Of all forms of wealth, intelligence at least seems fairly distributed;
for no man complains of lack of it.
Samuel Johnson

Readings Resources Outline Objectives Questions Tables Videos Molecules

Who am I? Working in Paris I isolated a retrovirus that I called Lymphadenopathy Associated Virus (LAV)



PowerPoint Slide Shows
Origins Symptoms HIV Structure Risk Genetics Prevention

AIDS Deaths Decline

Improving HIV Therapy

Link to site with HIV animations

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
The Virtual HospitalTM Family Practice Manual, is provided by the University of Iowa. This link is to the section on Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.

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AIDS: The World-Wide Web Virtual Library
This site is comprised of information and links for a variety of AIDS and AIDS-related issues.

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The Body: A Multimedia AIDS and HIV Information Resource
This site is comprised of information and links for a variety of AIDS and AIDS-related issues.

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Center for Disease Control (CDC) National AIDS Clearinghouse
This CDC site provides information, links, research findings, and news releases about AIDS and HIV.

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HIV infection
An overview of the HIV infection is prsented at the Cells Alive! site.

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Described as "the largest AIDS/HIV knowledgebase in the world," this site offers a comprehensive
search function and up-to-date news.


As the main advocate for global action on HIV/AIDS, UNAIDS leads, strengthens, and supports an
expanded response aimed at preventing the transmission of HIV, providing care and support,
reducing the vulnerability of individuals and communities to HIV/AIDS, and alleviating the impact of
the epidemic.

World Health Organization

The Web site of the World Health Organization offers news, information, resources and reports on
health-related issues.

National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases

NIAID's web site offers cutting-edge news on the development of an AIDS vaccine, as well as other
possible solutions to major health crises.

AIDS Vaccine Site

Presented by NIAID, this thorough, well-organized site offers information on the latest efforts to find
an AIDS vaccine. The site includes news, general information, science, resources, and a bulletin

Project Inform

Since 1985, Project Inform has been an active advocate for the HIV/AIDS community, working to
provide information on the diagnosis and treatment of HIV to HIV-infected individuals, their
caregivers, and healthcare providers. Their Web site offers educational information, a hotline
number, resources and literature on the foundation.

The Names Project Foundation: AIDS Memorial Quilt

The site of the Names Project Foundation provides information on AIDS and the mission of the
Foundation. Other features include the Quilt display schedule and a searchable image database of
over 78,000 names and over 41,000 viewable images of panels in the AIDS Memorial Quilt.

Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation

A strong advocate and pioneer in research for AIDS in children, the Pediatric AIDS Foundation is
one of the most well-known organizations for the research of HIV/AIDS. Their Web site offers
information on what the PAF is currently doing and what it hopes to do.

The Body: An AIDS and HIV Information Resource

This user-friendly site offers information on AIDS Basics, treatment, conferences, quality of life, and
links to chat groups.

CDC-NCHSTP-Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention (DHAP)

CDC's HIV mission is to prevent HIV infection and reduce the incidence of HIV-related illness and
death, in collaboration with community, state, national, and international partners. The site offers a
variety of information, including FAQs, publications, brochures, and fact sheets.

Johns Hopkins AIDS Service

This site offers expert advice and FAQs on AIDS/HIV including prevention, treatment, publications,
resources and a section on the use of telecommunications to facilitate health care.

UNICEF Virtual Exhibit Online

This site presents a multimedia exhibition produced for UNAIDS by UNICEF that illustrates the
impact of HIV/AIDS on children.

University of Iowa Department of Pharmacology

The Web site of the University of Iowa offers information and interactive products that utilize the
new computer-generated images of HIV produced by Dr. Jose Assouline's lab (See "See HIV in




  1. Discovery
  2. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
  3. Diagnosis of HIV
  4. Diagnosis of AIDS
  5. Destruction of CD4+ T cells
  6. CD4+ T cells infected with HIV
  7. Destruction of CD4+ T cells uninfected with HIV
  8. Immunologic Abnormalities in Aids
  9. Development of AIDS Vaccine



long terminal repeats Acquired immunodificiency syndrome(AIDS) fusin
HIV-1 Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) integrase
HIV-2 simian immunodificiency virus (SIV) budding
HIV-0 cytopathic retroviruses syncytium
retroviruses transforming retroviruses Karposi's sacrcoma
V3 loop reverse transcriptase fusogenic domain
seroconversion opportunistic infections crown region



  1. Draw and label cross sectional diagram of an HIV virion
  2. Draw and label a diagram of the genome of HIV-1
  3. Discuss the factors that contribute to the genetic variation of HIV
  4. Construct a table of the cell types that can be infected by HIV.
  5. Draw and label a diagram show the steps in the infection of a target cell by HIV
  6. Draw and label a diagram that shows activation of HIV provirus
  7. Discuss the origins of HIV-1, HIV-2 and HIV-0.
  8. Draw a diagram to show the early and late stages in the expression of HIV-1 proviral DNA
  9. Label a diagram of HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins.
  10. Describe the screening tests for HIV infection
  11. Describe the clinical symptoms of AIDS
  12. Describe the various mechanisms for the depletion of CD4+ cells in AIDS patients
  13. Construct a Table summarizing the immunologic abnormalities associated with HIV infection.
  14. Construct a table showing the estimated incidence of AIDS around the world