Technique FAT STAIN
Principle Sudan Black B is a dye that is insoluble inn water but dissolves in fat. Therefore this dye will accumulate in fat globules within a cell
Cautions Blot dry by putting a piece of blotting paper directly on the smear then carefully lift the paper off when the blotting is complete. Do not allow the blotting paper to stick to the smear.
Method 1 Prepare a smear of the bacteria
2: Allow the smear to dry and heat fix
3: Flood dried fixed smear with Sudan black B stain
4: Stain for 10 minutes
5: Drain off the excess dye
6: Blot dry
7: Add several drops of xylene to clear the excess stain
8: Blot dry
9: Apply safranine for 10-15 seconds
10: Rinse with tap water
11: Air dry
12: Observe stained smear under the oil immersion objective
Results Globules of fat appear blue-black within the red cytoplasm
Positive control  
Negative control  
Reagents Sudan black B Stain
Sudan Black B 0.3 gm
95% ethanol 75 ml
distilled water 25 ml

Dissolve the Sudan Black B in 95% ethanol then add water and mix thoroughly

0.5%(w/v) safranine in water
