Ben's Bio
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The toughest time of my life began on March 30, 1993.

When I came home from school there were policemen, emergency vehicles and a crowd of people in front of my house. At first I didn't realize it was our house but as I got closer I could see the police going in and out. I didn't know what had happened, I was so scared and I felt like I was going to throw up. Somebody told me that something had happened to my sister but I didn't know what.

When I went in to the house there were a lot of police. They were taking pictures and asking questions. People were crying. My mom and dad and sister, Elisabeth, weren't there.

When my parents came home they told me that my little sister had died. She was only five. We found out later that she had died from a cold virus that had attacked her heart. I just couldn't believe that this had happened.

There were many people that helped me after Elisabeth died. Two people that really helped me were my teacher, Mrs. Palumbo, and Elisabeth's teacher, Mrs. Hermer.

It was really hard for me to go back to school. My grandma had died on Christmas Day and then my little sister had died. I was really afraid that someone else was going to die. I would worry that something was going to happen to my mom and dad while I was at school.

One day Mrs. Palumbro gave me a bunch of tickets. She said I could use them to go to the office any time I wanted to make a phone call home. It really helped to have them.

She also gave me little notes and a friend of hers who was a hockey player sent me a card. She also gave me a big chocolate egg at Easter. She was just really nice to me.


Mrs. Hermer was always asking me how I was doing and she told me I could go to her room any time I wanted to be by myself. She asked me to help her plant a garden for Elisabeth and to hand out the award in Elisabeth's memory. It really helped me that she was doing things to remember Elisabeth.

It was very hard when Elisabeth died and I still really miss her.

The summer after Elisabeth died Mrs. Hermer invited us to her cottage for a day. We canoed across the lake and went cave exploring. I also caught a bunch of sun fish, but they were little so I threw them back.


She comes over on Elisabeth's birthday every year. We have a kind of celebration. Elisabeth liked a story called The Hobbit. When a Hobbit has a birthday he gives presents rather than receiving them. So on her birthday everyone receives a present.

My mom and I make a High Rise Glorious, Skittle Skat Roarious Sky Pie Angel Food Cake. We buy helium balloons and we send them heavenward. This year we will send eleven to mark her eleventh birthday.

Mrs. Hermer also remembers me every Christmas. Last year she gave me bookplates because she knows how much I like to read.

Ben's Art

 © Ben Tucker, 1999