Hermiston Newsletter Volume 3 1999

As summer passes the middle of August our many visitors to Georgian Bay are preparing for the millenium "Rat Race" as we all get ready for the year 2000... Thus I guess it is time for me to return to my quest of data for the year 2000 publishing of my book on the Hermiston/Hermistone/Hermeston/Harmiston/Harmeston family. I have chosen to call this "very special" genealogical tree Family Hermiston I guess I have the right to do this on 2 counts..first I am the one collecting all of the data and secondly it is really difficult to type all five variations everytime I write to all of you so from now on we will be:

As many of you know Kay and I live 8 miles out in Georgian Bay on Lake Huron in Ontario. Since it is an island residence we only live here from May 1st to October 15th. The rest of the year we have neither a fixed address nor a permanent "land based" residence. Our kids like to refer to us in October through April as people with "no fixed address" although we are sure the police would not find that a funny response! This year we expect to leave Parry Sound headed for Florida for December 1st by way of our daughter's place in Edmonton... through Oregon and Sault Lake City! Our trip through Oregon is not to visit the Town of Hermiston because no Hermistons have ever lived there! but to visit some old friends. Sault Lake City will allow me to do some more research on "Family Hermiston" at the Mormon center.. We are also going to try to find a Jim Harmiston in Utah who had an article written about him recently. He is from the "old school" of the Mormon Church and has 8 wives! That should be interesting I have enough trouble with one!... Oh we might also hit British Columbia and try to tie in the many Family Hermiston people in that province as well. I guess what I'm looking for is suggestions.. NOT places to stay but rather Family Hermiston people to visit for an hour or two in as many places as possible.. I will be equipped with lots of computer toys to record both data and pictures!

Our trek west will hopefully take us through Iowa, and Montana that is if Family Hermiston members in those two states show any interest in meeting with us about their branches of Family Hermiston. If we are unable to make any connections there we will probably bother the Northern lines through the Soo, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan. I'd like to hear some comments from our email contacts about this portion of our trip.
Once we leave Florida in April of 2000 we may swing through the Carolinas and up the east coast to my brother Jack's in New Brunswick again in search of Family Hermiston folk!

Well it is time to redesign the :

Homepage again so keep checking things out

Or even send me some ideas

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