Topic 21 Transplantation Immunology


The immune response has evolved as a way of discriminating between “self” and “non-self."  Once “foreignness” has been established, the immune response precedes toward its ultimate goal of destroying the foreign material, be it a microorganism or its product, a substance present in the environment, a drug, or a tumor cell.  The triggering of the immune system in response to such foreign substance is, of course, of great survival value.  In this section we discuss the process of rejection of foreign organ grafts. This is, of course, a cell mediated immune response, although antibodies also play a role in rejection.  The transplantation of cells or organs from one individual to another for therapeutic purposes has become commonplace.  For example, transfusions of blood are routine, and over 10,000 kidneys are transplanted per year worldwide with a high degree of success.  More spectacular, and frequently widely publicized, transplantations of the heart, lungs, and liver are becoming more common.  If the operation nonetheless fails, it is not because the surgeon lacks the necessary skill, but because of a immunological attack of the body against the transplant.  Since individuals of the same species differ in their genetic constitution and therefore differ also in the proteins and other constituents of their bodies, a graft presents a set of foreign proteins to the recipient, which the recipient’s immune system recognizes as antigens.  The immune system mounts a response against them.  In this section we will also, learn why grafts are rejected, and what are the mechanisms are involved.  Bone marrow grafts give rise to a condition called graft-versus-host disease, which is also discussed.  Finally we will look at the clinical aspects of transplantation.


On completion of this section and the required reading, you should be able to:

n  show that the cell mediated response to transplants is the same as the immune response to any other foreign antigen;

n  describe four types of grafts;

n  distinguish among the first set rejection, the second set rejection and chronic rejection;

n  differentiate between a host versus graft reaction and graft versus host reaction;

n  compare the contribution of Class I and Class II MHC to graft rejection;

n  comment on which T cells are responsible for graft rejection;

n  describe serologic tissue typing;

n  describe the mixed lymphocyte reactions and why you would want to use the MLR in tissue typing;

n  rank the success rate for transplants of different tissues and organs.

Required Reading

Please refer to the Textbook Key for the appropriate reading for this section.


P Key Words




    chronic rejection

    Class I MHC

    Class II MHC

    first set rejection



    Graft vs host reaction

    mixed lymphocyte reaction

    privileged sites

    privileged tissues

    second set rejection




    transplantation immunity


P Key Concepts

n  Transplantation rejection is immunologically mediated

n  Foreign organ grafts are rapidly rejected by untreated recipients as a result of the recognition of MHC class I and class II molecules on the graft by T cells

n  Both T cells, and circulation antibodies are induced against allografts or xenografts.  While antibodies are responsible for rejection of erythrocytes, T cells are mainly responsible for the rejection of most other tissue.

n  The degree of histocompatibility between donor and recipient can be determined serologically or by mixed lymphocyte reaction.

n  Drugs that inhibit the immune responses such as cyclosporine permit prolonged allograft survival and have made transplantation of kidneys, heart, skin, and liver practical and effective procedures.

n  During pregnancy, the fetus protects itself against maternal immune responses by means of local immunosuppresive mechanisms active in placenta and uterus.


Grafts that are not rejected -Privileged Sites

Certain areas of the body, such as the anterior chamber of the eye, the cornea, and the brain, lack effective lymphatic drainage.  Although antigen derived from grafts made in these sites may reach lymphoid tissues, cytotoxic effector cells cannot reach the graft, and these grafts survive relatively well.  For this reason, corneal allografting is a successful procedure.


Allogeneic sperm, of course, can successfully and repeatedly penetrate the female reproductive tract without usually provoking a significant immune response.  Seminal plasma is immunosuppresive, and sperm exposed to this fluid are nonimmunogenic, even after washing.  Prostatic fluid, one of the immunosuppresive components of seminal plasma, also inhibits complement.


Because the fetus possesses antigens derived from its father, it is an allograft within the mother.  Nevertheless, the fetus is consistently successful in establishing and maintaining itself through pregnancy, in spite of great histocompatibility difference.  The uterus is not a privileged site, since grafts of other tissues, such as skin, made in the uterine wall are readily rejected.  Under some circumstances, the mother makes antibodies against fetal blood group antigens, and these can destroy fetal red blood cells either in utero, as in humans, or following ingestion of colostrum, as occurs in other mammals.

The immunological destruction of the fetus is prevented by the combined activities of several immunosuppressive mechanisms.  First MHC molecules are not expressed on preimplantation embryos or oocytes.  Once the placenta forms, the fetus is protected from the mother’s immune system by the trophoblasts (that part of the placenta in closest contact with maternal tissue).  Cells within the trophoblasts do express MHC class I molecules, but these are not the highly polymorphic class Ia molecules.  Instead the cells make HLA-G, nonpolymorphic class Ib molecule.  This molecule, found only in the trophoblasts, fails to trigger a T cell response and protects cells against NK cell mediated lysis.  As might be expected, trophoblsts cells do not express MHC class II molecules.  Another major cell-membrane structure found on trophoblasts cells is CD46, also known as membrane cofactor protein.  This molecule inhibits complement activation and so prevent complement-mediated cell lysis.  In addition CD55 (decay accelerating factor) is incorporated in the trophoblasts at the fetomaternal interface and so protects it against complement attack.  Cytokines such as IFN- , which usually enhance MHC expression, have no effect on trophoblasts cells.  Nevertheless, in some mouse strains, up to 95% of pregnant animals make antibodies against the fetal MHC.  In other strains none of the mothers makes these antibodies.  These antibodies develop only at the end of a second pregnancy and are not cytotoxic.  Up to 40% of women make antibodies to fetal MHC molecules after giving birth.  Notwithstanding this, the presence of these antibodies has no apparent effect on the course of the pregnancy.

Second, the fetus is a source of locally active immunosuppressive factors, including the hormones estradiol and progesterone and possibly also chorionic gonadotropin.  The major protein in fetal serum,  -fetoprotein, may be immuno- suppressive because of its ability to stimulate suppressor cell function.  Some pregnancy-associated glycoproteins and a trophoblasts-derived interferon (IFN- ) have immunosuppressive properties.  Amniotic fluid is rich in immunosuppressive phospholipids.

Third, blocking antibodies may be produced in response to fetal antigens.  These coat placental cells, masking antigens and thus presenting their destruction by maternal T cells.  These antibodies can be eluted from the placenta and shown to suppress other cell-mediated immune reactions against paternal antigens, such as graft rejection.  Absence of this blocking antibody accounts for some cases of recurrent abortion in women.  Nevertheless, it can be shown that totally immunodeficient mice can have successful pregnancies.

It must not be assumed from the foregoing list of immunosuppressive factors that the pregnant female is grossly immunosuppressed.  In fact, the immunosupression generated by the fetus is very local in nature.  Pregnant animals have only minor deficiencies in cell-mediated immune reactivity to nonfetal antigens, showing for example, a slight delay in the rejection of skin grafts or transient unreactivity to the tuberculin skin test.  NK cell activity is also suppressed during pregnancy.  Nevertheless a local immune response to fetal antigens stimulates placental function.  Thus hybrid placentas are larger than placentas of inbred animals, and females tolerant to paternal antigens have smaller placentas than intolerant females.  Other studies show that mothers sensitized to paternal MHC molecules have better fetal survival.  This effect is due to the stimulatory effect of maternal IL-3 and GM-CSF on trophoblasts growth.               

I. R.Tizard.  Immunology an Introduction.  4th edition.  Sanders College Publishing, Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 1995

Review Questions

1. Textbook Study Questions

Review questions at the end of the Chapter 23.  The answers with explanations are available at the end of the textbook.

2.  Multiple Choice Questions

1.  Transplanted cells are mainly destroyed by

A) B cells

B)  macrophages

C)  neutrophils

D) T cells

E)  eosinophils

2.  The fetus can be considered a(n)

A) allograft

B)  xenograft

C)  heterograft

D) isograft

E)  antigraft

3.  The most common serologic test used for the detection of HLA antigens on lymphocytes is

A) the complement fixation test

B)  double gel diffusion

C)  complement-dependent cytotoxicity test

D) mixed lymphocyte reaction

E)  radioimmunoassay

4.  The MHC complex contains the following except:

A) genes that encode transplantation antigens

B)  genes that encode immunoglobulins

C)  genes that regulate immune responsiveness

D) genes that encode some components of complement

E)  genes that encode class I and class II antigens

5.  The major targets of cytotoxic T cells within kidney allograft are

A) neutrophils

B)  macrophages

C)  vascular endothelial cells

D) glamerular cells

E)  proximal tube cells

3. Definitions/Short Answer Questions

1.  What is the difference between autograft and syngraft? Give examples of both.

2.  How do we know that the immune system is involved in allograft rejection?

3.  Are antibodies or T cells the main mediators of rejection?

4.  Compare and contrast the first set rejection and the second set rejection.

5.  What does the second set rejection suggest about the similarity of transplantation antigens?

6.  What conditions could lead to a graft vs host response (GvHR)?

7.  Even though class II antigens are found mainly on immune cells, they can still contribute to graft rejection. How?

8.  What may be the biologic significance of alloreactivity?

9.  Describe serologic tissue typing.

10. Describe the MLR (mixed lymphocyte reaction). Why is this test done in addition to serologic tissue typing?

11. Differentiate between privileged sites and privileged tissues.

Where to Go from Here

Once you have completed the review, take some time and complete the objectives. If you are having trouble with any of the concepts, contact your instructor. Also, refer to your Instructor and Assignment Information for assignments and due dates.

When you are confident that you can complete the objectives, proceed to the next topic.