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Joint Ph.D. –Core 2000 Program  
Students are expected to be present for all activities. The expectations for each course (Core 2000 and Core 2001) will be the same. We believe that the activities and expectations address the core skills necessary for academic success in the current diverse research milieu. Thus, in the spirit of the "spiral curriculum" these skills will be enhanced by further practice in Core 2001. By the end of each course students will demonstrate proficiency in:

engaging ideas in a scholarly culture

reviewing the literature in a balanced, fair and critical manner

writing in a clear and concise manner

utilizing sound principles of research

presenting written communication in a logical and organized manner

reflective thinking through integrating personal experiences with theory

developing collaborative skills (i.e., Coauthoring, peer reviewing, self-assessment)

utilizing effective oral presentation skills

using various research strategies.



Assessment --


Formative: Summative:
Journal - 9 items 15% Position Paper 25%
Personal narrative 15% Case Study 25%
Critiquing skills 10%    
Group Presentation 10%  


Outcomes for Assignments
1. Position Paper: Using relevant literature prepare a position paper which presents two sides of an argument, or two competing explanatory models or two theories, or two sets of empirical studies. Your review should lead you adopt the more compelling position, and generate a relevant research question, hypothesis or prediction.
  Main Objective: To critique the literature on competing positions in a balanced and fair way.

To define and write a clear problem or thesis statement.

To review and analyze references (at least five) supporting two sides of an argument. Each important study reviewed would typically require two paragraphs to two pages of text in your review.

Determine the strengths and weaknesses of each of the sources--for example, evaluate the assumptions, note the adequacy of the inferences, examine the adequacy of the sample size, present sufficient information which an uninformed reader could use to make a judgment about the credibility of your critique of the literature.

Generate a research question or hypothesis which can be used to examine the issue in more detail in the future.


2. Article Critique: Your group is functioning as an editorial board which has the responsibility for reviewing articles for your journal (Canadian Journal of Education). You have room for two articles in an upcoming issue. You are required to critically evaluate each of the three articles submitted and respond in one of four ways: accept, accept with revisions, reject but with an invitation to rewrite and resubmit, or reject. You will need to provide the author/s with constructive comments justifying your decision. Finally, you will be required to present your editorial findings to the class.
  Main Objective: To critique a set of articles to determine the following:

Theoretical Article:

Clarity and logic of the argument

Validity of the argument.

Coherence of the argument.

Comprehensiveness of the argument.

Flaws and omissions in the argument.

Empirical Article:

Adequacy of the literature review.

Adequacy of sampling procedures.

Adequacy of measurements and data collection procedures.

Adequacy of statistical procedures and procedures of data analysis.

Adequacy of conclusions, inferences and outcomes.

Applied Article: (i.e., Report on an implementation process, program or position)

Clarity and logic of the presentation.

Validity of the presentation.

Coherence of the presentation.

Comprehensiveness of the presentation.

Flaws and omissions in the presentation.


3. Group Presentation: In a group choose a relevant topic to explore. Present your research to your peers in the allotted time in a way that engages the audience.
  Main Objective: To develop oral presentation skills.

To use time wisely.

To organize and clearly present material.

To plan and implement strategies for active audience participation.

To involve the use media and technology.

To respond to questions and feedback from the audience in ways which are appropriate.

ie. Responding to questions in ways which demonstrate the mastery of the material, deflect questions which are inappropriate, and demonstrate the ability to extend thinking to encompass other related points of view which presenters did not discuss or chose not to discuss.

To develop appropriate vocal and bodily mannerisms which enhance rather than distract from the presentation.


4. Mini- Research Project: Case study. This classroom is a functioning culture. You are required to conduct a case study of this culture, utilizing qualitative and quantitative protocols where appropriate.
  Main objective: understanding and applying the principles of research.
  Assignment: This classroom setting and your experiences in the course will provide you with interesting possibilities for the development of a case study. From your field notes and experiences, develop the protocol for conducting a case study which encompasses each of the following:
  To develop protocols for conducting a case study

a. Developing an introductory description of the case study

b. Develop focus questions for the case study.

c. Develop a research methodology, including literature references, for conducting a case study

d. Collect data to respond to the questions of the case study in forms which include but are not limited to documents, field notes, observational instruments, surveys

e. Analyze the data

f. Report on the analysis of the data

g. Use the findings from the data to respond to the research questions.

5. Journals You are a part of a collaborative reflection group that meets twice weekly. You will share your journal with other group members. You will also read and respond to the journals of each other group member.
  Main Objective: To facilitate a reflective approach to research

two pages connecting theory to personal reflection

evidence of pushing your own thinking

six copies for each class


6. Personal Narratives You will write a personal narrative on lived-experience within paradigms.
  Main Objective: To anchor your future research endeavours and career path to theory and personal experience.
  connect personal story to relevant theory

connect relevant theory to personal story