- Microbial characteristics
- Mycobacteriaceae are represented by the single genus Mycobacterium
- Closely related to the genera Corynebacterium and Nocardia. Rhodococcus
- previously called the CNM group
CELLULAR Morphology
- Strongly acid fast weakly Gram positive
- Form rods with occasionally branched filaments and no aerial mycelium.
- Non motile, no spores, no capsule
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COLONIAL Morphology
- Solid surface
- The time for visible colonies 2-40 days
- Diffusable pigments are rare
Saprophytic Mycobacteria
Easily confused with pathogens
Growth Parameters Mycobacterium
- aerobes
- resistant to penicillin
- divided into two groups
- generally grow slowly
- some grow fast
- high lipid content in both the cell and the cell wall
Growth Media
Simple synthetic media
- toxic fatty acids inhibit growth
- Fatty acids neutralized by serum or albumin
- activated charcoal helps
Oleic Acid Albumin Medium
- Hydrophobic cell wall
- Mycobacteria grow in clumps
- Tweens wet surface of cells
- Disperse clumps
- Encourage more rapid growth
Mycobacterial Cell Wall
Cord factor
- mycolic acid
- trehalose- 6,6’ dimycolate
Cell Wall
- Stimulates immune response non-specifically
Protein fractions
- tuberculin sensitivity !!!
Mycobacterial Lipids
- Responsible for acid fast reaction
- Induce adverse cellular immunity
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Tuberculin Test: Method
- Injected subdermally with protein extract
- OT Old tuberculin
- PPD Purified Protein Derivative
Tuberculin Reaction
Tuberculin Test:Interpretation
- Positive
- infected with tuberculosis in past
- risk of developing the disease
- confirm with X rays
- antibiotic therapy
- Negative
- never infected
- high risk occupations
- immunize?
- Chronic long term diseases
- Tuberculosis
- Mycobacterium tuberculosis
- Koch 1982
- Other mycobacteria produce similar disease
- M. bovis, M. avium, M kansasii, M. intracellular
- Leprosy
- Mycobacterium leprae
- Hansen 1873
Other Mycobacterial Diseases
- Skin infections
- Mycobacterium tuberculosis
- Mycobacterium marinum
- Mycobacterium ulcerans
- Lymph glands
- Mycobacterium scrofulaceum
- Mycobacterium tuberculosis
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- Disease
- Pneumonia
- granulomatous lesions
- Two types
- Primary -Exudative tuberculosis
- Reactivation-Productive tuberculosis
- Initial sites
- lungs, gastrointestinal tract
- Spread through lymphatics to lymph nodes
- intracellular!!!
- later spread through blood stream
Radiologic Differences between primary and post primary tuberculosis
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X-Ray primary TB
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Exudative tuberculosis
- Acute inflammatory reaction
- Frequent in lungs
- Pneumonia symptoms
- edema fluid
- PMNs around the bacteria
- Later monocytes
- Outcomes
- heal
- tissue necrosis
- Productive TB
Productive Tuberculosis
- Chronic granuloma
- Centre multinucleated giant cells
- Midzone of epitheloid cells
- Periphery- fibroblasts monocytes
- Tubercle
- granuloma becomes fibrous
- caseation necrosis
- calcification
- Antituberculosis drugs
- Isoniazid
- Ethambutol
- Rifampin
- Streptomycin
- Multiple drug resistant strains
- Thus drugs used concomitantly
- Strept + INH; INH + ethambutol; ethamubutol +rifampin etc
Prevention & Control
- Eradicate bovine tuberculosis
- treat asymptomatic converters in children
- Immunization
- BCG - inadequate
- high risk groups nurses, lab techs, vets
The End
Short Answers
- Construct a table of the virulence factors associated with ??? and the biological activity of each
- Describe the clinical manifestations of ???
- Construct a table listing the common ??? species and the associated human diseases.