Cross Index Leptospira
SuperSet Prokaryote, Eubacteria Spirochaetacae
Compare Borrelia, Brachyspia aalborgi, Cristispira pectinis, L eptonema illini, Leptospira, Serpulina
Spirochaeta, Treponema, Genera of Insect Gut Spirochetes
Contrast Archaea


Morphology Leptospira
Staining Gram-negative; appear faintly stained with aniline dyes. Unstained cells are not visible by bright-field microscopy but are visible by darkfield illumination and phase-contrast microscopy
Morphology Flexible helicoidal rods, 0.1 um in diameter and 6 to over 12 um in length.
Motility motile by periplasmic flagella
Specialized structures Periplasmic Flagella Resting stages not known
Solid surface clear surface colonies on 2% agar; some strains form both subsurface and surface colonies on Generation time, 6-16 h. Diffuse-to-discrete subsurface colonies are formed in 1% agar and turbid-to-1% or 2% agar


Growth Parameters Leptospira
Oxygen Obligately aerobic, having a respiratory type of metabolism with oxygen as the terminal electron acceptor.
Temperature 28-30`C.
Requires Chemoorganotrophic, using fatty acids or fatty alcohols (15 carbons or more) as energy and carbon sources
Produces Oxidase-positive. Catalase- and/or peroxidase-positive..
Unique features  
Habitat some strains are free living in soil, freshwater or marine habitats
Pathogenicity Some strains are parasitic and may be pathogenic for man and animals,


Genome Leptospira
G+C Mol % 35-41% (Tm) with the exception of one strain which is 53%


Reference Leptospira
First citation Noguchi,H.(1917) Spirochaeta icterohaemoohagiae in American wild rats and its relation to the Japanese and European Strains. J. Exp. Med 25:755-763
Previous names  
The Prokaryotes P
Bergey's Systematatic p 62 R.C. Johnson and S. Faine
Bergey's Determinative p 29