Topic 20  The Immune System in AIDS


An immune deficiency disease that has become the focus of much global concern is acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).

Beginning in 1979, physicians began to notice a remarkable increase in case of two unusual conditions among active male homosexuals.  These conditions were a rare tumour known as Kaposi’s sarcoma and a severe pneumonia caused by a parasite called Pneumocystis carinii.  Affected individuals were found to be profoundly immunosuppressed as a result of an almost total loss of their T cells.  Since then the spread of AIDS has been dramatic, and reached epidemic proportions in some parts of the world.  It is interesting to note that from the discovery of AIDS in the early 1980s until today, the scientific progress made in understanding the cause and the epidemiology of the disease was so rapid that it has no parallel with other infectious diseases.  This explosion of information about AIDS has expanded our understanding of the immune system to such an extent that this entire lesson is devoted to AIDS, the immunodeficiencies associated with it, and efforts to develop an AIDS vaccine. 


On completion of this section and the required reading, you should be able to:

n  draw and label a cross sectional diagram of an HIV virion;

n  draw and label a diagram of the genome of HIV-1;

n  discuss the factors that contribute to the genetic variation of HIV;

n  construct a table of the cell types that can be infected by HIV;

n  draw and label a diagram that shows the steps in the infection of a target cell by HIV;

n  draw and label a diagram that shows activation of an HIV provirus;

n  discuss the origins of HIV-1, HIV-2 and HIV-0;

n  draw a diagram to show the early and late stages in the expression of HIV-1 proviral DNA;

n  label a diagram of HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins;

n  describe the screening tests for HIV infection;

n  describe the clinical symptoms of AIDS;

n  describe the various mechanisms for the depletion of CD4+ cells in AIDS patients;

n  construct a table summarizing the immunologic abnormalities associated with HIV infection.

Required Reading

Please refer to the Textbook Key for the required reading for this section.


P Key Words

    opportunistic infections

    Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome(AIDS)

    Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)





    transforming retroviruses 

    cytopathic retroviruses

    simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)

P Key Concepts

n  AIDS is a disease syndrome caused by infection with human immune deficiency virus (HIV).

n  HIV is an enveloped retrovirus containing ssRNA that is the causative agent for AIDS. 

n  HIV infects cells bearing CD4 on their surface.  It thus infects and destroys helper T cells, although other cells of immunological importance are also affected in AIDS patients.

n  The clinical signs of AIDS are almost entirely due to secondary infections developing as a result of a loss of CD4+ cells.

n  Currently, several approaches are being tried in the extensive effort to develop an effective AIDS vaccine, however the development of an effective AIDS vaccine has been hampered by the extensive antigenic variation exhibited by HIV, its ability to exist as a provirus in host cells, and the lack of a good animal model for AIDS.


What is antiretroviral therapy?

Antiretroviral therapy is a name for a treatment with drugs that help prevent HIV, the retrovirus that causes AIDS, from reproducing and infecting cells in the body. This type of treatment is effective in slowing the progression of the HIV disease in many people.

What drugs are available?
There are three general types of antiretroviral drugs that are currently available by prescription or through pharmaceutical companies or clinical trials.

Antiretroviral drug categories include:

  Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs)  This group, which has been studied the most, includes zidovudine (AZT, ZDV, Retrovir); didanosine (ddI, Videx); zalcitabine (ddC, HIVID); stavudine (d4T, Zerit); and lamivudine (3TC, Epivir). These drugs act by blocking a step in the reproduction of HIV called reverse transcription. This step is necessary for HIV to be prepared for incorporation into the genetic material of cells. All of these agents are available by prescription. In addition, the experimental drugs, 1592U89 and adefovir, are available through expanded access programs and clinical trials.

  Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs). This group includes nevirapine (Viramune) and delavirdine (Rescriptor), both of which are available by prescription. An experimental drug, DMP-266, is available through an expanded access program and clinical trials. Non-nucleoside agents also block HIV reverse transcription, but they do so in a different way than nucleoside drugs.

  Protease inhibitors (PIs)  This group includes saquinavir (Invirase, Fortovase), ritonavir (Norvir), indinavir (Crixivan), and nelfinavir (Viracept).  These drugs target a different enzyme of the virus — protease — which is essential for HIV to assemble working copies of itself.  Protease inhibitors are the most active group of anti-HIV drugs discovered to date.

  The fourth group of drug is now under study; the Ribonucleotide Reductase Inhibitor.  This class targets an enzyme which the virus needs and which is made by blood cells.  So far, the only available drug which works this way is hydroxyurea, which was approved years ago to treat certain cancers. But at least one more drug like this is under development.

Antiretroviral Therapy Update 1998

The introduction of highly active antiretroviral therapy has been associated with a change in the epidemiology of HIV-associated diseases. Certain opportunistic diseases, such as cytomegalovirus and Mycobacterium avium complex, have virtually disappeared. Others such as Kaposi’s sarcoma often respond to HIV therapy. At the same time, the incidence of community-acquired pneumonia and NHL have remained almost unchanged while there are early reports of an increased incidence of HPV conditions. Clinicians who treat HIV disease must be prepared for this changing clinical picture. In addition, a number of key issues are yet to be resolved:

  The degree and quality of immune repair following antiretroviral therapy. The vast majority patients who are treated aggressively achieve a significant rise in CD4 (or CD4+) cells.  This is also seen even in patients in whom complete viral suppression is not achieved. Moreover, CD4 counts often remain stable for eighteen months or more after plasma HIV-RNA becomes detectable in patients who were initially fully suppressed. This paradoxical finding becomes relevant as clinicians consider treatment changes, not wanting to abandon a regimen prematurely.

  The mechanisms of HIV pathogenesis – how does HIV kill cells?

  HIV reservoirs and eradication.  David Ho and others have presented disturbing news that certain cells are longer-lived than  we once thought, dashing hopes for viral eradication – certainly for the near term and potentially for the long term as well.

  Early events in HIV infection.  There has been an increasing interest in HIV receptors over the past year. We know that  HIV infection requires an interaction between HIV gp120 and CD4 which complexes with the cell surface sugars and is presented to the chemokine receptor (CCR5). Once this occurs, an uncoiling of gp41 inserts a portion of the molecule into the cell membrane, triggering fusion. 

Given the imperfect state of current knowledge, a number of controversies in HIV treatment have evolved:  When should antiretroviral treatment be initiated?   What should be included in the initial regimen?  What constitutes success? Should we utilize the ultra sensitive RNA assays? When should resistance assays be used?   How do we access adherence? What interventions are useful?  What combinations of drugs will allow the best hope for sustained control of HIV replication?

The ideal time to treat HIV is before irreparable damage to the immune system has occurred at a clinically significant level and before there is any significant risk for serious complications. Hampering our efforts is our inability to determine this exact point in time. In addition, the intervention should occur before HIV has evolved to a more virulent form and before disease progression compromises the therapeutic response. Most significantly, therapy cannot be initiated until the patient is ready and is fully committed to the regimen.  The established regimen to accomplish viral suppression for the longest proven duration includes one protease inhibitor (PI) and two nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (RTIs). A more aggressive approach could include the use of two protease inhibitors and may be appropriate in some settings. Another approach utilizes two RTIs and one non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI), targeting the same point in the viral life cycle. Other options, which have fewer data to support them, include the use of hydroxyurea with any of the previously mentioned regimens, one NNRTI with one PI, or three NRTIs.

Although the benefits of antiretroviral therapy are well known, clinicians must remain cognizant of potential hazards. Inappropriate use may lead to the selection of drug-resistant variants and treatment failure. In addition, reports from the World AIDS Conference held in June 1998 in Geneva, Switzerland confirm cases of transmission of a multi-drug resistant virus. Toxicities, such as lipodystrophies, have been reported in association with protease inhibitor use, but may simply be a result of factors not yet identified.

Recently, there has been an increased interest in the role of NNRTIs in initial therapy. Three drugs of this class are now approved for marketing in the United States: nevirapine, delavirdine, and efavirenz. Although all have demonstrated high potency in vitro, in vivo comparative data are lacking. Because resistance may occur with a single point mutation, high level resistance can develop quite rapidly, with resulting cross-resistance among the three.  The term “treatment failure” is used frequently in discussing a patient’s response to treatment but has a number of potential meanings: Plasma viral load above the limit of assay detection; viral load becomes detectable after initial response; CD4 cell count falls or fails to rise; resistance tests show sentinel mutations in a patient with a stable viral load or patient experiences toxicity or clinical progression.

Each definition is valid, and clinicians must be very careful to use them in the appropriate context, since any change may or may not improve the outcome. In order to develop strategies to deal with failure, what is meant by failure must be clearly understood.

More sensitive viral load assays are becoming available with limits of detection of 20-200 copies/mL. These may be particularly useful in monitoring the effects of aggressive antiretroviral therapy. In addition, there is mounting evidence that a high level of viral suppression is necessary to limit the evolution of drug-resistant variants and thus prolong the duration of response. At the same time, new management issues accompany the use of these assays. A greater length of time is required to reach undetectable levels when these assays are employed and questions arise when there is the occasional detection of the virus. Finally, since approximately 80 percent of patients who achieve viral suppression to <<500 copies/mL also achieve suppression to <<50 copies/mL, one must determine what clinical situations warrant the use of the ultrasensitive assay.

Given the association between adherence and treatment success, there has been increasing interest in simplifying treatment regimens. A number of antiretroviral agents may be dosed on a twice daily basis: ZDV, 3TC, d4T, nevirapine, efavirenz, and ritonavir. Preliminary data on the use of nelfinavir and saquinavir soft gel capsules in bid regimens are quite promising. Regrettably, Merck & Co recently announced that it had discontinued the evaluation of twice-daily dosing regimens of indinavir, in combination with nucleoside analogues, because of poor long-term results.

Paul Volberding, M.D.
Professor of Medicine, University of California San Francisco
Director, AIDS Program, San Francisco General Hospital
San Francisco, California

Review Questions

1. Textbook Study Questions

Review questions at the end of the Chapter 22.  The answers with explanations are available at the end of the textbook.

2.  Multiple Choice Questions

1.  A healthy woman gave birth to a baby.  The newborn infant was found to be seropositive, with serum IgG to the HIV-1 virus.  This finding is most likely the result of

A) the virus being transferred across the placenta to the baby

B)  the baby making anti-virus antibodies

C)  the baby’s erythrocyte antigens cross-reacting with the virus

D) the mother’s erythrocyte antigens cross-reacting with the virus

E)  none of the above

2.  A CD8:CD4 ratio of less than 1 means that an individual

A) is normal

B)  is immunosuppressed

C)  has activated macrophages

D) has enhanced immunity

E)  has AIDS

3.  Which of the following species can contract a lentivirus infection that causes an immunodeficiency similar to that seen in AIDS.

A) dog

B)  cat

C)  horse

D) rabbit

E)  mouse

4.  Which component of the HIV envelope is responsible for binding to T cells?

A) CD4

B)  CD8

C)  gp120

D) p24

E)  p17


5.  Which tumour is commonly observed in AIDS patients?

A) melanoma

B)  Kaposi’s sarcoma

C)  lymphosarcoma

D) carcinoma

E)  Burkitt’s lymphoma.

3. Definitions/short Answer Questions

1.  List the reasons why an effective vaccine has not been developed against AIDS.  Which are the most significant?

2.  What immunological test would you use to determine whether a patient has AIDS?  Does this test detect antibody or antigen?  Which test is preferable? One for antibody or one for antigen?

3.  List the major clinical features of AIDS.  How can they be distinguished from other immunodeficiency diseases?

4.  HIV can cause destruction of both infected and uninfected CD4+ cells.  Explain.

5.  Describe immunologic abnormalities characteristic to AIDS.

6.  What are the current drugs given to AIDS patients, and what is the mechanism of their action?  Why does the “cocktail” approach seem to so effective?