Properties and Durability of Aggregate

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Physical and Chemical Properties
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The physical properties of aggregates stem from the inherent properties of the source rock; these include texture, structure, and mineral composition.  Textural properties give rise to internal characteristics, of which the pore size is perhaps most important.  Structural characteristics define the degree to which the minerals within the aggregate are segregated or oriented in one direction, giving the aggregate a directional weakness.  The mineral composition determines both the mechanical and chemical response of the aggregate to its environment.

Chemical properties determine the aggregate's solubility and reactivity.  They also are a factor in weathering resistance.

The following tables outline the elements of physical and chemical properties of aggregates are desirable, or  potentially objectionable.  The tables are based on classification by Dolar-Mantuani (19830

Texture Structure Mineral Composition Mechanical Properties
Physical Stability Chemical Stability Weathering  

horizontal rule

P.P. Hudec, PhD, Professor Emeritus, University of Windsor

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Copyright by Peter P. Hudec.   May be excerpted for educational use.  For all other  uses contact the author.
[P.P. Hudec Email].
Last updated: 07/14/07.