Module 3
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Overview of Module 3

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Module 3 - Preparation

During this module, you will be formulating and finalizing the details for your own presentations. While we have blocked out only one week, this module will overlap modules 2 and 4 because the process will vary for each person.

 By the end of week 5 (February 8, 2002), you should be ready to post your initial decisions about your presentation as follows:

 1.                  Presentation Details:

Post your final topic

Include a brief abstract (no more than 250 words)

Post a reading that your colleagues will be expected to read prior to engaging in your presentation. Make sure that it is accessible on-line to all (i.e., available on-line; or at all libraries; or downloaded if not copyrighted)

 2.                  On-line discussion:

You are expected to participate in the on-line discussion group at least once per week. Your instructors will post some guiding questions for your thoughtful response and you may wish to seek information from colleagues or instructors about issues surrounding the preparation of your presentation.



About your presentation

<                    Choose a topic that directly reflects or is geared toward your intended dissertation. (This course is intended to provide opportunity for you to explore some aspects of the question you will eventually research for your dissertation. In some cases, this course will confirm your intent to continue this line of research; in other cases it will allow students to realize that this topic does not hold the merit originally intended. Either is seen by your instructors as a positive outcome.)

<                    NB: For this presentation, do not carry out any collection of data toward your dissertation. Data collection cannot occur until you have both your dissertation proposal approved and ethical clearance. However, you may wish to try a small pilot study which includes some data collection to determine best methods of research for the dissertation. In order to do this, ethical review must be cleared through your own institution prior to any data collection and you would not be able to use these findings in your dissertation because the proposal has not yet been approved. (You could, however, note in your methodology chapter that a pilot study had informed your question and methodology.)

<                    Some suggestions for topics - You might consider using this presentation to begin the literature review of your thesis; or to develop appropriate research instruments; to look into and compare appropriate research methodologies.