VIEW - Fall 2011 - page 5

Why wasWindsor-Essex
rated among the world’s Top 7
most intelligent communities?
he Intelligent Community Forum is an
independent international organization
that rates communities for their use of
Information Technology (I.T.) to grow
within the new Global Knowledge Economy.
That organization recently rated Windsor-Essex
among the world’s Top 7 places and shortlisted
us for recognition as #1 worldwide.
It’s not just because of our world-class fibreoptic
networks and the connectivity this makes available
to every facet of the community. It’s not just the
depth of knowledge among our area’s businesses that
effortlessly interact every day with clients, suppliers
and affiliate organizations all over the globe.
The ICF also recognized the amazing pace of recovery
that is helping our area emerge as a new and dynamic
force in market sectors far beyond our traditional
economic roots.
Yes, we have brainpower and I.T. that place us among
the world’s most impressive communities. But we
also have something else, something that is equally
important: a community spirit and a relentless drive to
be the best, regardless of the challenges we face. Like
most communities, we don’t always recognize our own
strengths. But thanks to the ICF, the rest of the world
now does.
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