Functional Anatomy of Microbes


Readings Presentations Multiple Choice Quizzes Key Terms Questions Updated 13/02/01

The further one pursues knowledge the less one knows

Who Am I? I discovered haptens and showed the specificity of antibodies for antigens. I am most famous for the discovery of blood groups


Readings: Functional Anatomy of Microbes
Medical Microbiology

Chap 2 Structure
Brock 9th Ed
Biology of Microorganisms

chapters 3, 13, 14, 17
Microbiology An Introduction

Chap 4:
Functional Anatomy of Microbes
Jacquelyn Black 4th Ed
Principles & Explorations

Chap 4 Characteristics of prokaryotic
and eukaryotic cells
Presentations Slides Web Animation Download
Cell envelope  


Prokaryote Binary Fission Coccu Bacillus Spiral
Diplococci Streptococci Staphylococci Streptobacilli Coccobacilli
Vibrio Spirilla Spirochaetes Lyme Disease monomorphic
pleomorphic capsule Slime layer monotrichious amphitrichous
lophotrichous peritrichous chemotaxis chemoattractant chemorepellant
fimbriae pilin Teichoic acids NAG NAM
Peptidoglycan Murein Periplasmic space Outer Membrane LPS
Lipopolysaccharide Lipid A Porins Pseudomurein Osmotic lysis
plasma membrane phospholipid bilayer intergral proteins mesosomes endospore
isotonic hypertonic hypotoic cytoplasm nucleoid
plasmid Ribosome inclusions magnetosomes sporulation
Germination glycocalyx mitochondria chloroplast lysosomes
endosymbiosis serial symbiosis      



  1. Describe the Structure and function of the glycocalyx
  2. Describe the structure and function of flagella
  3. Describe the structure and function of axial filaments
  4. Describe the structure and function of pili
  5. Diagram the structure of peptidoglycin (murein)
  6. Diagram the structure of the Gram positive cell wall
  7. Diagram the structure of the Gram negative Cell wall
  8. Compare the cell walls of Archaea and Eubacteria
  9. Compare the cell membranes of Archaea and Eubacteria
  10. Diagram the theory of Serial Symbiosis
  11. Explain the principle of "Run and Tumble" as it refers to bacterial motility
  12. Describe the structure of a spirochaetes
  13. Describe how penicillin interferes will cell wall structure and the consequences
  14. Compare the strucuture and function of the outer membrane of the Gram negative bacterium with its cell membrane
  15. Compare and contrast the strucutre of plasma membranes of prokaryotes and eukaryotes
  16. Discuss the functions of the prokaryotic cell membrane
  17. Compare the structure and function of prokarytoic and eukaryotic ribosomes
  18. Describe the endosymbiotic theory
  19. Two types of prokaryotic cells have been discovered archaea and eubacteria. How do these cells differ from each other? How are they similar?
  20. In 1985 a 0.5 mm cell as discovered in surgeon fish and named Epulopiscium fishelsoni. It was presumed to be a protozoan. In 1993 researchers determined that Epulopiscium was actually a Gram positive bacterium. What caused the initial identification of this organism as a protozoan? What evideince would cahange the classificiation to Eubacterium?
  21. The smallest eukaryotic cells is the motile alga Micromonas. List the minimum number of orgalnells that this alga must have.