AUGUST 1, 1999
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 10:15 by President Tracy Biggar.
Opening Remarks: Tracy introduced new members of the executive Robin Argenta and Steve Blundy. The presence of Councilors Rick Zanussi and Huntley Christie was acknowledged, as was that of Ted Christie from the San Souci Association. Tracy announced that the Association Directory was available and that Safe Boating and zebra mussel materials could be picked up after the meeting. Glenn Burney Marine was thanked for their generous hospitality.
Acceptance of 1998 AGM Minutes: That the 1998 South Channel AGM minutes be accepted as presented.
Moved: Heidi Trieb Seconded: Don Hamilton Carried
Treasurer’s Report
That the treasurer’s report be accepted as presented.
Moved: Eleanor Reed Seconded: Wray Walker Carried
Committee Reports:
Membership: Eleanor Reed reported on behalf of Annette Goulee that there are 81 paid memberships to date. Annette has resigned from the executive. She was thanked for her work and congratulated on her coming marriage.
GBA: Don Wheeler outlined some of the efforts and concerns of the GBA, which is a volunteer group. Mentioned were boat cottages, liaison with Massasauga Park, rattlesnake material, the GB Littoral Biosphere Reserve, water testing, reorganization of Ontario Hydro, zebra mussels.
Environment: Stan Topping reviewed water testing procedures and progress to date. It was noted that there are five test sites in the South Channel area and that these will be moved as indicated. Parry Sound Health Unit will send away drinking water samples for analysis.
Newsletter: Carol Philp was thanked for her newsletter work and her successor, Robin Argenta, was introduced. Newsletter contributions were requested.
Merchandise: Carolyn Viney presented the merchandise report. The Boat Pro Manual was available at the merchandise table.
Massasauga Park: Stan Topping attended the annual meeting at Calhoun Lodge and reported a working relationship with park officials. The park patrol boat now carries a fire pump available to cottages for a fee. Incident reports are important and should be filed as necessary. The tentative park expansion is planned to include the south and east boating channels with no increase in campsites. Tracey noted that a letter from the Association has been sent to the Honorable John Snobelen, Minister of Natural Resources and that park expansion is under advisement with no intention of expropriating private land for the park.
Rick Zanussi presented the list of nominees for 1999- 2000
President Tracy Biggar
Vice President Don Wheeler
Treasurer Eleanor Reed
Members at Large Stan Topping, Carolyn Viney, Shirley Wigmore, Steve Blundy
Newsletter Robin Argenta
Retiring Members: Annette Goulee, Jon Pintwala. There were no nominations from the floor.
That the 1999-2000 Executive be approved as presented.
Moved: Heidi Trieb Seconded: Liane Black Carried
Moved by Rick Zanussi
Healey Lake Road – see On the Waterfront
Moved: Tracy Biggar Seconded: Liane Black Carried
Township of the Archipelago Counselor’s Report
Rick Zanussi reported septic system testing for township cottages – a five-year plan targets non permit sites first. Sans Souci and South Channel have been completed. High-risk sites are those more than 20 years old or with no recorded installation. Next are those 10-20 years and finally those 10 years and under. Stan commented that he had a good impression of testing procedures.
In relation to floating cottages Rick reported that the Township controls land use plans but not those of water use. The township has begun efforts to get control of water use.
The issues of the last year in relation to Sandy Island continue.
Regarding taxes, Rick reports there is a discrepancy between provincial descriptions of money to be paid to the Township and the money actually received. Taxes are to be up 15% with 2-3% raise anticipated. Don Wheeler and Heidi Trieb addressed assessment appeal process and problems, noting that actual sale prices of south Channel properties are not what market value assessment shows.
That South Channel assessments be reviewed to reflect actual potential selling prices of properties.
Moved: Heidi Trieb Seconded: Don Wheeler Carried
Tracy thanked Carol Topping and the lunch committee. A raffle for donated articles raised $228.00 for Association funds.
Adjournment was at approximately 12:20 P.M.
Raffle and Lunch followed the meeting
NOTE: The 2000 Annual General Meeting will begin at 9:30 A.M. with the first ½ hour to allow informal discussion over coffee. The business meeting will start promptly at 10:00 AM