Topic 8   Major Histocompatibility Complex


A patch of tissue taken from one individual and transplanted to another is destroyed by the recipient’s immune system because the cells in the donor tissue express molecules on their surface that are different from those expressed by the recipient.  These molecules act as antigens, and thus determine whether the tissue will be immunologically compatible with the recipient - they act as Histocompatibility antigens, encoded in Histocompatibility genes.  Although destruction of transplanted tissue is not the physiological function of the MHC (Major Histocompatibility Complex) molecules, their true function does have something to do with tissue compatibility, so the name is not so far off the mark after all.  What then is the physiological function of MHC molecules?  This section will answer this question.  We will  focus on the structure as well as the function of Major Histocompatibility Complex genes and their products, which play a central role in the genetic control of the immune response.


On completion of this section and the required reading found in the textbook key, you should be able to:

n  explain the connection between a trait and a gene using the specific example that MHC genes encode for molecules that allow specific immune responses;

n  describe the use of inbred mice for the elucidation of the genetics of the immune response;

n  describe how congenic strains of mice are developed;

n  describe and draw MHC-I molecules;

n  describe the function of MHC-I molecules;

n  describe and Draw MHC-II molecules;

n  compare the detailed differences in the structure of the aggreotope binding sites of MHC-I and MHC-II;

n  describe the function of class III genes and in which cells they are expressed.

n  describe MHC restriction;

n  discuss the differences between MHC restriction of CD4+ T cells and MHC restriction of CD8+ T cells;

n  draw maps of either the MHC gene complex in mice or HLA gene complex in humans;

n  describe how the collection of MHC genes of an individual dictates either the ability or inability of the animal to respond to a particular antigen;

n  describe an experiment that shows MHC restriction: between T and B cells, between T cells and macrophages between cytotoxic T cells and virally infected cells;

n  discuss the biological relevance of MHC molecules;

MHC molecules exhibit a range of structural diversity at the species level that is roughly equivalent to the range of antibody diversity at the level of the individual animal. Discuss this statement.

Required Reading

Please refer to the textbook key for specific readings for this section.


P Key Words

•    alleles

•    alloantigens.

•    bone marrow chimeras

•    Class I molecules

•    Class I regions

•    Class II molecules

•    Class II regions

•    Class III molecules

•    Class III regions

•    Determinant selection model

•    H-2 complex

•    D region

•    I region

•    K region

•    L region

•    S region

•    locus

•    Immune response genes

•    congenic mice

•    Human Leukocyte Antigens

•    Major Histocompatibility complex

•    MHC restriction

•    negative thymic selection

•    positive thymic selection

•    public specificities

•    private specificities region

•    Specificities

•    superantigens

P Key Concepts

n  Foreign antigens must be specially processed before they can be presented to the antigen-sensitive cells of the immune system.

n  Antigen fragments generated inside these cells are bound to specialized receptors  called MHC molecules in the cell cytoplasm and then transported to the surface of antigen-presenting cells.

n  Two major categories of cell surface transmembrane molecules are encoded by the MHC: class I molecules consist of a single polypeptide chain associated with a  2-microglobulin molecule on the surface of nearly all nucleated cells; class II molecules consist of two polypeptide chains and have a more limited cellular distribution.

n  T-cell receptors on CH4+ helper T cells recognize and respond to foreign antigens only when bound to an MHC class II molecule on the surface of the antigen-presenting cell.

n  CD8+ cytotoxic T cells have receptors that recognize foreign antigen only in association with MHC I molecule.


When we look at the evolutionary history of the immune system it seems that it has always served the sole purpose of defense against infection.  No other external factor shaped it.  The second major feature of the immune system is that it appears to have evolved through a process of elaboration.  It has achieved its protective power by incorporating a variety of defenses that existed in the invertebrates.  Having evolved in the presence of these older, nonadaptive defenses, the immune system incorporates some of their elements for its own purposes.  As the immune system grew in importance and complexity, it underwent a series of internal reorganizations, which involved compromises or trade-offs of one kind or another.   The fact that the metabolic resources of an organism are not unlimited makes such economic choices necessary.  Investment in effector system, the cutting edge where killer cells and antibodies wallop bacteria and viruses, must be balanced by an investment in regulatory systems necessary for keeping the entire enterprise under control.

Where nature fails to provide evidence to support the inquiry into evolution, immunologists have borrowed a tool from economists; computer modeling.  France Celada of Hospital for Joint Diseases in New York City and Philip E. Seiden of the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center have formulated a cellular automaton for closely modeling the cellular events that take place within the immune system.  Sets of simulated T cells, B cells and antigen - presenting cells appropriately endowed with receptors and MHC molecules are shaken up with antigen and then allowed to undergo a series of interactions.  The automaton responds well to antigenic stimulation, mounting recognizable primary and secondary responses. 

More interesting results come when it is asked deeper questions - for example, how many MHC types per individual are optimal?  The program answers this question by balancing the advantage of being able to present more and more peptide against the disadvantage of deleting more and more of the T cell repertoire.  Recall that in addition to presenting antigen, the MHC molecule identifies tissue as self.   So an increase in the number of MHC molecules means an increase in the number of self-antigens.  A corresponding number of T cells must be therefore deleted if autoimmunity is to be avoided.  Furthermore, loss of MHC types ultimately reduces the flexibility of response to invading organisms. 

After a few runs, the model comes up with a number of MHC types between four and eight, which agrees remarkably well with what has been observed.  Although not the first mathematical model of the immune system, this is by far the most user-friendly toll available for exploring these evolutionary issues.  Its real test will come when it attempts to answer questions to which the solutions are not known.

A related problem is why the antigen - presenting groove in MHC molecules accommodates a sequence of just nine amino acids.  The hard-nosed biochemist might argue that this size is an accident of the geometry of the MHC molecule.  The soft-nosed evolutionary biologist would wonder whether that explanation alone is sufficient.  Instead he or she might argue that the length of the grove may reflect a balance of selective pressure between two opposing needs: on the other hand, to conserve as much of the T cell repertoire as possible, and, on the other, to prevent parasites from building proteins invisible to the T cell system.  For example, if a groove accommodated only six amino acids, nearly all possible hexapeptides might be present in self-proteins, with the result that nearly all T cells would be deleted.  But if a grove accommodated 14 amino acids, parasites could evolve so as to avoid using bindable peptides in their proteins.

Review Questions

1. Textbook Study Questions

Review questions at the end of the Chapter 9.  The answers with explanations are available at the end of the textbook.

2.  Multiple Choice Questions

1.  CD8 is a receptor for

A) antigen

B)  MHC class II molecules

C)  antibody


E)  MHC class I molecules

2.  The term “MHC restriction” refers to the

A) inheritance of MHC antigens

B)  need for antigen to be recognized in association with MHC molecules

C)  need for MHC genes to control complement activity

D) problems associated with allograft rejection

E)  need for MHC molecules in order to reject grafts

3.  Exogenous antigen processing mainly occurs within

A) T lymphocytes

B)  neutrophils

C)  plasma cells

D) macrophages

E)  none of the above

4.  Class I MHC molecules are found on

A) B cells and macrophages

B)  erythrocytes, B cells, and T cells

C)  T cells only

D) all nucleated cells

E)  neutrophils, T cells, and B cells



5.  Class II MHC molecules contain

A) one gamma chain and one light chain

B)  one alpha chain and one Beta chain

C)  two light and two heavy chains

D) one epsilon chain

E)  B2-microglobulin

3. Definitions/Short Answer Questions

1.  Null cells are not MHC restricted. Explain.

2.  Even though the immune system rejects transplanted kidneys and hearts its function is not to protect us against graft.   Why do we need Histocompatibility antigens?

3.  If we do not need protection against attack from foreign organs and tissues, why are MHC-I molecules so polymorphic?

4.  Why are inbred/congenic mice important to immunological studies?

5.  Draw and label a diagram of a class I MHC molecule as it is found in the membrane.

6.  Draw and label a diagram of a class II MHC molecule as it is found in the membrane.

7.  What is the connection between immunity and MHC genes.?

8.  How is the polymorphism or diversity of MHC, different from the generation of diversity in antibodies?

9.  How do MHC-II molecules allow immune cells to communicate with each other? Why is this communication important?

10. Class III MHC molecules are not cell membrane proteins. What are they and what do they do?

11. T-cells do not recognize free antigen, as antibody receptors do. Speculate why.

12. Briefly discuss MHC restriction.

13. Why do T cells have such an elaborate way of reacting with antigen?

14. Describe T cell differentiation in the thymus using CD4 and CD8 markers. T cells can react only with protein fragments. What is this process called? How does it occur? Which pathway leads to antigen interaction with MHC-I molecules? Which pathway leads to interaction with MHC-II molecules?

Where to Go from Here

Once you have completed the review, take some time and complete the objectives. If you are having trouble with any of the concepts, contact your instructor.

Remember to regularly check your Instructor Assignment Information for assignments and due dates for completing them.

When you are confident that you can complete the objectives, proceed to the next topic.