AUGUST 6, 2000



Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 10:00 by President Tracy Biggar.


Opening Remarks: 1. Reminder to vote in the Nov. 2000 election

2. 1999 SCA Directory has been distributed. Tracy to be notified of any desired changes for 2000 directory 3. Request that members state name when moving or seconding motio

4.Welcome Reeve Ian Stewart and councilors Rick Zanussi and Huntley Christie


Acceptance of 1999 AGM Minutes: That the 1999 South Channel AGM minutes be accepted as printed..

Moved: Murray Philp Seconded: Heidi Trieb                  Carried


Treasurer’s Report

That the treasurer’s report be accepted as presented.

Moved: Eleanor Reed     Seconded: Heidi Trieb             Carried


Committee Reports:

Membership: Presented by Steve Blundy

Request that SCA members recruit new members. Total 1999 members is 96. Total for 2000 to date is 87.

Moved: Denys Reed      Seconded: Don Hamilton         Carried

GBA: Don Wheeler outlined some of the role and function of the GBA, which is a volunteer group..

-positive results in the floating cottages process

-voluntary release of under or over sized bass to offset current population decline.

-issues re Massassauga Park

-water quality problems

-September conference

-suggested that $200.00 tax refund could be used as donation to GB Area Foundation (see current GBA Update)

Environment: Stan Topping- presenter

1. Septic system testing

.- 400 sites tested last year. 200 of these sent letters re problems - several of these got permits for upgrading

-320 sites this year

2. Water testing program

-display of printed material and testing devices made available for AGM members to examine

-outline of present testing procedure

-suggestions that SCA could sponsor pick-up of water testing bottles

-reminder that Ministry of Health states that no open water is considered safe to drink

-note that water quality is poor in cottage bays – need for cottagers to monitor their septic systems

-need for Township to be involved in water safety program

Newsletter: Presenter Robyn Argenta

-request for contribution for material

Merchandise: Carolyn Viney listed the items available for purchase

Massasauga Park: Speaker: Gary Higgins

- discussion of planned hiking trails

- boundary expansion delayed to 2001 – discussion of changes in earlier boundary map (inner boating channel at present)

- FOCA consultation re : changes in boundary. Process to include focus group input

- Rick Zanussi noted boundary impact on small islands

- No increase in camp sites planned



Rick Zanussi presented the list of nominees for  2000- 2001

Executive as 1999 except for the resignation of Carolyn Viney

President                 Tracy Biggar

Vice President         Don Wheeler

Treasurer                 Eleanor Reed

Members at Large   Stan Topping, Shirley Wigmore, Steve Blundy

Newsletter               Robin Argenta

There were no nominations from the floor.


That the 2000-2001 Executive be approved as presented.

Moved: Heidi Trieb        Seconded: Terry Zanussi           Carried


SCA Website: Described by Tracy in the absence of Ray Hermiston


Guest Speaker: Reeve Ian Stewart

-          Thanks for support during 15 years as reeve – now retiring

-          Outline of plans/process/ problems for amalgamations

-          Amalgamation with Georgian Bay Township is logical choice – support in this from various persons

-          Ian will advise if/or what SCA might do to assist with amalgamation with Georgian Bay Township.

-          no present action needed


FOCA Update – Carol Philp presenter

-0utline of FOCA role and function

-represents 80 000 cottages

-36 year history

-influences, resources, lobby group

-3 levels – SCA – GBA –FOCA

-usefullness of Cottage Watch program

-display of FOCA material available today for AGM membership o pick up

- FOCA is available for information when needed



That SCA give Stan and Carol Topping an “elegant” dinner at Burtons as a token of appreciation for Stan’s work in septic and water testing.


Moved : Heidi Trieb            Seconded: Murray Philp                       Carried



Tracy thanked Carol Topping and the lunch committee. Glen Burney Marina was thanked for the use of their facilities and for the provision of the lunch.

Annette Goulee was thanked for obtaining items used as door prizes for today.

SCA executive was thanked for their work during the past year.


Adjournment was at approximately 12:00 P.M.


Lunch followed the meeting