The Main Menu for this CD consists of an HTML-based index to selected figures from the textbook. When you select a part and then a chapter, you will go to a Web page containing thumbnail images along with brief titles and/or descriptions of the figures. The figures are available in JPEG (.JPG) and PICT (.PCT) format. With the exception of the PICT files, all of the content can be viewed within your Web browser. The PICT files are provided to enable you to incorporate the images into slide presentations created with Adobe Persuasion or Microsoft PowerPoint. Figures from the book are also available in .BMP format for those MS Windows users who would like to modify a file before incorporating it into a presentation, and in .GIF format. The location of the PICT files is provided beneath the thumbnail on the Web pages. The BMP and GIF files are organized in the same way as the PICT files, except that they are located in the "BMP" and "GIF" directories, respectively, instead of the "PICT" directory on the CD-ROM.

Web browser software

It is recommended that you use the most recent version of Web browser software that is available. Below are links for both the Microsoft Internet Explorer and the Netscape Navigator software. The Instructor's Resource CD makes use of JavaScript (distinct from the Java programming language). JavaScript has been an integral part of the Netscape browser for some time; however, only the most recent versions of Internet Explorer (i.e., 3.01 and later) include this capability. While the Instructor's Resource CD will function without this enhanced capability, certain actions, such as opening a display window, will work best if you are using a browser that supports JavaScript.

Netscape Navigator
This link will take you to the Netscape Web site where you can download the browser software appropriate for your computer system.

Microsoft Internet Explorer
This link will take you to the Microsoft Web site where you can download the browser software appropriate for your computer system.

What's contained on this Instructor's Resource CD-ROM

Selected media from the Kuby Immunology textbook are included on this Instructor's Resource CD-ROM, including:

The figures and WebNotes are organized by chapter.

Using the Instructor's Resource CD-ROM

To view a full-size image through your browser, move your cursor over the thumbnail image and click the mouse button. The full-size image will load in a separate window. To close the image, move your cursor into the "close box" at the upper left-hand corner of the image window and click the mouse button.

To locate an image for use in your own presentation, note the file name and file location indicated below the thumbnail image. JPEG, PICT, BMP and GIF versions of each illustration are available. Items in JPEG format have file names ending in .JPG and those in PICT, BMP and GIF format have file names ending in .PCT, .BMP and .GIF respectively. The JPEG images can be found in the CD-ROM directory named "JPEG" whereas the PICT files can be found in the "PICT" directory, the BMP files in the "BMP" directory, and the GIF files in the "GIF" directory. Each directory contains subdirectories for the individual chapters. Within each chapter directory, the file names provide a direct correspondence to the illustrations in the text (e.g., for Chapter 5, file "F05_003.JPG" refers to Figure 5.3 in the textbook).

Selected molecules from the textbook are also available in PDB format. You can view and manipulate these molecules within your browser using the ChemscapeTM ChimeTM plug-in from MDL Information Systems, Inc. (see below) or from within various third-party applications such as WebLab Viewer, from Molecular Simulations, Inc. (MSI), RasMol, by Eric Martz at the University of Massachusetts, ChemDrawTM/ChemDraw 3DTM, from CambridgeSoft Corporation, or MacMolecule2/ PCMolecule2 from Molecular Ventures, Inc.. PDB files have file names ending in ".PDB" and can be found in the "PDB" directory on the CD-ROM. We have included the WebLab Viewer 2.0 application from Molecular Simulations, Inc. Installers for WebLab Viewer can be found in the WLV_PPC directory (for PowerMacintosh systems) and the WLV_W95 directory (Windows '95 systems). Applications for 68k Macintosh and Windows 3.x machines were not available when this CD was produced. However, you can visit the Molecular Simulations Homepage ( for information on availability of the Viewer application for these platforms. Further information can also be found in the ReadMe (Mac, PC) files on the CD-ROM.


The PDB files require a special plug-in for your browser in order to display properly.

MDL Information Systems, Inc. Chemscape ChimeTM
The ChimeTM plug-in for Netscape Navigator is required for displaying the PDB files within your Web browser application. MDL recommends using Netscape Navigator 3.01 or greater. Note that Microsoft's Internet Explorer (under Windows 95 and NT) can use the Chemscape Chime plug-in and can render the molecular structures. However, Internet Explorer (under Windows 95 and NT) will not support any Chime scripting. Installers for the ChimeTM plug-in can be found the INSTALL (PC) or INSTALLERS (Macintosh) directory on the CD. Windows 3.1 users should install the 16-bit version of the ChimeTM plug-in (CHI10W16.EXE); Windows '95/NT users should install the 32-bit version (CHI10W32.EXE). The latest versions can also be obtained from the MDL Website. MDL maintains a Chime FAQ if you would like to review some Frequently Asked Questions regarding the Chemscape ChimeTM plug-in.

ChimeTM Instructions

Following are brief instructions on how to manipulate the molecules (PDB format) using the Chemscape ChimeTM plug-in (Macintosh indicated by "MAC"; PC indicated by "PC"):

To open the options menu:
(MAC) - Click and hold down the mouse button without moving the mouse when the pointer is over the image.
(PC) - Click and hold down the right mouse button without moving the mouse when the pointer is over the image.

Options allow the user to:

To rotate X- (vertical) or Y-axis (horizontal):
(MAC) - Click and hold down the mouse button while moving the cursor over the image.
(PC) - Click and hold down the left mouse button while moving the cursor over the image.

Note: Movements left-to-right are along the Y-axis; movements up-and-down are along the X-axis.

To rotate Z-axis (orthogonal):
(MAC) - Click and hold the "shift" key, the "command" key and the mouse button down while moving the cursor over the image.
(PC) - Click and hold the "shift" key and the right mouse button down while moving the cursor over the image.

Note: Movements right-to-left are along the Z-axis.

To translate X- or Y-axis (lateral or vertical):
(MAC) - Click and hold the "command" key and the mouse button down while moving the cursor over the image.
(PC) - Click and hold the "control" key and the right mouse button down while moving the cursor over the image.

To zoom or unzoom:
(MAC) - Click and hold the "shift" key and the mouse button down while moving the cursor over the image.
(PC) - Click and hold the "shift" key and the left mouse button down while moving the cursor over the image.

Note: Movements up and down zoom and unzoom, respectively.

Further information about the Chemscape ChimeTM plug-in can be found on the Web pages of Eric Martz, University of Massachusetts, Amherst: "ChimeTM Resources" or "ChimeTM: How To Use It"


Kuby, Immunology, 3rd Edition, 1997
W. H. Freeman & Co. and Sumanas, Inc.