Credits and Editorial Council

If you’re eager to hand in an essay that gets you an A, you should do plenty of research. However, do note that reading a range of articles on the web about your topic doesn’t account for extensive research. Concurrently, you are expected to understand the sources you have read. Only this way will the result be according to your teacher’s guidelines with write my paper for me. Term paper Annotated bibliography Research proposal Personal speech Case study report Presentation Dissertation Thesis proposal Article.

ÉditeurSteven Palmer

Concepteur – Gerry Porter

Comité éditorial

Claudia Agostoni - Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas, UNAM, México
Diego ArmusHistory, Swarthmore College, USA
María Carranza Maxera - Inst. Costarricense de Investigación y Enseñanza en Nutrición y Salud, Costa Rica
Juanita De BarrosHistory, McMaster University, Canada
Marcos Cueto - Facultad de Salud Pública y Administración, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Perú
Paulo DrinotHistory, University of Manchester, England
Gilberto HochmanFundaçao Oswaldo Cruz, Brasil
Adrián López Denis - History, Brown University, USA
Laurence MonnaisDépartement d’histoire – Centre d’Etudes de l’Asie de l’Est, Universit de Montréal, Canada
Darwin Stapleton – Emeritus, Rockefeller University, USA
Alexandra SternCenter for the History of Medicine, University of Michigan, USA
Nísia Trindade Lima - Fundaçao Oswaldo Cruz, Brasil
George Weisz - Social Studies of Medicine, McGill University, Canada
David WrightHistory of Medicine, McMaster University, Canada

Comité de soutien

Peter Way, Head – Department of History, University of WindsorSean Moriarty, IT Services, University ofWindsorCatherine Legrand, Head – Department of History, McGill University – Barb Raeburn, Office of Institutional Analysis, University of WindsorSteven Palmer, Department of History, University of Windsor

Les cultures de la santé ont été généreusement financées par la Fondation canadienne pour l’Innovation et par le Fonds pour la recherche en Ontario, deux sources publiques importantes de soutien à la recherche. Le projet a également reçu l’appui financier de l’Université de Windsor et de son département d’histoire ainsi que du programme de chaires de recherche du Canada.


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