Dr. Barry Thor L. Whitney
Family Lines Extend back to the year 20AD (over 60 generations)
© B.Whitney
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Special thanks to Magnús Haraldsson, Magnús Bjarni Baldursson (both in Reykjavík, Iceland), and Don Gislason, researcher for the Icelandic Canadian Club of Toronto. I am especially grateful to Valgeir Ţorvaldsson, Executive Director of the Icelandic Emigration Center, Hofsós, Iceland: on a recent trip to Iceland, I brought Valgeir my family tree whih traced my family lines back 11 generations and he was able to use his state-of-the-art computer data base and trace dozens of family lines of my Icelandic family tree, some as far back as 240AD (an incredible 56 generations), with other branches traced back to 330AD, 600AD, and many other amazingly distant dates. One family line (see below) extends back to the year 20AD (well over 60 generationsd) and contains such people as Erik the Red, Snorri, and many of the original settlers of Iceland.
My mother's mother was born
of Icelandic parents. Her family emigrated from Eiđsstöđum, Iceland in 1874
on the St. Patrick, settling first in Kinmount, Ontario, then in Winnipeg/Gimli,
Manitoba ("New Iceland"), to Pembina, North Dakota, USA in 1879, and back to
Canada, in the Calgary area, settling down in 1896 in Tindastoll, Alberta and
finally in Markerville, Alberta in 1899. The Benediktsson house still stands
there, as does the church where my grandmother(born in Markerville in 1899)
played the organ. My grandmother's father owned the Markerville general store,
housed the Icelandic library, and had the first phone in the town. He was a
contemporary of the famous Icelandic poet, Stephan G Stephansson, who lived
in the Markerville area.
the St. Patrick, both sides of my mother's family emigrated to Canada in 1874.
My mother's grandfather, Jón Benediktsson, was only one year old when the trip was
made, and on that ship were his future in-laws, Jón Jónsson and his wife,
one of whose children was born in Canada and married Jón
Benediktsson. The families embarked from the Northern ports of Akureyri
and Saudárkrokur.
Both fmilies had lived in Northern Iceland.
The geneology of my Great Grandparents: Jón Benediktsson (Benedictson) 18. jan. 1873 (Eiđsstöđum Iceland) -- 12 júlí 1925 (Markerville, Alberta, Canada) and Lára Sigurlína Jónsdóttir (Benedictson) 1876 í Peterborough í Ont -- 1964 í Markerville (whose parents were on the same ship, the St. Patrick in 1874)
of Jón Benediktsson (Benedictson) and Lára Sigurlína Jónsdóttir (Benedictson)
Benediktsson (Benedictson) and Lára Sigurlína Jónsdóttir (Benedictson)
[1]. Jón Benediktsson (Benedictson), f. 18.
jan. 1873 (Eiđsstađir, d. 12 júlí 1925. (Store owner)
kaupmađur í Markerville í Alta, (emigrated from Eiđsstöđum, Iceland to Kinmount,
Ontario in 1974; moved in 1875 to Winnipeg/Glimli, Manitoba (New Iceland),
then to Pembina, North Dakota in 1879, and back to Canada in the Calgary area,
settling down finally to Markerville, Alberta in 1899 + *Lára Sigurlína Jónsdóttir
(Benedictson), f. 1876 í Peterborough í ONt, d. 1964 í Markeville. húsfreyja
í Markerville [V-Ísl.ć.VI]: great-great grandparents of Barry Thor Lyn Whitney
[-3] Lára Sigurlína Jónsdóttir's parents emigrated from Iceland on the St.
Patrick in 1874, settling first in Kinmount, then in Peterbourgh in 1875,
and finally in Markerville, Alberta
of Jón Benediktsson (Benedictson)
Sigurlína Jónsdóttir's (Benedictson) background follows the Jón Benediktsson
*[3] Sigurbjörg Tómasdóttir's family:
- [4] Tómas Tómasson, f. um 1755.d.March 25 1824. bóndi á Eiđsstöđum .. Eiđssta[đir S.ć.1850-1890 + Ingiríđur Jónsdóttir (sjá 9. grein) b. 1768. Húsmóđir Eiđsstađir (widow of Benedikt Jónsson from Sólheimaar: father of Ingiriđur: Jón Jónsson. b. 1720, d. 1784. farmer: last residence in Höllustađir, Blöndudal + Sólveig Ólafsdóttir b. 1720 from Huppahliđ Miđfjörđur
- [5] Tömas Ţórđarson b. 1720. Farmes Ásbjarnaarstöđum Vatnsesi bóndi á Ásbjarnarstöđum á Vatnsnesi [S.ć.1850-1890 V] + Bergljót Helgadóttir b. 1720. húsmóđur (/homemaker) Ásbjarnaarstöđum
- [4] Sólveig Ólafsdóttir's family:
- [5] Málfriđur Bjarnadóttir b. 1670 from Svetingsstađir
- [6] Bjarni Vilhjálmsson b. 1640 d. 1709. Carpenter at Svertingsstađir in Miđfjörđur
- [7] Vilhjálmsson Arnfinnsson B. 1610 d. 1675. S˙slumađur at Ţórroddsstađir, Hrútafjörđur + Ţórkatia Bjarnadóttir b. 1615. Húsfreyja Ţóroddstađir in Hrútafjörđur
- [8] Arnfinnur Sigurđsson b. 1570 d. 1653. Priest by 1595 probably at ÖgurŢing, and priest at Prestbakki from 1597-1604. In 1606, was living at Bćr at Rauđasandur, but receives Stađur in Hrútafjörđur in 1606 and was there until his death.+ Ţđórdis Guđmundsdóttir b. 1598 d. 1672. Daughter of Guđmundur Jónsson (Priest)
Ancestors of Lára Sigurlína Jónsdóttir (Benedictson)
[1] Jón Benediktsson (Benedictson), f. 18. jan. 1873, d. 12 júlí 1925. kaupmađur í Markerville í Alta, (emigrated from Iceland to Kinmount, Ontario in 1974; moved in 1875 to North Dakota, then to Glimli, Manitoba, and finally to Markerville, Alberta) + *Lára Sigurlína Jónsdóttir (Benedictson), f. 1876 í Peterborough í ONt, d. 1964 í Markeville. húsfreyja í Markerville [V-Ísl.ć.VI]: great-great grandparents of Barry Thor Lyn Whitney [-3]
[2] Jón Jónsson (Strong), f. 12. mars 1848, d. 12. mars 1908. bóndi í Markerville í Alta, frá Geiteyjarströnd viđ Mývatn, + *Helga Ingibjörg Davíđsdóttir Strong f. 1851, d. 1903. húsfreyja í Markerville, og víđar [V-Ísl.ć.III]:
- [7] Jón Ţorgrímsson, f. 1661. Bóndi á Ţverá, Húsavíkurhreppi 1703. [1703] + Guđrún Andrésdóttir, f. 1666. Húsfreyja á Ţverá, Húsavíkurhreppi 1703.
Barry and Juliann in Iceland's Blue Lagoon, 2002
Two Icelandic friends: Theology Professors Pétur Pétursson and Barry-Thor In Akureyri, 2002
The Family Homestead in NE Iceland
Barry and Juno Awards' winner, Bill Bourne, western Icelanders whose Icelandic families settled in Markerville in the late 1800s, Barry's Benediktsson family, and Bill's great-grandfather, the poet Stephan G Stephansson
In one of Iceland's historic churches