Medical MycologySystemic Mycoses
Filename; fungi_system.ppt
Fungal Infections
- Superficial fungal infections
Systemic or Deep Mycoses
Histoplasmosis before HIV
- Before the appearance of HIV, approximately 95% of the cases reported of histoplasmosis capsulati where inapparent, subclinical, or benign and five percent of them where a chronic progressive lung disease with chronic cutaneous or systemic disease, or an acute fulminating fatal systemic disease.
Histoplasmosis After HIV
- Now the disease is almost always seen in HIV positive patients or other immunocompromised individuals.
- All stages of this disease may mimic tuberculosis.
- Histoplasmosis may coexist with actinomycosis, other mycoses, sarcoidosis, or tuberculosis.
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Valley Fever
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- Canada- Manitoba and St.Lawrence river valley
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Systemic Mycoses: Disease Patterns
- Subacute respiratory infection
- Severe disseminated infection
Systemic Mycoses:Subacute Respiratory Infection
Systemic Mycoses:Acute Infections
Differential diagnosis: pneumonia, tumour.
Systemic Mycoses:Severe Disseminated Infections
- Acute Infections +
- spread to other organs
- chronic
Differential diagnosis t.b.
Systemic Mycoses:Diagnosis
Systemic Mycoses: Transmission
Fungal spores inhaled human to human transmission
Primary source bird and bat droppings and roosts. If roosts disturbed- dust, aerosol .
Chickens, Pigeons,starlings.
Systemic Mycoses:Treatment