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Articles in Refereed Journals

W. Altenhof, M. Laframboise, J. Losher, A. Raczy, and A. Alpas, Numerical Simulation of AM50A Magnesium Alloy Under Large Deformation, International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol. 30 No. 2, 117-142, 2004, Published, February.

W. Altenhof, W. Ames, P. R. Frise, and F. Ghrib, A comparison of the crashworthiness performance of geometrically identical aluminum and magnesium steering wheel armatures, International Journal of Crashworthiness, Vol. 8 , 237-246, 2003, Published, 3.

W. Altenhof, N. Zamani, W. North, and B. Arnold, Dynamic Stress Concentrations for an Axially Loaded Strut at Discontinuities Due to an Elliptical Hole or Double Circular Notches, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2003, In Press.

O. Nabeta and W. Altenhof, An investigation into the crashworthiness characteristics of steering wheel armatures from common compact passenger cars, International Journal of Crashworthiness, Vol. 8, 329-337, 2003, Published, 4.

Z. Li, W. Altenhof, P. Frise, R. Gaspar, and B. Arnold, Experimental and numerical testing of a prototype car-carrier structure with suggested design improvements, International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems, 2003, In Press.

W. Altenhof, W. Li, N. Zamani, and B. Arnold, Observations on the energy absorption performance of a three-spoke steering wheel armature during impact, Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2003, In Press.

A. Raczy, M. Elmadagli, W. Altenhof, and A. Alpas, An Eulerian Finite Element Model for Determination of Deformation State of a Copper Subjected to Orthognal Cutting, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, 2003, Submitted, Manuscript submitted on Oct/21/2003.

W. Altenhof, C. Powell, A-M Harte, and R. Gaspar, An Investigation into the Energy Absorption and Load Management Characteristics of Aluminum Foam Filled Braided Stainless Steel Tubes Under Quasi-Static Tensile Loading, 2003, Completed.

B. Arnold and W. Altenhof, Experimental Observations on the Crush Characteristics of AA6061 T4 & T6 Structural Square Tubes with and without Circular Discontinuities, International Journal of Crashworthiness, 2003, In Press.

W. Altenhof, S. Paonessa, N. Zamani, and R. Gaspar, An experimental and finite element investigation into the energy absorption characteristics of a steering wheel armature in an impact, International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol. 27, 197-212, 2002, Published, 2.

W. Altenhof, X. Li., N. Zamani, , An investigation into the energy absorption characteristics of a four-spoke steering wheel armature subjected to impact loading, International Journal of Crashworthiness, Vol. 7, 97-120, 2002, Published, 1.

W. Altenhof, W. Ames, Strain rate effects for aluminum and magnesium alloys in finite element simulations of steering wheel armature impact tests, International Journal of Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Vol. 25, 1149-1156, 2002, Published.

W. Altenhof, S. Paonessa, and N. Zamani, , The distribution of energy absorbed by a three spoke steering wheel armature in an impact with a deformable chestform, Journal of Automobile Engineering, 215, 589-601, 2001, Published.

W. Altenhof, S. Paonessa, N. Zamani, and R. Gaspar, The effect of impact velocity and steering wheel orientation on the crashworthiness of a steering wheel armature, International Journal of Crashworthiness, Vol. 6, 19-31, 2001, Published, 1.

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Articles In Refereed Conference Proceedings

R. Shang, N. Li, W. Altenhof, Henry Hu, Dynamic side impact simulation of aluminum road wheels incorporating material property variations, 2003, Submitted, TMS 2004, 133rd Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Abstract submitted.

O. Nabeta, W. Altenhof, A parametric study investigating the influence of the dish depth and spoke angle on the crashworthiness performance of a four spoke steering wheel armature, 2003, Submitted, ICRASH2004 - International Crashworthiness Conference, Abstract submitted.

P.R. Frise, G.L. Rohrauer, B.P. Minaker, W. Altenhof, , Identifying the Design Engineering Body of Knowledge, Proceedings of ICED '03 - 14th International Conference on Engineering Design, 569-570, 2003, Published, August, ICED 03 - 14th International Conference on Engineering Design.

A. Howard, A. McKeag, A. German, I. Hale, A. Eman, W. Altenhof, and R. Turchi, , Banff,, Cervical Spine Injuries in Children Restrained in Forward Facing Restraints, Proceedings of the Multidisciplinary Road Safety Conference XIII, 2003, June, Canadian Multidisciplinary Road Safety Conference XIII.

Z. Li, W. Altenhof, and R. Gaspar, Development and Analysis of a Prototype Car-Carrier Structure Using the Finite Element Method, Computer Aided Optimum Design of Structures - VIII, 85-94, 2003, S. Hernandez, C.A. Brebbia, and M.E.M. El-Sayed, May, Wessex Institute of Technology, OPTI 2003 - 8th International Conference on Computer Aided Optimum Design of Structures.

B. Arnold, W. Altenhof, N. Zamani, , Numerical Determination of Dynamic Stress Concentration Factors for an Axially Loaded Strut with Circular, Elliptical, and Notch Discontinuities, Computer Aided Optimum Design of Structures - VIII, 95-104, 2003, S. Hernandex, C.A. Brebbia, M.E.M. El-Sayed, May, Wessex Institute of Technology, OPTI 2003 - 8th International Conference on Computer Aided Optimum Design of Structures.

A. Harte and W. Altenhof, Uses for Stabilized Aluminum Foam in Crashworthiness and Strengthening Applications, 1-10, 2003, March, 2003 SAE World Congress.

W. Altenhof, B. Arnold, Z. Li, O. Nabeta, and R. Turchi, A Comparison of the Energy Absorption Performances and Comparisons of Three and Four Spoke Aluminum Armatures when Subjected to Impact Loading, Proceedings of the Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineers (CSME) 2002 Forum, 1-9, 2002, May, CSME 2002 Forum.

W. Altenhof, M. Laframboise, J. Losher, A. Raczy, A. Alpas, Experimental testing and numerical modeling of AM50A magnesium alloy for structures subjected to large deformation, Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements X, 333-342, 2001, June, Wessex Institute of Technology, Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements X.

W. Altenhof, P. Frise, R. Bowers, , A comparative study on the crashworthiness of a steering wheel armature with and without the use of a supplemental restraint system, Proceedings of the 18th Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics - CANCAM 2001, 97-98, 2001, June, 18th Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics - CANCAM 2001.

W. Altenhof, B. Miniker, , A numerical method of quantifying the energy absorption characteristics of automotive components in an impact, Proceeding of the 18th Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics - CANCAM 2001, 99-100, 2001, June, 18th Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics - CANCAM 2001.

W. Altenhof, N. Zamani, An Investigation into the Axial Buckling Behaviour of Food Cans using Explicit and Implicit Finite Element Methods, Proceedings of the 2001 NAFEMS World Congress, 11-22, 2001, April, 2001 NAFEMS World Congress.

W. Altenhof, S. Paonessa, N. Zamani, The Energy Absorption Characteristics of a Steering Wheel Armature Subjected to Impact Loading, Proceedings of the 2001 NAFEMS World Congress, 479-490, 2001, April, 2001 NAFEMS World Congress.

W. Altenhof, S. Paonessa, N. Zamani, , Distribution of Energy Within A Steering Wheel Armature During Impact with a Rigid Entity, Proceedings from IMAC-XIX: A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, 1159-1165, 2001, February, Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM), IMAC-XIX: A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics.

P.R. Frise, W. Altenhof, , Automotive Product Engineering Design Project for Fourth Year Undergraduate Engineering Students, Proceedings from the 2000 ASEE (American Association for Engineering Education) Annual Conference and Exposition, 1-7, 2000, June, ASEE, 2000 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition.

W. Altenhof, S. Paonessa, N. Zamani, R. Gaspar, Verification of a Chestform and Steering Wheel In Impact Loading, W. Altenhof, S. Paonessa, N. Zamani, R. Gaspar, Verification of a Chestform and Steering Wheel In Impact Loading, Proceedings from the Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM) IX International Congress on Experimental Mechanics, 658-661, 2000, June, Society for Experimental Mechanics IX International Congress on Experimental Mechanics.

W. Ames W., W. Altenhof, Observations of the Relative Performance of Magnesium and Aluminum Steering Wheel Skeletons with Identical Part Geometry, Proceedings from the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Congress 2000, 1-10, 2000, March, SAE 2000 World Congress.

W. Altenhof, N. Zamani, R. Gaspar, , Explicit Finite Element Simulations with Experimental Comparisons on Blast Loading, Proceedings from the 1999 Society for Experimental Mechanics Annual Conference, 1999, Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM), Society for Experimental Mechanics Annual Conference - 1999.

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Articles In Non Refereed Conference Proceedings

Shang, Robert; Li, Naiyi; Altenhof, William; Hu, Henry, Experimental Verification of Kinetic Energy Compensation for Tire Absence in Numerical Modeling of Road Wheel Impact Test, Completed, 8th International LS-DYNA Users' Conference, Abstract submitted Dec/3/2003.

Akarca, Subutay; Altenhof, William; Alpas, Ahmet, Analysis of Subsurface Stresses and Strains in Aluminum Alloys Subjected to Multiple Asperity Sliding Contact, 8th International LS-DYNA Users' Conference, Abstract submitted Dec/3/2003.

Arnold, Bryan; Altenhof, William, Finite Element Modeling of Material Damage in Axially-Loading Extruded Aluminum Tube Structures with Dual Centrally Located Circular Hole Discontinuities, 8th International LS-DYNA Users' Conference, Abstract submitted Dec/3/2003.

Raczy, Anna; Altenhof, William; Alpas, Ahmet, An Eulerian Finite Element Model of the Metal Cutting Process, 8th International LS-DYNA Users' Conference, Abstract submitted Dec/3/2003.

Turchi, Rita; Altenhof, William, A numerical investigation into HIC and Nij of children for forward and rearward facing configurations in a child restraint system, 8th International LS-DYNA Users' Conference, Abstract submitted Dec/3/2003.

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Technical Reports

Altenhof, William, A Report on the Finite Element Analysis Investigating the Die Closing Process of a 5 Star Die-cast Mold, University of Windsor, 2002, Published.

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