water quality report. He informed
us that
there are about 200 sites being monitored.
In the past the standards used were 100 units total coliform, 10 units
e-coli. These were acceptable standards
for swimming. 0 e-coli for
drinking. The Provincial standards have
now changed to 1000 units total coliform and 100 units e-coli. Stan thinks this is too high. Possible reasons for this Provincial move is
so that lakes do not have to be posted no swimming. If e-coli are present then you can expect other pathogens to be
present also. This year the water
quality is quite good. Stan thinks that
high UV ratings may have helped kill bacteria.
In the last 7 years we have seen e-coli contamination improve in our
area. Concern now is what is going into
the septic systems. Phosphates and
nitrates are the problem now. Septic
systems do a good job with human waste but not with phosphates. Stan talked about two new damaging pests,
the Asian Long Horn Beetle and the Emerald Ash Borer. Spreading by the movement of firewood into the area from
contaminated areas. Gypsy Moth and
Hemlock Looper seem to be under control right now along with Tent Caterpillars. Stan finished with these words to the wise….
If you won’t put it in your mouth, don’t
put it in the water.
Council Update. Tracy opened with remarks on marinas and how the
is amending its overall plan. Rich
Zanussi finished the presentation announcing “ this is the 25th
anniversary of The Township of the Archipelago” He talked about the Water
Access Committee and how having citizen participation would help all involved
get a perspective on what was needed.
He discussed how the town’s official plan is now requiring 2 acre island
zoning rather that 1 acre and this should resolve some past problems, although
there may be some legal challenges.
Rick discussed septic system legislation which will give the Town some
enforcement authority to stop polluters.
He let everyone present know that Ted Christie was now the Finance Chair
and John Seagram was head of the Environmental Committee. Both excellent choices for the
positions. Rick closed by saying that
the Township has one of the lowest tax rates in the area and has held increases
(even though 50% of them are out of their control) to 3% this year. Congratulations to Ted Christie.
6. SCA
Social Event…..Tracy and Ryan Tarrant have been floating ideas back and forth
about what the SCA could do in this area.
Tracy asked for ideas from the audience and Ryan proposed an afternoon
social event at the school house at San Souci which we have access to.
member in the audience suggested that children would probably enjoy information
on a lot that was discussed today regarding environmental issues and
information on boating safety etc so long as it was presented in a fun
way. Another member suggested that
everyone bring their own lunch and the possibility of a tube and sail race.
GBA Update. Lights were dimmed and Scott White, newly
elected President of The Georgian Bay
Association gave us a very informative Power Point presentation on the past,
present and future direction of GBA.
The GBA has had many successes in recent years and Scott shared with us
his vision of what needs to be watched in the future. Claudette Pintwala was asked to speak on fish farming and with
her expertise gave a very informative and concerning presentation about the effects
of open net aquiculture.
Tracy announced that Ed
Pintwala was Treasurer and that he was
down. He and Claudette no longer had a
cottage in our area. Tracy asked for
motions from the floor for new Executive Members to replace some of our long
term members. Liane Black was nominated
for the position of Treasurer and that was seconded by Denys Reed. The vote was all in favor. After a brief discussion of Executive
membership responsibilities by Steve Blundy and Tracy again asked for
nominations and Lauren Hartt was nominated and the nomination seconded by Denys
Reed. All in favour.
Clean Up The Bay…..Ryan
Tarrant discussed the program to date.
and Ralph were disappointed in the response to date but both feel the program
has potential. They will look at other
ways of getting to our young cottagers about this fun event. Elijah Topping was the sole participant and
as such will get to select one of three excellent prizes. Contest will be extended to the end of the
summer for winners of the remaining prizes.
Bill Prout from the
Ontario Sustainable Energy Assoc. who had requested time to speak was given
time to present information on wind power generation. He informed us that Georgian Bay is one of the best sights in
Canada for wind generated electricity, better even that Gaspe which has 100’s
of wind turbines. He suggested that we
should get ready as these for profit corporations have “huge budgets and huge
legal budgets”. Ralph Smith mentioned that he was aware of
large areas off Cape Cod Massachusetts where wind turbines were operating out
of sight but they were well off shore and not an eye sore. Bill mentioned that some of Georgian Bay’s
rocky offshore islands would be perfect.
Tracy asked for any
further motions from the floor. Gervis
Black stood to comment on the quality of the Executive over these years and in
particular Rick and Tracy. He offered a
motion of “Deep Appreciation” and all agreed.
Closing Comments: Tracy thanked Carol and Stan Topping for
work on the very successful raffle. She
thanked Glen Burney for once again hosting our annual meeting and their
generosity for sponsoring lunch
13. Meeting
adjourned at 12:10 PM.