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To be assigned in class.



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A Possible Lesson Plan Checklist

Have I Addressed…?-- The Overview:
Identify what you intend, the time needed, and the grade level. Identify the knowledge, skills, concepts, attitudes and behaviours you would like to develop.

Have I Addressed…?—The Objective:
Write out instructional objectives using measurable or observable responses. For example: The student will be able to identify two bullying activities. The student will note three stereotypical and unrealistic descriptions of parents in the episode of “The Simpsons” viewed.

Have I Addressed…?—The Materials:
Identify various materials needed for the activity-- either for group participation or individual participation.

Have I Addressed…?—The Related Information:
Provide information necessary to carry out the activity. (e.g., content information, moral stages, psychosocial stage, etc…)

Have I Addressed…?-- Engagement:
Include something to capture student interest and tap into their natural motivational predisposition. This may be in the form of a question, showing them a clip from “The Simpsons,” reading a newspaper report on violence, showing a report on a victim’s funeral, reading about a loss,… Be innovative and make sure your interest-hooks connect to the lesson objective.

Have I Addressed…?-- Exploration:
Provide details for the activity that is planned. Indicate how the activity should be done and what questions may need to be asked. Use cooperative learning activity, discovery, and cross curricular integration as much as possible.

Have I Addressed…?-- Tips:
Include tips and hints for the students as a resource.

Have I Addressed…?—The Explanation:
Provide opportunities that allow students to explain their concepts (written or oral forms). (e.g., report, debate, discuss, diagram, art, performance, video, interview, etc.)

Have I Addressed…?—The Elaboration:
Provide an opportunity to help explain aspects of the activity after students have explored the topic. It may be relevant to provide directive or factual information here.

Have I Addressed…?—The Closure:
Summarize, question, test for student understanding of the concepts addressed by the activity.

Have I Addressed…?—The Test:
Explain how you plan to assess students. Do you have the elements of the scoring rubric?

Have I Addressed…?—The Integration:
Include how the activity can be connected to other disciplines where reasonable (e.g., math, language arts, music, art, science, history, physical education, social studies). 

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